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菌物学报, 2019, 38(2): 151-158 doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.180271



李航1,2,3, 方文捷2, 熊林4, 张齐龙,3,*, 潘炜华2, 廖万清,2,*

①南昌大学医学部 江西 南昌 330006

②上海市医学真菌分子生物学重点实验室 上海 200003

③江西省胸科医院 江西 南昌 330006

④延安市人民医院 陕西 延安 716000

Research progress on early diagnosis of invasive fungal infection

LI Hang1,2,3, FANG Wen-Jie2, XIONG Lin4, ZHANG Qi-Long,3,*, PAN Wei-Hua2, LIAO Wan-Qing,2,*

①Nanchang University School of Medicine, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330006, China

②Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Medical Mycology, Shanghai 200003, China

③Provincial Chest Hospital of Jiangxi, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330006, China

④Yan’an People’s Hospital, Yan’an, Shaanxi 716000, China;

责任编辑: 王敏

收稿日期: 2018-10-15   接受日期: 2018-11-9   网络出版日期: 2019-02-22

Corresponding authors: E-mail: qilong681015@126.com, liaowanqing@sohu.com

Received: 2018-10-15   Accepted: 2018-11-9   Online: 2019-02-22


侵袭性真菌感染(invasive fungal infections,IFIs)是真菌入侵人体导致血流、各脏器或全身播散的严重感染,以念珠菌为主的酵母样真菌和曲霉为主的丝状真菌最常见。近年来IFIs发病率及死亡率在全球范围内有显著上升趋势,严重威胁着人类的健康。早期快速的诊断方法现己成为真菌感染研究领域的热点和难点,对于患者及时治疗和死亡率的降低有十分重要的意义。本文旨对目前侵袭性真菌早期相关诊断技术以及临床研究的问题和现状予以总结,同时预测该领域未来的发展趋势。

关键词: 侵袭性真菌 ; 感染 ; 诊断技术


Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) refer to the bloodstream infection or multifocal organ infection mainly caused by pathogenic Candida spp. or Aspergillus spp. Nowadays, the morbidity and mortality of IFIs keep increasing globally, remaining a serious threat to human health. Early and rapid diagnosis is a potent solution for timely treatment and to decrease the mortality rate, which is now the hotspots and difficulty in treating fungal diseases. This review summarized the tools in use and in development for early diagnosis of IFIs, and also predicted the research trends in this field.

Keywords: invasive fungi ; infection ; diagnostic technique

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李航, 方文捷, 熊林, 张齐龙, 潘炜华, 廖万清. 侵袭性真菌感染早期诊断技术的研究进展. 菌物学报[J], 2019, 38(2): 151-158 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.180271

LI Hang. Research progress on early diagnosis of invasive fungal infection. MYCOSYSTEMA[J], 2019, 38(2): 151-158 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.180271

真菌是自然环境中广泛分布的微生物,也是人类皮肤、粘膜表面定居的常见菌,通过躲避宿主免疫系统而与人类共生(Brown et al. 2012;Findley et al. 2013),然而,在免疫系统受损或宿主屏障遭到破坏的情况下,真菌能够侵入人体,导致致死性感染(Brown et al. 2012)。据不完全统计,全球150万种真菌中有400多种可以导致严重的人类感染。相比于其他微生物感染,临床对于真菌感染的认识不深、诊断方法有限、很多病人未能得到及时的诊治。侵袭性真菌感染每年夺走160万人的生命,死亡人数等同于疟疾和结核(Bongomin et al. 2017)。IFIs患者人数正持续上升(Pfaller & Diekema 2007),且90%以上感染由致病性酵母引起,包括念珠菌属种类Candida spp.、毛孢子菌属种类Trichosporon spp.、红酵母属种类Rhodotorula spp.、隐球菌属种类Cryptococcus spp.和白地霉属Geotrichum等(Pfaller & Diekema 2007)。念珠菌为发病率最高的致病真菌,死亡率约为15%-35%,在发展中国家,死亡率甚至高达40%(Pfaller & Diekema 2007;Kullberg & Arendrup 2015;Kaur & Chakrabarti 2017);毛孢子菌为引起血液病患者真菌败血症最重要的感染,侵袭性感染死亡率高达60%-80%(Richardson & Lass-Flörl 2008);红酵母常引起导管相关性感染,死亡率约为9.1%(Tuon et al. 2007);白地霉属感染常同严重免疫缺陷有关(Miceli et al. 2011)。

近年来,主要致病真菌的病原谱也在不断发生变化。除上述已被人类认识多年的常见真菌感染之外,由于自然、社会环境不断的改变,许多以往不致病的环境真菌发生进化、突变,逐渐成为致病菌,甚至成为多重耐药的强致病菌。近年来超级真菌Candida auris引起了国际传染病领域广泛关注。由于对几乎所有一线抗真菌药物耐药、目前尚无较好的诊断方法、可以在医疗场所定殖数月、具有暴发流行的特性等原因,Candida auris已经成为医学真菌界的首要诊治难题,一旦感染,死亡率高达50%以上(Cendejas-Bueno et al. 2012)。该类真菌自2009年发现以来,已经快速传播至全球五大洲18个国家(Satoh et al. 2009;Chowdhary et al. 2017)。


1 传统检查方法的局限性

微生物培养和组织病理学检查是真菌病最传统的诊断方法。但是具有如下缺点:1)如果取材自非无菌部位,则无法确定是否为感染(Teles & Seixas 2015)。如以侵入性检查从无菌部位获取待测样本,一般患者难以依从,重症患者一般难以实施。2)培养需要较长时间,后续的镜检应当由经验丰富的检验人员操作。虽然新型培养基、自动化血培养系统的出现显著降低了微生物培养时间,然而未有明确证据表明这类进展可以提升诊断的敏感性(Chandrasekar 2010)。3)组织病理学诊断也是常用的确诊方法,但缺乏灵敏性和精确性,比如同一菌种的菌丝,在镜下会表现出不同的形态。当需要将曲霉同其他丝状菌区分以指导选择抗真菌药时,组织病理学检查结果常会出现问题(Archibald et al. 2000)。

直接镜检比培养更快速、简单,成本也更低。但是直接镜检受主观因素影响较大,对检验技术要求高,其阴性并不能明确排除真菌感染(Teles & Seixas 2015)。影像学检查的特异性很低,难以同肿瘤以及其他感染区分;且影像学表现一般在中晚期才出现,对临床指导意义有限。

2 血清学检查是传统方法的重要补充


G试验检测靶标为真菌细胞壁非特异性成分1-3-β-D葡聚糖,主要用于全真菌非特异性快速筛查(除隐球菌和接合菌外),为国内外指南推荐的真菌筛查技术(Patterson et al. 2016)。G试验可大致区分定殖或者侵袭性感染。G试验根据其发展,可分为三代。前两代样本处理使用“加热稀释法”,第三代样本处理法为碱处理法,从而大大减少了交叉反应。第三代G试验结果读取基于动态显色法,检验时间大致为1h。第三代准确性高、稳定性强、抗干扰强。同时G试验对于侵袭性感染早期诊断意义很大。


念珠菌甘露聚糖是念珠菌细胞壁的主要成分,设计念珠菌感染的天然免疫和获得性免疫反应,同时也是念珠菌侵袭性感染的生物标志物。欧洲临床微生物与感染性疾病学会(ESCMID)2012年念珠菌诊疗指南推荐念珠菌Mn试验(甘露聚糖)用于念珠菌血症、侵袭性念珠菌病、慢性播散性念珠菌病诊断(Cuenca-Estrella et al. 2012)。Mn试验阳性一般早于血培养阳性6-7d(Kedzierska et al. 2007)。

在抗体检测方面,欧洲慢性肺曲霉病诊断与治疗指南(2015年)将肺泡灌洗液GM试验及血清IgG抗体检测列为重点推荐指标;美国感染病学会(IDSA)2016年曲霉病诊断和治疗指南强烈推荐曲霉IgG抗体用于诊断慢性空洞性肺曲霉病(Patterson et al. 2016)。故开展曲霉抗体检测可以有效弥补GM试验的不足,减少漏诊。

真菌病血清学检测的缺点在于:1)无法实现精确的菌种鉴定;2)葡聚糖等成分在环境中无处不在,故血清学检测容易出现假阳性结果(Chandrasekar 2010);3)隐球菌和毛霉属细胞壁的葡聚糖量太低,因此无法检测隐球菌和接合菌感染(Miyazaki et al. 1995);4)由于抗真菌治疗会导致半乳甘露聚糖从真菌细胞壁释放的更少,故GM试验对于经验性抗真菌治疗的患者敏感性和准确性可能会降低(Maertens et al. 2001);5)此外不同循环抗体和抗原之间可能存在交叉反应(Teles & Seixas 2015)。

3 分子诊断是真菌诊断技术的发展方向

临床病原体的快速诊断、精准治疗是决定临床预后和医疗费用的关键,而传统方法日益显现其瓶颈。无论是真菌形态学检测、生理生化检测还是血清学试验,均无法实现菌种鉴定、定量检测、高通量检测、耐药位点检测等。随着分子生物学和生物传感器技术的不断进步,新的分子诊断平台不断涌现,给临床真菌病诊断领域带来了新的契机,这些技术包括:MALDI-TOF MS、传统PCR、RT-PCR、恒温扩增、测序等。经临床实践,上述技术的优势和潜力日益突出。

MALDI-TOF MS由于单次检测成本较低、覆盖菌种广、特异性高、单次检测样本量大、周转时间短等特性,目前已经在各国大型医院有了广泛使用。通过对蛋白谱的高精度识别,MALDI-TOF MS可以对丝状菌和酵母菌的菌落进行快速鉴别(Posteraro et al. 2013)。目前的研究重点之一是使用MALDI-TOF MS实现对于耐药菌的识别以及菌株的分子分型,但是目前技术仍不完善,尚未应用于临床(Rizzato et al. 2015)。以往MALDI-TOF MS仪器主要由国外公司垄断,随着我国医学仪器领域对于质谱的重视和国家重大项目的投入,多款国产质谱仪于近两年争相出现,预测将在未来挤压进口仪器市场份额。目前国产质谱仪器包括Clin-ToFⅠ和Ⅱ(由毅新博创分别于2012年和2014年发布,该企业为最早的国产质谱企业,两项仪器均经CFDA认证)、microTyper MS(于2015年发布,江苏天瑞,未经CFDA认证)、CMI-1600微生物鉴定质谱仪(2017年10月10日发布,广州禾信,未经CFDA认证)、Ebio Reader 3700型全自动MALDI-TOF MS(2017年10月10日发布,东西分析,未经CFDA认证)、Quantof(于2016年发布,融智分析,经CFDA认证)、Autof MS1000(安图生物2017年发布,未经CFDA认证),另外复星医药拟推出首款质谱ASTA MicroIDys,即将上市。虽然目前国产质谱逐渐完成研发,但是国际MALDI-TOF MS的微生物检测软件及其数据库市场仍被国外公司垄断,每年仍需付给国外公司高昂的数据库使用以及更新费用。目前主流的软件包括BRUKER公司的Biotyper系统和BIOMERIEUX研发的Saramis系统(Lacroix et al. 2014)。另有CBS in-house database,该数据库仅针对病原真菌进行检测,并未商业化。Biotyper系统和Saramis系统的参考谱都是基于欧洲的病原建立的,由于地域性的因素,我国的某些真菌病原基本不识别或识别率低(Lacroix et al. 2014)。并且缺乏高致病性病原,比如国际上仍未有临床可用的耳道念珠菌的图谱数据库,上述数据库对于常见菌、罕见真菌均有一定的误诊率(Mizusawa et al. 2017)。因此,建立适用于我国的病原微生物质谱参考数据库是我国未来质谱研发的重要方向之一。


核酸诊断大体分为临床样本DNA提取和核酸扩增两个步骤。临床样本DNA提取的质量和浓度是核酸扩增检测的首要保障。不同于细菌、病毒、人类细胞等,真菌细胞壁由几丁质、葡聚糖、甘露聚糖、糖蛋白组成,最为坚固厚实,难以通过简单的物理或者化学方法去除。所以真菌DNA提取难度极大,提取尚未有标准化流程以及行业标准,是分子诊断领域的研发关键和行业难点,也是真菌感染核酸诊断发展滞后的主要原因(Alanio & Bretagne 2014)。另外DNA提取也是真菌诊断假阳性的重要原因之一,研究发现,有3.3%假阳性由DNA提取过程引起(Avni et al. 2011)。未来真菌感染临床样本DNA提取发展方向应该是自动化、封闭式、快速。

在PCR和荧光PCR扩增方面,至今未有FDA批准的真菌病PCR检测方法,但是已经有很多市场化和自制的PCR体系被广泛应用。最近一项荟萃分析纳入54项研究共包含5 000例患者,该研究发现“确诊”或“可能”的侵袭性真菌病的血液样本PCR敏感性和特异性分别为95%(95% CI:82%-98%)以及92%(95% CI:87%-98%)(Avni et al. 2011)。PCR真菌病诊断的一项比较传统的诊断策略是,先使用较为保守的引物(比如全真菌引物、全念珠菌引物、全曲霉引物等)检测是否属于真菌感染,然后再使用更为特异的引物(比如真菌种特异性引物)或者其他方法(例如测序或限制性内切酶分析)进行精准诊断(Iwen et al. 2002;Hsiao et al. 2005)。与传统的方法以及血清学方法相比,核酸诊断通常提供更快和更敏感的结果。由于核酸诊断灵敏度高、结果稳定,故可以通过临床样本试验确定划分感染与定殖的阈值,另外可以用于用药结果的连续监测。荧光PCR同传统的终点PCR相比,可以显著提高灵敏度并有效减少气溶胶污染。然而,相对于终点PCR以及其他传统检测方法,荧光PCR在检测试剂以及仪器方面,仍然是一个比较昂贵的技术。

等温扩增技术包括环介导等温扩增(LAMP)、滚环扩增(RCA)、交叉引物扩增(CPA)、重组酶聚合酶扩增(RPA)等。LAMP是其中应用最为广泛的技术之一。Endo et al.(2004)发表了第一篇应用LAMP技术检测巴西副球孢子菌Paracoccidioides brasiliensis感染的方法。该论文使用的靶标为43kDa secreted glycoprotein编码基因gp43基因,这篇论文宣告恒温扩增技术正式进入真菌病诊断领域。Uemura et al.(2008)发表了基于LAMP的肺孢子虫诊断方法。念珠菌为发病率最高致病真菌,因具体的种不同,念珠菌病的死亡率约为15%-35%之间,在发展中国家死亡率甚至高达40%;Kasahara et al.(2014)针对Candida albicansCandida glabrataCandida parapsilosis groupCandida tropicalis等常见念珠菌感染分别设计了4套特异性LAMP体系,并通过初步验证。毛孢子菌为引起血液病患者真菌败血症最重要的感染病菌,侵袭性毛孢子菌感染死亡率高达60%-80%(Richardson & Lass-Flörl 2008)。Kasahara et al.(2014)针对Trichosporon asahiiTrichosporon mucoides分别设计了两套LAMP检测体系;Zhou et al.(2015)建立扩增Trichosporon asahii的LAMP体系,并应用临床样本进行初步验证。上述两项针对毛孢子菌的LAMP体系位点均为IGS。隐球菌属感染常见于HIV/AIDS感染人群,全球每年新发100万病例,死亡率为9%(发达国家)到55%(发展中国家)(Park et al. 2009)。Lucas et al.(2010)基于cap59 gene建立了区分多种隐球菌的LAMP体系。Chen et al.(2016)报道了基于ITS建立一套LAMP检测方法,完成85例临床验证,成功申请并授权我国第一项隐球菌LAMP法诊断专利。由于恒温扩增技术不需要变温模块,仅需要65℃或37℃等恒温模块,所以更加容易同微流控芯片等技术平台进行整合,是一项具有广阔前景的诊断技术。

4 未来真菌诊断技术展望

传染病快速分子诊断目前主流市场是高端人群,主要应用于富裕国家或者地区的大型医院及商业诊断中心。目标人群对于诊断速度以及结果质量需求较高。另一方面,我国仍然是一个第三世界国家,国务院扶贫办调查显示,截止2014年,我国有8 249万农村贫困人口,12万贫困村,其中3 917个村不通电。相比于发达国家或者地区,发展中国家由于贫困、卫生条件差、卫生意识低、营养不良等原因,一直是传染病肆虐的重灾区。传染病发病率高,病死率高,高昂的治疗费用一般家庭难以负担。但是在这些地区,先进的传染病诊断方法却无法普及,主要原因如下:1)偏远地区供电紧张,大型检验设备通常需要电压稳定,大量耗电;2)无法负担大型诊疗设备的设备费以及维护费;3)需要配备专业操作以及维护人员;4)患者也无法承担高昂的检查费用。同时,大型仪器携带不便,限制了分子诊断技术在现场诊断的应用。据此,真菌病早期诊断的一大方向是实现医学检验中心和大型医院的精准、快速、高通量诊断;另一研发方向是减少对于大型仪器的依赖,将先进的诊断技术用于贫穷地区。

近年来材料学以及生物传感器领域不断突破,病原体诊断、鉴定和定量分析的新方法和仪器方面得到了突飞猛进的发展。如微流控芯片实验室技术平台以及纳米技术增强了检测的敏感性、特异性和速度,因此各种基于恒温扩增的lab-on-chip装置被广泛开发并拟用于临床病原体的检测(Safavieh et al. 2017)。由于微体系的特殊特性,微流控装置使得血液真菌感染的早期诊断能力极大增加。医疗资源受限地区一般没有实施常规真菌培养的实验环境,微流控技术成本低、耗电少,使得医学资源受限地区的真菌精准检查成为可能(Sachse et al. 2009;Sackmann et al. 2014;Mylonakis et al. 2015)。又如试剂玻璃化技术,使得生物活性成分(如酶)在缺乏冷链的情况下也可以运输和保存,从而分子诊断可以在最艰苦的地区实施。3)测序仪进一步便携化,Oxford Nanopore MinIO仅手掌大小,可以快速低成本完成菌株测序,短时间获得精确指导用药等。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Alanio A, Bretagne S , 2014.

Difficulties with molecular diagnostic tests for mold and yeast infections: where do we stand?

Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 20(s6):36-41

DOI:10.1111/1469-0691.12617      URL     PMID:24661790      [本文引用: 1]

PCR assays have not reached the same level of acceptance for the detection of human fungal pathogens as for other micro-organisms, mainly because the low number of micro-organisms challenges the detection limits of PCR. Therefore, whereas meta-analyses focusing on clinical validation suggest interest in adding PCR results to the diagnostic workup for invasive fungal disease (IFD) along with clinical evaluation, CT scans, classical mycology and antigen detection, no consensual PCR method has emerged. Compared with the end-point format of the 1990s, real-time quantitative PCR is a major breakthrough. This format prevents contamination with previously amplified products, provides the yield of amplification, allows for developing consensus procedures and should therefore be the only format used. An internal control is now mandatory to avoid false-negative results. Primer design strongly impacts on the objectives: pan-fungal primers can provide false-positive results due to environmental fungal DNA contamination; conversely, species-specific primers miss infections caused by untargeted fungi. Unresolved issues include the best specimens to be used; serum is currently preferred to blood because of the ease of the DNA extraction step. Work is in progress to establish standards at least for Aspergillus PCR, and the implementation of quality controls should help centres to improve assays. Eventually, the classical analysis of biomarker performance does not consider the evolving risk factors and changing treatments during IFD, which can lead to variable conclusions. New statistical methods such as event history analysis should be considered.

Archibald LK, McDonald LC, Addison RM, McKnight C, Byrne T, Dobbie H, Nwanyanwu O, Kazembe P, Reller B, Jarvis WR , 2000.

Comparison of BACTEC MYCO/F LYTIC and WAMPOLE ISOLATOR 10 (lysis-centrifugation) systems for detection of bacteremia, mycobacteremia, and fungemia in a developing country

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 38(8):2994-2997

[本文引用: 1]

Avni T, Leibovici L, Paul M , 2011.

PCR diagnosis of invasive candidiasis: systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 49(2):665-670

DOI:10.1128/JCM.01602-10      URL     PMID:3043518      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis relies on culture-based methods, which lack sensitivity and delay diagnosis. We conducted a systematic review assessing the diagnostic accuracy of PCR-based methods to detect Candida spp. directly in blood samples. We searched electronic databases for prospective or retrospective cohort and case-control studies. Two reviewers abstracted data independently. Meta-analysis was performed using a hierarchical logistic regression model. Random-effects metaregression was performed to assess the effects of study methods and infection characteristics on sensitivity or specificity values. We included 54 studies with 4,694 patients, 963 of whom had proven/probable or possible IC. Perfect (100%) sensitivity and specificity for PCR in whole-blood samples was observed when patients with cases had candidemia and controls were healthy people. When PCR was performed to evaluate patients with suspected invasive candidiasis, the pooled sensitivity for the diagnosis of candidemia was 0.95 (confidence interval, 0.88 to 0.98) and the pooled specificity was 0.92 (0.88 to 0.95). A specificity of >90% was maintained in several analyses considering different control groups. The use of whole-blood samples, rRNA, or P450 gene targets and a PCR detection limit of 10 CFU/ml were associated with improved test performance. PCR positivity rates among patients with proven or probable IC were 85% (78 to 91%), while blood cultures were positive for 38% (29 to 46%). We conclude that direct PCR using blood samples had good sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of IC and offers an attractive method for early diagnosis of specific Candida spp. Its effects on clinical outcomes should be investigated.

Bongomin F, Gago S, Oladele RO, Denning DW , 2017.

Global and multi-national prevalence of fungal diseases-estimate precision

Journal of Fungi, 3(4):57

DOI:10.3390/jof3040057      URL     PMID:29371573      [本文引用: 1]

Fungal diseases kill more than 1.5 million and affect over a billion people. However, they are still a neglected topic by public health authorities even though most deaths from fungal diseases are avoidable. Serious fungal infections occur as a consequence of other health problems including asthma, AIDS, cancer, organ transplantation and corticosteroid therapies. Early accurate diagnosis allows prompt antifungal therapy; however this is often delayed or unavailable leading to death, serious chronic illness or blindness. Recent global estimates have found 3,000,000 cases of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, ~223,100 cases of cryptococcal meningitis complicating HIV/AIDS, ~700,000 cases of invasive candidiasis, ~500,000 cases ofPneumocystis jiroveciipneumonia, ~250,000 cases of invasive aspergillosis, ~100,000 cases of disseminated histoplasmosis, over 10,000,000 cases of fungal asthma and ~1,000,000 cases of fungal keratitis occur annually. Since 2013, the Leading International Fungal Education (LIFE) portal has facilitated the estimation of the burden of serious fungal infections country by country for over 5.7 billion people (>80% of the world population). These studies have shown differences in the global burden between countries, within regions of the same country and between at risk populations. Here we interrogate the accuracy of these fungal infection burden estimates in the 43 published papers within the LIFE initiative.

Brown GD, Denning DW, Gow NA, Levitz SM, Netea MG, White TC , 2012.

Hidden killers: human fungal infections

Science Translational Medicine, 4(165): 165rv113

DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.3004404      URL     PMID:23253612      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Although fungal infections contribute substantially to human morbidity and mortality, the impact of these diseases on human health is not widely appreciated. Moreover, despite the urgent need for efficient diagnostic tests and safe and effective new drugs and vaccines, research into the pathophysiology of human fungal infections lags behind that of diseases caused by other pathogens. In this Review, we highlight the importance of fungi as human pathogens and discuss the challenges we face in combating the devastating invasive infections caused by these microorganisms, in particular in immunocompromised individuals.

Cendejas-Bueno E, Kolecka A, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Theelen B, Groenewald M, Kostrzewa M, Cuenca-Estrella M, Gómez-López A, Boekhout T , 2012.

Reclassification of the Candida haemulonii complex as Candida haemulonii (C. haemulonii group I), C. duobushaemulonii sp. nov. (C. haemulonii group II), and C. haemulonii var. vulnera var. nov.: three multiresistant human pathogenic yeasts

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 50(11):3641-3651

DOI:10.1128/JCM.02248-12      URL     PMID:22952266      [本文引用: 1]

The Candida haemulonii species complex is currently known as C. haemulonii groups I and II. Here we describe C. haemulonii group II as a new species, Candida duobushaemulonii sp. nov., and C. haemulonii var. vulnera as new a variety of C. haemulonii group I using phenotypic and molecular methods. These taxa and other relatives of C. haemulonii (i.e., Candida auris and Candida pseudohaemulonii) cannot be differentiated by the commercial methods now used for yeast identification. Four isolates (C. haemulonii var. vulnera) differed from the other isolates of C. haemulonii in the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear rRNA gene operon. The new species and the new variety have a multiresistant antifungal profile, which includes high MICs of amphotericin B (geometric mean MIC, 1.18 mg/liter for C. haemulonii var. vulnera and 2 mg/liter for C. duobushaemulonii sp. nov) and cross-resistance to azole compounds. Identification of these species should be based on molecular methods, such as sequence analysis of ITS regions and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.

Chandrasekar P , 2010.

Diagnostic challenges and recent advances in the early management of invasive fungal infections

European Journal of Haematology, 84(4):281-290

DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0609.2009.01391.x      URL     PMID:20002155      [本文引用: 2]

During the past 20 yr, the population of immunocompromized patients at risk of developing invasive fungal infections (IFIs) has increased, and there has been a shift in fungal epidemiology, with more infections caused by non-Aspergillus molds and yeasts, which are often resistant to one or more antifungal drugs. Traditional diagnostic methods, such as culture and the histopathology of infected tissue, often fail to detect IFIs until the later stages. Furthermore, invasive diagnostic methods to obtain tissue may be contraindicated in severely ill patients; even when tissue is available, the morphology of several filamentous fungi is identical, or the cultures may fail to grow the pathogen. Recently developed non-invasive diagnostic techniques, such as tests for serum markers and polymerase chain reaction assays, may allow for earlier and more accurate diagnoses crucial in the effort to reduce morbidity and the risk of mortality. This article reviews current approaches to diagnosis and treatment, focusing on how an early and accurate diagnosis can guide treatment and improve outcomes. Strategies for improving the management of IFIs also are discussed.

Chen M, Zhou J, Li J, Li M, Sun J, Fang WJ, Al-Hatmi AM, Xu J, Boekhout T, Liao WQ, Pan WH , 2016.

Evaluation of five conventional and molecular approaches for diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in non-HIV-infected patients

Mycoses, 59(8):494-502

DOI:10.1111/myc.12497      URL     PMID:27061343      [本文引用: 1]

Summary Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a life-threatening mycosis primarily occurring in HIV-infected individuals. Recently, non-HIV-infected hosts were increasingly reported to form a considerable proportion. However, the majority of the reported studies on the diagnosis of CM patients were performed on HIV-infected patients. For evaluation of various diagnostic approaches for CM in non-HIV-infected patients, a range of conventional and molecular assays used for diagnosis of CM were verified on 85 clinical CSFs from non-HIV-infected CM patients, including India ink staining, culture, a newly developed loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), the lateral flow assay (LFA) of cryptococcal antigen detection and a qPCR assay. The LFA had the highest positive detection rate (97.6%; 95% CI, 91.8–99.7%) in non-HIV-infected CM patients, followed by the LAMP (87.1%; 95% CI, 78.0–93.4%), the qPCR (80.0%; 95% CI, 69.9–87.9%), India ink staining (70.6%; 95% CI, 59.7–80.0%) and culture (35.3%; 95% CI, 25.2–46.4%). All culture positive specimens were correctly identified by the LFA.

Chowdhary A, Sharma C, Meis JF , 2017.

Candida auris: a rapidly emerging cause of hospital-acquired multidrug-resistant fungal infections globally

PLoS Pathogens, 13(5):e1006290

DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1006290      URL     PMID:28542486      [本文引用: 1]

by Anuradha Chowdhary, Cheshta Sharma, Jacques F. Meis

Cuenca-Estrella M, Verweij PE, Arendrup MC, Arikan-Akdagli S, Bille J, Donnelly JP, Jensen HE, Lass-Flörl C, Richardson MD, Akova M, Bassetti M, Calandra T, Castagnola E, Cornely OA, Garbino J, Groll AH, Herbrecht R, Hope WW, Kullberg BJ, Lortholary O, Meersseman W, Petrikkos G, Roilides E, Viscoli C, Ullmann AJ , ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group, 2012.

ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: diagnostic procedures

Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 18(s7):9-18

DOI:10.1111/1469-0691.12038      URL     PMID:23137134      [本文引用: 1]

As the mortality associated with invasive Candida infections remains high, it is important to make optimal use of available diagnostic tools to initiate antifungal therapy as early as possible and to select the most appropriate antifungal drug. A panel of experts of the European Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) undertook a data review and compiled guidelines for the clinical utility and accuracy of different diagnostic tests and procedures for detection of Candida infections. Recommendations about the microbiological investigation and detection of candidaemia, invasive candidiasis, chronic disseminated candidiasis, and oropharyngeal, oesophageal, and vaginal candidiasis were included. In addition, remarks about antifungal susceptibility testing and therapeutic drug monitoring were made.

Endo S, Komori T, Ricci G, Sano A, Yokoyama K, Ohori A, Kamei K, Franco M, Miyaji M, Nishimura K , 2004.

Detection of gp43 of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 234(1):93-97

DOI:10.1016/j.femsle.2004.03.015      URL     PMID:15109725      [本文引用: 1]

Paracoccidioidomycosis is a deep mycosis Caused by the thermo-dependent dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is prevalent in Latin American countries. We detected the species specific gp43 gene of P. brasiliensis by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) in 22 clinical and seven armadillo-derived isolates. The amplified DNA appeared as a ladder with a specific banding pattern. The advantage of the LAMP method is speed; only 3 h were necessary for identification of the organism and diagnosis of the disease. We were also able to obtain positive results from DNA extracted from a paraffin-embedded tissue sample of paracoccidioidomycosis, suggesting that this method may achieve clinical application in the near future. Copyright 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, Conlan S, Deming C, Meyer JA, Schoenfeld D, Nomicos E, Park M, NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Comparative Sequencing Program, Kong HH, Segre JA , 2013.

Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin

Nature, 498(7454):367-370

DOI:10.1038/nature12171      URL     PMID:23698366      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Traditional culture-based methods have incompletely defined the microbial landscape of common recalcitrant human fungal skin diseases, including athlete's foot and toenail infections. Skin protects humans from invasion by pathogenic microorganisms and provides a home for diverse commensal microbiota. Bacterial genomic sequence data have generated novel hypotheses about species and community structures underlying human disorders. However, microbial diversity is not limited to bacteria; microorganisms such as fungi also have major roles in microbial community stability, human health and disease. Genomic methodologies to identify fungal species and communities have been limited compared with those that are available for bacteria. Fungal evolution can be reconstructed with phylogenetic markers, including ribosomal RNA gene regions and other highly conserved genes. Here we sequenced and analysed fungal communities of 14090009skin sites in 10090009healthy adults. Eleven core-body and arm sites were dominated by fungi of the genus Malassezia, with only species-level classifications revealing fungal-community composition differences between sites. By contrast, three foot sites--plantar heel, toenail and toe web--showed high fungal diversity. Concurrent analysis of bacterial and fungal communities demonstrated that physiologic attributes and topography of skin differentially shape these two microbial communities. These results provide a framework for future investigation of the contribution of interactions between pathogenic and commensal fungal and bacterial communities to the maintainenace of human health and to disease pathogenesis.

Hsiao CR, Huang L, Bouchara JP, Barton R, Li HC, Chang TC , 2005.

Identification of medically important molds by an oligonucleotide array

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 43(8):3760-3768

DOI:10.1128/JCM.43.8.3760-3768.2005      URL     PMID:16081907      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Infections caused by fungi have increased in recent years. Accurate and rapid identification of fungal pathogens is important for appropriate treatment with antifungal agents. On the basis of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS 1) and ITS 2 sequences of the rRNA genes, an oligonucleotide array was developed to identify 64 species (32 genera) of clinically important filamentous (or dimorphic) fungi. These 64 species included fungi causing superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and invasive infections. The method consisted of PCR amplification of the ITS regions using a pair of universal primers, followed by hybridization of the digoxigenin-labeled PCR products to a panel of species- or group-specific oligonucleotides immobilized on a nylon membrane. Of 397 fungal strains (290 target and 107 nontarget strains) tested, the sensitivity and specificity of the array was 98.3% (285/290) and 98.1% (105/107), respectively. Misidentified strains were usually those belonging to the same genus of the target species or having partial homology with oligonucleotide probes on the membrane. The whole procedure can be finished within 24 h starting from isolated colonies; reproductive structures, which are essential for the conventional identification methods, are not needed. In conclusion, the present array is a powerful tool for identification of clinically important filamentous fungi and may have the potential to be continually extended by adding further oligonucleotides to the array without significantly increasing the cost or complexity.

Iwen PC, Hinrichs SH, Rupp ME , 2002.

Utilization of the internal transcribed spacer regions as molecular targets to detect and identify human fungal pathogens

Medical Mycology, 40(1):87-109

DOI:10.1080/714031073      URL     PMID:11860017      [本文引用: 1]

Advances in molecular technology show great potential for the rapid detection and identification of fungi for medical, scientific and commercial purposes. Numerous targets within the fungal genome have been evaluated, with much of the current work using sequence areas within the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene complex. This section of the genome includes the 18S, 5 8S and 28S genes which code for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and which have a relatively conserved nucleotide sequence among fungi. It also includes the variable DNA sequence areas of the intervening internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions called ITS1 and ITS2. Although not translated into proteins, the ITS coding regions have a critical role in the development of functional rRNA, with sequence variations among species showing promise as signature regions for molecular assays. This review of the current literature was conducted to evaluate clinical approaches for using the fungal ITS regions as molecular targets. Multiple applications using the fungal ITS sequences are summarized here including those for culture identification, phylogenetic research, direct detection from clinical specimens or the environment, and molecular typing for epidemiological investigations. The breadth of applications shows that ITS regions have great potential as targets in molecular-based assays for the characterization and identification of fungi. Development of rapid and accurate amplification-based ITS assays to diagnose invasive fungal infections could potentially impact care and improve outcome for affected patients.

Kasahara K, Ishikawa H, Sato S, Shimakawa Y, Watanabe K , 2014.

Development of multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays to detect medically important yeasts in dairy products

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 357(2):208-216

DOI:10.1111/1574-6968.12512      URL     PMID:24965944      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Rapid detection of yeast contamination is important in the food industry. We have developed loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays to detect the emerging opportunistic pathogenic yeasts: Candida albicans , Candida glabrata , Candida tropicalis, the Candida parapsilosis group , Trichosporon asahii, and Trichosporon mucoides . These yeasts may cause deep-seated candidiasis or trichosporonosis. Four LAMP primer sets specific for Candida were designed to target the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region between the 5.8S and 26S rRNA genes, and two LAMP primer sets specific for Trichosporon were designed to target the intergenic spacer 1 (IGS1) region between the 26S and 5S rRNA genes. The LAMP assays could detect these yeasts in a range between 100 and 10302cells02mL611 in a contaminated dairy product within 102h. We also developed multiplex LAMP assays to detect these Candida or Trichosporon species in a single reaction. Multiplex LAMP assays can detect contamination if at least one of the target species is present; they are more time- and cost-efficient than conventional methods and could detect target yeasts with sensitivity close to that of the LAMP assays. Multiplex LAMP assays established in this study can be used as a primary screening method for yeast contamination in food products.

Kaur H, Chakrabarti A , 2017.

Strategies to reduce mortality in adult and neonatal candidemia in developing countries

Journal of Fungi, 3(3):41 doi: 10.3390/jof3030041

URL     PMID:29371558      [本文引用: 1]

Candidemia, the commonest invasive fungal infection, is associated with high morbidity and mortality in developing countries, though the exact prevalence is not known due to lack of systematic epidemiological data from those countries. The limited studies report a very high incidence of candidemia and unique epidemiology with a different spectrum ofCandidaspecies. The recent global emergence of multi-drug resistantCandida aurisis looming large as an important threat in hospitalized patients of developing countries. While managing candidemia cases in those countries several challenges are faced, which include poor infrastructure; compromised healthcare and infection control practices; misuse and overuse of antibiotics and steroids; lack of awareness in fungal infections; non-availability of advance diagnostic tests and antifungal drugs in many areas; poor compliance to antifungal therapy and stewardship program. Considering the above limitations, innovative strategies are required to reduce mortality due to candidemia in adults and neonates. In the present review, we have unraveled the challenges of candidemia faced by low resource countries and propose a ten part strategy to reduce mortality due candidemia.

Kedzierska A, Kochan P, Pietrzyk A, Kedzierska J , 2007.

Current status of fungal cell wall components in the immunodiagnostics of invasive fungal infections in humans: galactomannan, mannan and (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan antigens

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases: Official Publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, 26(11):755-766

DOI:10.1007/s10096-007-0373-6      URL     PMID:17671803      [本文引用: 1]

Early diagnosis of fungal infections and the implementation of appropriate treatment represent major issues for clinicians, nowadays. Histopathological demonstration of microorganisms in tissue specimens or growth of fungal agents in culture media is still considered the “gold standard”, but obtaining such specimens may be difficult. Several groups have investigated serological assays for cell wall elements unique to fungal organisms in serum or other body fluids to improve diagnostics in patients with haematological malignancies or undergoing haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. In this review we have concentrated on the currently available assays allowing for detection of highly immunogenic components of fungal cell wall: galactomannan, mannan, and also (1→3)-β-D-glucan. Rapid serological tests appear to be useful for screening high-risk haematological patients, since they allow for the early diagnosis of invasive fungal infections, including infections with the most common pathogens such as Aspergillus and Candida . Based on current literature, factors increasing the probability of obtaining false-positive or false-negative results detected by each test were also analysed and tabulated.

Kullberg BJ, Arendrup MC , 2015.

Invasive candidiasis

The New England Journal of Medicine, 373(15):1445-1456

DOI:10.1056/NEJMra1315399      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lacroix C, Gicquel A, Sendid B, Meyer J, Accoceberry I, François N, Morio F, Desoubeaux G, Chandenier J, Kauffmann-Lacroix C, Hennequin C, Guitard J, Nassif X, Bougnoux ME , 2014.

Evaluation of two matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) systems for the identification of Candida species

Clinical Microbiology and Infection: the Official Publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 20(2):153-158

DOI:10.1111/1469-0691.12210      URL     PMID:23594150      [本文引用: 1]

Candida spp. are responsible for severe infections in immunocompromised patients and those undergoing invasive procedures. The accurate identification of Candida species is important because emerging species can be associated with various antifungal susceptibility spectra. Conventional methods have been developed to identify the most common pathogens, but have often failed to identify uncommon species. Several studies have reported the efficiency of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for the identification of clinically relevant Candida species. In this study, we evaluated two commercially available MALDI-TOF systems, Andromas64 and Bruker Biotyper64, for Candida identification in routine diagnosis. For this purpose, we investigated 1383 Candida isolates prospectively collected in eight hospital laboratories during routine practice. MALDI-TOF MS results were compared with those obtained using conventional phenotypic methods. Analysis of rDNA gene sequences with internal transcribed regions or D1-D2 regions is considered the reference standard for identification. Both MALDI-TOF MS systems could accurately identify 98.3% of the isolates at the species level (1359/1383 for Andromas64; 1360/1383 for Bruker Biotyper64) vs. 96.5% for conventional techniques. Furthermore, whereas conventional methods failed to identify rare or emerging species, these were correctly identified by MALDI-TOF MS. Both MALDI-TOF MS systems are accurate and cost-effective alternatives to conventional methods for mycological identification of clinically relevant Candida species and should improve the diagnosis of fungal infections as well as patient management.

Lucas S, Da Luz Martins M, Flores O, Meyer W, Spencer-Martins I, Inacio J , 2010.

Differentiation of Cryptococcus neoformans varieties and Cryptococcus gattii using CAP59-based loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification

Clinical Microbiology and Infection: the Official Publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 16(6):711-714

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02919.x      URL     PMID:1969476812      [本文引用: 1]

Members of the Cryptococcus species complex ( C. neoformans and C. gattii ) are opportunistic pathogens responsible for frequently fatal cases of meningoencephalitis. These yeasts have been classified into five serotypes. Serotypes A and D are assigned to C. neoformans var. grubii and C. neoformans var. neoformans , respectively, Serotype AD strains are hybrids and serotype B and C strains are considered to belong to the related but distinct species C. gattii . Previous studies have identified 'serotype-associated' alleles of several genes in the Cryptococcus species complex. We developed a loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification method using CAP59 allele-specific primers to identify the serotypes A, D and B/C of the Cryptococcus species complex.

Maertens J, Verhaegen J, Lagrou K, Van Eldere J, Boogaerts M , 2001.

Screening for circulating galactomannan as a noninvasive diagnostic tool for invasive aspergillosis in prolonged neutropenic patients and stem cell transplantation recipients: a prospective validation

Blood, 97(6):1604-1610

DOI:10.1182/blood.V97.6.1604      URL     PMID:11238098      [本文引用: 1]

The diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with hematologic disorders is not straightforward; lack of sensitive and specific noninvasive diagnostic tests remains a major obstacle for establishing a precise diagnosis. In a series of 362 consecutive high-risk treatment episodes that were stratified according to the probability of IA based on recently accepted case definition sets, the potential for diagnosis of serial screening for circulating galactomannan (GM), a major aspergillar cell wall constituent was validated. After incorporating postmortem findings to allow a more accurate final analysis, this approach proved to have a sensitivity of 89.7% and a specificity of 98.1%. The positive and negative predictive values equaled 87.5% and 98.4%, respectively. False-positive reactions occurred at a rate of 14%, although this figure might be overestimated due to diagnostic uncertainty. More or less stringent criteria of estimation could highly influence sensitivity, which ranged from 100% to 42%; the impact on other test statistics was far less dramatic. All proven cases of IA, including 23 cases confirmed after autopsy only, had been detected before death, although serial sampling appeared to be necessary to maximize detection. The excellent sensitivity and negative predictive value makes this approach suitable for clinical decision making. Unfortunately, given the species-specificity of the assay, some emerging non-Aspergillus mycoses were not detected. In conclusion, serial screening for GM, complemented by appropriate imaging techniques, is a sensitive and noninvasive tool for the early diagnosis of IA in high-risk adult hematology patients.

Miceli MH, Diaz JA, Lee SA , 2011.

Emerging opportunistic yeast infections. The Lancet

Infectious Diseases, 11(2):142-151

[本文引用: 1]

Miyazaki T, Kohno S, Mitsutake K, Maesaki S, Tanaka K, Ishikawa N, Hara K , 1995.

Plasma (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan and fungal antigenemia in patients with candidemia, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 33(12):3115-3118

DOI:10.1002/jctb.280640414      URL     PMID:8586684      [本文引用: 1]

(1-->3)-beta-D-Glucan is one of the major structural components of fungi, and it seems that it can be detected by the fractionated (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan-sensitive component from a Limulus lysate, factor G. We evaluated the concentration of (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan by using factor G and other fungal antigens in 24 patients with clinical evidence of mycosis and 36 healthy subjects. The mean concentration of (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan in the plasma of the healthy subjects was found to be 2.7 +/- 1.9 pg/ml (range, < 6.9 pg/ml), and it was found to be substantially higher in all 11 patients with candidemia (mean, 2,207.4 pg/ml; range, 325.4 to 8,449.0 pg/ml). Eight of those 11 patients with candidemia (73%) were positive for the Cand-Tec heat-labile candida antigen and only 3 patients (27%) were positive for mannan antigen. Three patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis were positive for galactomannan and had, in addition, high concentrations of (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan (mean, 323.3 pg/ml; range, 27.0 to 894.0 pg/ml). All 10 patients with cryptococcosis (including 2 patients with probable cryptococcosis) were positive for cryptococcal antigen by the Eiken latex test; however, (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan levels were not elevated in these patients (mean, 7.0 pg/ml; range, < 16.5 pg/ml). Our results indicated that (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan levels are elevated in patients with candidiasis and aspergillosis but not in those with cryptococcosis.

Mizusawa M, Miller H, Green R, Lee R, Durante M, Perkins R, Hewitt C, Simner PJ, Carroll KC, Hayden RT, Zhang SX , 2017.

Can multidrug-resistant Candida auris be reliably identified in clinical microbiology laboratories?

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 55(2):638-640

DOI:10.1128/JCM.02202-16      URL     PMID:27881617      [本文引用: 1]

Candida auris, an emerging multi-drug resistant yeast associated with high mortality, has been increasingly reported from outside of the US to cause outbreaks in the hospital settings (1).….

Mylonakis E, Clancy CJ, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Garey KW, Alangaden GJ, Vazquez JA, Groeger JS, Judson MA, Vinagre YM, Heard SO, Zervou FN, Zacharioudakis IM, Kontoyiannis DP , 2015.

Pappas PG. T2 magnetic resonance assay for the rapid diagnosis of candidemia in whole blood: a clinical trial

Clinical Infectious Diseases: an Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 60(6):892-899

DOI:10.1093/cid/ciu959      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Park BJ, Wannemuehler KA, Marston BJ, Govender N, Pappas PG, Chiller TM , 2009.

Estimation of the current global burden of cryptococcal meningitis among persons living with HIV/AIDS

Aids, 23(4):525-530

DOI:10.1097/QAD.0b013e328322ffac      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Patterson TF, Thompson GR 3rd, Denning DW, Fishman JA, Hadley S, Herbrecht R, Kontoyiannis DP, Marr KA, Morrison VA, Nguyen MH, Segal BH, Steinbach WJ, Stevens DA, Walsh TJ, Wingard JR, Young JA, Bennett JE , 2016.

Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of aspergillosis: 2016 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Clinical Infectious Diseases: an Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 63(4):e1-e60

DOI:10.1093/cid/ciw326      URL     PMID:4967602      [本文引用: 2]

It is important to realize that guidelines cannot always account for individual variation among patients. They are not intended to supplant physician judgment with respect to particular patients or special clinical situations. IDSA considers adherence to these guidelines to be voluntary, with the ultimate determination regarding their application to be made by the physician in the light of each patient's individual circumstances.

Pfaller MA, Diekema DJ , 2007.

Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: a persistent public health problem

Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 20(1):133-163

DOI:10.1128/CMR.00029-06      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Posteraro B, De Carolis E, Vella A, Sanguinetti M , 2013.

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in the clinical mycology laboratory: identification of fungi and beyond

Expert Review of Proteomics, 10(2):151-164

DOI:10.1586/EPR.13.8      URL     PMID:23573782      [本文引用: 1]

Expert Rev. Proteomics 10(2), 151-164 (2013) MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) is becoming essential in most clinical microbiology laboratories throughout the world. Its successful use is mainly attributable to the low operational costs, the universality and flexibility of detection, as well as the specificity and speed of analysis. Based on characteristic protein spectra obtained from intact cells - by means of simple, rapid and reproducible preanalytical and analytical protocols - MALDI-TOF MS allows a highly discriminatory identification of yeasts and filamentous fungi starting from colonies. Whenever used early, direct identification of yeasts from positive blood cultures has the potential to greatly shorten turnaround times and to improve laboratory diagnosis of fungemia. More recently, but still at an infancy stage, MALDI-TOF MS is used to perform strain typing and to determine antifungal drug susceptibility. In this article, the authors discuss how the MALDI-TOF MS technology is destined to become a powerful tool for routine mycological diagnostics.

Richardson M, Lass-Flörl C , 2008.

Changing epidemiology of systemic fungal infections

Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 14(s4):5-24

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Rizzato C, Lombardi L, Zoppo M, Lupetti A, Tavanti A , 2015.

Pushing the limits of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: beyond fungal species identification

Journal of Fungi, 1(3):367-383

DOI:10.3390/jof1030367      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) is a powerful analytical tool that has revolutionized microbial identification. Routinely used for bacterial identification, MALDI-TOF has recently been applied to both yeast and filamentous fungi, confirming its pivotal role in the rapid and reliable diagnosis of infections. Subspecies-level identification holds an important role in epidemiological investigations aimed at tracing virulent or drug resistant clones. This review focuses on present and future applications of this versatile tool in the clinical mycology laboratory.

Sachse S, Straube E, Lehmann M, Bauer M, Russwurm S, Schmidt KH , 2009.

Truncated human cytidylate-phosphate- deoxyguanylate-binding protein for improved nucleic acid amplification technique-based detection of bacterial species in human samples

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 47(4):1050-1057

DOI:10.1128/JCM.02242-08      URL     PMID:19193840      [本文引用: 1]

A trunk of human cytidylate-phosphate-deoxyguanylate-binding protein/CXXC finger protein 1 (CFP1), immobilized onto an aminohexyl-Sepharose column, can be used as a preanalytical tool for the selective enrichment of bacterial DNA from mixed solutions with high amounts of human background DNA for nucleic acid amplification technique-based detection of pathogens. The transcriptional activator protein exhibits a high affinity for nonmethylated CpG dinucleotide motifs, which are differentially distributed in prokaryotic and higher eukaryotic genomes. The feasibility of the affinity chromatography (AC) step was tested with DNA from severely septic patients. AC using 16S rRNA gene primers substantially increased PCR sensitivity. Approximately 90% of eukaryotic DNA was removed, which significantly increased the signal-to-noise ratio. Threshold cycle values revealed that sensitivity was elevated at least 10-fold. The change in the ratio of bacterial DNA to human DNA increased from 26% to 74% the likelihood of culture-independent PCR-based identification of bacterial presence. Compared to the results seen with blood culture (which is the clinical gold standard for systemic infections, exhibiting 28% positives), the combination of AC and PCR achieves a significant increase in sensitivity and contributes to shortening the time to results for the initiation of guided antibiotic therapy.

Sackmann EK, Fulton AL, Beebe DJ , 2014.

The present and future role of microfluidics in biomedical research

Nature, 507(7491):181-189

DOI:10.1038/nature13118      URL     PMID:2020      [本文引用: 1]

Microfluidics, a technology characterized by the engineered manipulation of fluids at the submillimetre scale, has shown considerable promise for improving diagnostics and biology research. Certain properties of microfluidic technologies, such as rapid sample processing and the precise control of fluids in an assay, have made them attractive candidates to replace traditional experimental approaches. Here we analyse the progress made by lab-on-a-chip microtechnologies in recent years, and discuss the clinical and research areas in which they have made the greatest impact. We also suggest directions that biologists, engineers and clinicians can take to help this technology live up to its potential.

Safavieh M, Coarsey C, Esiobu N, Memic A, Vyas JM, Shafiee H, Asghar W , 2017.

Advances in Candida detection platforms for clinical and point-of-care applications

Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 37(4):441-458

DOI:10.3109/07388551.2016.1167667      URL     PMID:5083221      [本文引用: 1]

Invasive candidiasis remains one of the most serious community and healthcare-acquired infections worldwide. Conventional Candida detection methods based on blood and plate culture are time-consuming and require at least 20900094 days to identify various Candida species. Despite considerable advances for candidiasis detection, the development of simple, compact and portable point-of-care diagnostics for rapid and precise testing that automatically performs cell lysis, nucleic acid extraction, purification and detection still remains a challenge. Here, we systematically review most prominent conventional and nonconventional techniques for the detection of various Candida species, including Candida staining, blood culture, serological testing and nucleic acid-based analysis. We also discuss the most advanced lab on a chip devices for candida detection.

Satoh K, Makimura K, Hasumi Y, Nishiyama Y, Uchida K, Yamaguchi H , 2009.

Candida auris sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast isolated from the external ear canal of an inpatient in a Japanese hospital

Microbiology and Immunology, 53(1):41-44

DOI:10.1111/j.1348-0421.2008.00083.x      URL     PMID:19161556      [本文引用: 1]

A single strain of a novel ascomycetous yeast species belonging to the genus Candida was isolated from the external ear canal of an inpatient in a Japanese hospital. Analyses of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 domain, nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region sequences, and chemotaxonomic studies indicated that this strain represents a new species with a close phylogenetic relationship to Candida ruelliae and Candida haemulonii in the Metschnikowiaceae clade. This strain grew well at 40 掳C, but showed slow and weak growth at 42 C. The taxonomic description of Candida auris sp. nov. is proposed (type strain JCM15448 T = CBS10913 T = DSM21092 T ).

Teles F, Seixas J , 2015.

The future of novel diagnostics in medical mycology

Journal of Medical Microbiology, 64(Pt 4):315-322

DOI:10.1099/jmm.0.082297-0      URL     PMID:25418735      [本文引用: 3]

Several fungal diseases have become serious threats to human health and life, especially upon the advent of human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS epidemics and of other typical immunosuppressive conditions of modern life. Accordingly, the burden posed by these diseases and, concurrently, by intensive therapeutic regimens against these diseases has increased worldwide. Existing and available rapid tests for point-of-care diagnosis of important fungal diseases could enable the limitations of current laboratory methods for detection and identification of medically important fungi to be surpassed, both in low-income countries and for first-line diagnosis (screening) in richer countries. As with conventional diagnostic methods and devices, former immunodiagnostics have been challenged by molecular biology-based platforms, as a way to enhance the sensitivity and shorten the assay time, thus enabling early and more accurate diagnosis. Most of these tests have been developed in-house, without adequate validation and standardization. Another challenge has been the DNA extraction step, which is especially critical when dealing with fungi. In this paper, we have identified three major research trends in this field: (1) the application of newer biorecognition techniques, often applied in analytical chemistry; (2) the development of new materials with improved physico-chemical properties; and (3) novel bioanalytical platforms, allowing fully automated testing. Keeping up to date with the fast technological advances registered in this field, primarily at the proof-of-concept level, is essential for wise assessment of those that are likely to be more cost effective and, as already observed for bacterial and viral pathogens, may provide leverage to the current tepid developmental status of novel and improved diagnostics for medical mycology.

Tuon FF, De Almeida GM, Costa SF , 2007.

Central venous catheter-associated fungemia due to Rhodotorula spp. --a systematic review

Medical Mycology, 45(5):441-447

DOI:10.1080/13693780701381289      URL     PMID:17654271      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Rhodotorula spp. are emergent opportunistic pathogens, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. They have been associated with endocarditis, peritonitis, meningitis endophthalmitis and catheter-associated fungemia. The aim of this study was to review all cases of central venous catheter-related fungemia due to Rhodotorula spp. reported in the literature in order to determine the best management of this uncommon infection. All patients but one in the 88 cases examined had some form of underlying disease including sixty-nine (78.4%) who had cancer. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was the species most frequently recovered (75%), followed by Rhodotorula glutinis (6%). Amphotericin B deoxycholate was the most common antifungal agent used as treatment and the overall mortality was 9.1% in this review. This fungemia is a rare disease which can be found in immunocompromised and in the intensive care patients. The use of specific antifungal therapy may be associated with an increase in the survival. It should be noted that Rhodotorula spp. is resistant to fluconazole.

Uemura N, Makimura K, Onozaki M, Otsuka Y, Shibuya Y, Yazaki H, Kikuchi Y, Abe S, Kudoh S , 2008.

Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for diagnosing Pneumocystis pneumonia

Journal of Medical Microbiology, 57(1):50-57

DOI:10.1099/jmm.0.47216-0      URL     PMID:18065667      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a novel, rapid nucleic acid amplification method with high specificity and sensitivity under isothermal conditions. In this study a LAMP assay for diagnosing Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) was developed. Oligonucleotide primers specific for Pneumocystis species were designed corresponding to 18S rRNA gene sequences. The assay, performed for 30 min at 61 degrees C, was capable of detecting 50 copies per tube (2 x 10(3) copies ml(-1)) in 30 min and did not show cross-reactivity to other species of fungi, including the genera Candida, Aspergillus and Cryptococcus. A total of 21 of 24 clinical specimens (sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) from patients with suspected PCP tested positive using the LAMP assay by real-time fluorescence detection. The results of the LAMP reaction were also observed by real-time turbidity detection and end-point visual turbidity or fluorescence detection. With real-time fluorescence detection, melting curves of the products were effective at distinguishing specific amplification from non-specific amplification or self-amplification. Visual detection was also possible as a rapid and easy assay using only a heat block and a black light.

Zhou L, Liao Y, Li H, Lu X, Han X, Tian Y, Chen S, Yang R , 2015.

Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Trichosporon asahii in experimental and clinical samples

BioMed Research International, doi: 10.1155/2015/732573

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