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一位作者:戴芳澜(1979)或 (戴芳澜 1979);

两位作者:庄剑云和魏淑霞(1994)、(Arthur & Cummins 1936)、(庄剑云和魏淑霞 1994);

三位作者(含)以上:戴玉成等(2007)、(戴玉成等 2007)、(Smith et al. 1981)。




1. [期刊] 作者,年份. 文题名. 刊名,卷号(期号): 起止页码(英文刊名需写全称并正体,每词首字母大写)

例:Batra LR, Korf RP, 1959. The species of Ciborinia pathogenic to herbaceous angiosperms. American Journal fo Botany, 46: 441-450

2. [专著] 作者,年份. 书名. 版本(第一版可省略). 出版地: 出版者. 页数

例:戴芳澜,1979. 中国真菌总汇. 北京: 科学出版社. 1-1527

3. [论文集] 文题只第一个词首字母大写。

例:Abell BC, Tagg RC, 1954. Enzyme catalyzed cellular transaminations. In: Round AF (ed.) Advances in enzymology. Vol 2. Academic Press, New York. 125-147

4. [博士论文]

黄乾明,2006. 漆酶高产菌株的诱变选育及其酶的分离纯化、性质和基因克隆研究. 四川农业大学博士论文. 8-10

Huang QM, 2006. Screening of inductive-mutant strain with high yied of laccase, and the purification, characterization and gene cloning of the enzyme from the mutant. PhD Dissertation, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya‘an. 8-10 (in Chinese)

5. [硕士论文]

朱海潇,2008. 食用菌产漆酶能力的比较及漆酶性能的研究. 福建农林大学硕士论文,福州. 23

Zhu HX, 2008. The comparison for the capacity of laccase production in various types of edible fungi and the characterization of laccase. Master Thesis, Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, Fuzhou. 23 (in Chinese)

6. [专利]

柴一秋,韦忠民,陈祝安, 厉晓腊,刘又高,王根锷,2005. 蝉拟青霉新菌株的人工培养及其镇痛化合物的提取与利用:ChinaCN1614003A2012-03-04

Chai YQ, Wei ZM, Chen ZA, Li XL, Liu YG, Wang GE, 2005. Culture of Chansi mould strains and extraction and use of anagentic compound therefrom: China, CN1614003A. 2012-03-04 (in Chinese)

发布日期:2018-12-06    浏览: 12596