吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心 吉林 长春 130118
Research advances in ontogenic characteristics associated with phylogeny of myxomycetes
Engineering Research Center of Chinese Ministry of Education for Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China
责任编辑: 王敏
收稿日期: 2020-05-20 接受日期: 2020-06-24 网络出版日期: 2021-02-22
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Received: 2020-05-20 Accepted: 2020-06-24 Online: 2021-02-22
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作者简介 About authors
王琦,吉林农业大学二级教授,植物保护学院菌物学方向带头人,中国菌物学会理事,吉林省食药用菌协会副会长,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者从事黏菌、菌物资源等研究,在《MycologicalProgress》《InternationalJournalofBiologicalMacromolecules》等国内外期刊发表论文100余篇,获国家自然科学奖二等奖、教育部高等学校科技进步奖一等奖等5项主编或参编著作7部 , E-mail:qwang@jlau.edu.cn
For the purposes of revealing a variety of cytogenetic patterns of myxomycetes, research advances in biological characteristics, behaviors and related developmental mechanisms of myxomycetes at different stages of life cycle are reviewed. In addition, the phylogenetic relationship between myxomycetes and other groups of Amoebozoa is described, and the homologous characteristics in the various taxonomical groups are compared. The relationship between the ontogenic characteristics and phylogeny of myxomycetes is also expounded.
李姝, 王琦, 李玉.
LI Shu, WANG Qi, LI Yu.
黏菌Myxomycetes是一类广泛分布在陆地生态系统中的真核生物,在黏菌的生活史中,不仅具有类似动物可爬行摄食的营养阶段——变形鞭毛虫、原生质团,也具有一种类似真菌的繁殖阶段——子实体。由于黏菌营养体与繁殖体截然不同的结构特征,黏菌曾因归于真菌界还是原生动物界而引发争议(李玉等 2008)。
动物、植物和真菌作为多细胞真核生物的传统三界,构成了几乎所有可见的生物圈(Mora et al. 2011)。剩余的真核生物被组合成原生生物,包含了许多不同的谱系,大部分是单细胞生物(Pawlowski et al. 2012)。变形虫门Amoebozoa是原生生物中第三大类的变形虫类群(Cavalier-Smith 1998),也是研究真核生物系统发育和演化历史中关键类群(Cavalier-Smith et al. 2014),数量可能超过2 400种(Pawlowski et al. 2012),其中,黏菌是变形虫门下物种最为丰富的类群,物种数量近1 000种(Lado 2005-2020)。
黏菌作为真核生物生命之树中的原始类群(Baldauf & Doolittle 1997),是研究真核生物演化的重要分支(Baldauf 2003;Adl et al. 2012;Walker & Stephenson 2016)。黏菌的个体发育过程反映了真核生物从单细胞向多细胞模式演化的不同分支,黏菌从变形鞭毛虫到子实体的多种发育形式与形态差异,也体现了黏菌类群的同源性与适应性。基于黏菌生活史进行的细胞发育、生物行为等研究,加深了研究者对黏菌系统学的认识与理解。本文在黏菌的个体发育研究与黏菌在变形虫门的大尺度系统发育研究背景下,梳理黏菌生物学特征、行为与相关功能机制,阐述黏菌多样的发育模式,以期为黏菌类群的演化研究提供参考。
1 黏菌的个体发育研究
早在19世纪中期,de Bary(1887)就开展了黏菌生活史的详细研究,并通过大量实验来揭示了黏菌形态发生和生长发育的各个阶段,并对黏菌子实体的两种发育方式和基本繁殖方式作了详尽描述,这是有关黏菌个体发育研究最早的科学观察记录。目前,全世界已有百余种黏菌完成了生活史研究,覆盖了5目9科25属(Clark 1995;戴丹等 2019)。
在黏菌的生活史中,黏菌孢子萌发后产生单细胞单核的变形鞭毛虫,变形鞭毛虫经过有丝分裂建立大量群体,通过配子融合的有性繁殖与无性繁殖(Collins 1980,1981),形成单细胞多核的原生质团,并在适宜的环境条件下,原生质团发育为一个或多个具有孢子结构的子实体,完成生命周期。变形鞭毛虫与原生质团是两种不同形态的黏菌营养生长阶段(Martin et al. 1983),在不利条件下两者可以进入休眠状态,分别形成微囊与菌核,并在适宜条件下恢复成变形鞭毛虫或原生质团,休眠状态对于黏菌在某些栖息环境中的持续生存非常重要(Stephenson et al. 2008)。
1.1 单细胞的变形鞭毛虫
典型的黏菌孢子为球形结构,孢子的大小、表面纹饰、形状、颜色是黏菌物种鉴定的重要参考特征,黏菌孢子表面刺状或网状的纹饰表现出不同程度的疏水性(Hoppe & Schwippert 2014)。依靠风力传播是孢子扩散的主要方式,此外,昆虫也是孢子分散的重要载体(Sugiura et al. 2019)。
孢子在有利条件下萌发,产生变形鞭毛虫,并具有3个替代阶段:黏变形体(myxamoeba)、游动胞(swarm cell)、微囊(cyst)。通过诱导形成可逆的鞭毛,变形鞭毛虫可以在游动胞和黏变形体状态下互相转变(Koevenig 1964;Haskins 1978),并在不良环境中形成微囊进行休眠(Raub & Aldrich 1982)。黏菌游动胞具有鞭毛,在不同物种间可出现单鞭毛、双鞭毛及多鞭毛形式(Elliott 1949;Haskins 1978),游动胞的运动与由ATP诱导的微丝与微管活动相关(Uyeda & Furuya 1989)。黏变形体细胞内分为外质和内质两个部分,外质粘滞性较大,呈凝胶状态;内质颗粒较多,粘滞性较小。透明外质结构对黏变形体的运动方式具有一定影响,当透明外质较厚难以形成典型的伪足时,黏变形体移动速度较慢,表现为滑动式运动;当黏变形体没有透明外质时,运动过程中形成叶状或丝状伪足,表现为爬行式或流动式运动(李晨等 2013;杨天雪等 2018)。
在模式物种多头绒泡菌Physarum polycephalum中,变形鞭毛虫在形态转变时细胞表面“脊”包含的肌动蛋白会显著地重新分布(Pagh & Adelman 1988),当变形鞭毛虫形成具有鞭毛的游动胞时发生ɑ3-微管蛋白的表达(Green & Dove 1984)。在绒泡菌的黏变形体、游动胞和原生质团3种类型的细胞中,用于编码几种ɑ-微管蛋白的altA基因均发生了差异表达,其中,在游动胞中检测到的altA基因表达峰值比黏变形体高14倍,而原生质团中altA基因表达峰值水平比黏变形体低5倍,altA基因的表达模式和编码ɑ-微管蛋白的预测氨基酸序列表明,altA是翻译后乙酰化的底物,产生黏变形体和游动胞中特有的ɑ3-微管蛋白亚型(Cunningham et al. 1993)。虽然黏菌在其生命周期中仅显示出几种相对简单的细胞类型,包括黏变形体、游动胞和原生质团,但其中的微管蛋白基因家族的复杂性可与果蝇相媲美(Paul et al. 1992)。
此外,黏菌的变形鞭毛虫阶段也被应用于黏菌繁殖系统的研究。在黏菌孢子萌发后释放出单核变形鞭毛虫,经过有丝分裂后产生大量的克隆群体,变形鞭毛虫在达到临界细胞密度后(Shipley & Holt 1982)进行融合(Bailey et al. 1990),产生二倍体合子(Clark & Haskins 2010,2013)。另外,如果变形鞭毛虫自身为二倍体时(Clark & Haskins 2013),可直接发育成原生质团而无需质配和核配,这一现象可能源自在孢子形成过程中阻滞减数分裂的无融合生殖系统(Clark & Haskins 2010)。二倍体合子或二倍体变形鞭毛虫在发育为原生质团时,其细胞膜上经历了许多生化变化(Ross & Shipley 1973)和一系列的细胞核有丝分裂(而非细胞分裂)。以上发育过程兼容了变形鞭毛虫之间通过配子融合的有性繁殖与无性繁殖过程(Collins 1980,1981)。
当多个环境因素对种群进行选择时,有性繁殖可以将不同遗传背景的有利信息通过重组整合,达到更快适应新环境的效果,因此,有性繁殖的方式更有利于种群适应自然界的复杂环境(Luijckx et al. 2017)。黏菌纲中存在众多世界广布物种,部分广布种对复杂多样的环境适应范围极广,结合黏菌生物种间复杂的生殖系统(Clark & Haskins 2010),黏菌的有性繁殖背景是否是影响黏菌全球性分布的主要原因,还有待进一步研究,这种兼具有性与无性的繁殖模式,可能会为真核生物有性繁殖行为提供新的研究视角。
1.2 多核单细胞的原质团
原生质团是黏菌营养生长时期的主要存在形式,也是黏菌最具代表性的阶段性形态,黏菌的原生质团分为3类:原始型、显型和隐型(Alexopoulos 1960)。原生质团是由一层薄的质膜和胶黏质鞘包被着的原生质,鞘上有微纤丝,原生质团包含着小颗粒、液泡和其他物体(Kamiya 1950)。原生质管可细分为3个不同的层:黏液层(富含粘多糖的液体鞘)(Kessler 1982)、外质层(高度气化区域,包含了生物体的大部分细胞骨架)和内质层(生物体的流体动力学核心,细胞质通过该核心快速移动)(Wohlfarth-Bottermann 1979;王晓丽等2007)。原生质团内包裹着许多细胞核,这些细胞核具有精确的周期性同步有丝分裂(Guttes et al. 1959),每个个体的细胞核数目可超过108个(Pierron 1986),原生质团的细胞核大部分集中在代谢最活跃的前缘区域,细胞核似乎锚定在肌动蛋白网络上并在其上运输(Mayne et al. 2014)。作为一种真核细胞,原生质团细胞内包含质膜、细胞核、线粒体、食物液泡、收缩液泡、内质网、核糖体、高尔基体以及色素颗粒。其中,线粒体具有典型的原生动物管状脊结构(Dugus & Bath 1962)。
原生质团中的细胞质通过管状网络有节奏地往复流动,循环细胞内养分和化学信号,并形成假足,使黏菌原生质团能够在周围导航并对环境做出反应(Dussutour et al. 2010),从周围环境中寻找、吞噬、吸收有机物质。当原生质膜接触食物颗粒时,接触食物部分的原生质团不再前进,其相邻区域继续移动并将颗粒包裹,最终形成封闭的食物液泡(Camp 1937)。在营养物被提取之后,通过与摄食相反的过程来排出食物液泡。黏菌原质团胞外分泌物与运动相关,原质团小囊泡随原生质流动被运至原质团前缘,通过胞吐作用向原质团外分泌成为细胞外基质(Sesaki & Ogihara 1997)。
黏菌的食物既有糖类和蛋白质类等有机物(Chet et al. 1977;Kincaid & Mansour 1978;Knowles & Carlile 1978;McClory & Coote 1985),也有细菌(Konijn & Koevenig 1971)、藻类(Lazo 1961)、蓝藻、真菌孢子和菌丝(Stephenson & Stempen 1994)等生物体。独立的黏菌原生质团能够通过选择性觅食,维持碳源和氮源营养的平衡,这种现象对于土壤的生态功能、养分循环和固碳作用都具有重要意义(Dussutour et al. 2010)。黏菌原生质团的趋向行为与流动网脉的连接也受到关注并展开了多项相关研究:黏菌可以找到穿过迷宫的最短路径找到食物(Nakagaki et al. 2000);预测周期性事件的发生时间(Saigusa et al. 2008);解决多目标觅食问题(Latty & Beekman 2010)等。
黏菌原生质团可以根据各个部分的综合信息来做出行为决策,必须具有传递信息并汇总各类信息源的行为机制(Alim et al. 2013b)。在原生质团中,分子信号和营养物质浓度信息可以通过流动的细胞质在管状网络快速发送,迅速分布在整个原生质团内,原生质团利用蠕动驱动细胞质流传递移动信号,并通过收缩模式适应细胞质流量,从而优化了整个生物体的运输,同时,还整体移动了原生质团,这种对流体流量的控制可能是黏菌原生质团协调增长和行为的关键(Alim et al. 2013a)。营养物质可以触发原生质团信号分子的释放,信号分子通过流体流动,但同时由于原生质团前进时的收缩幅度导致了原生质团局部加厚,从而限制了流动的产生,信号分子启动反馈回路以实现其自身的运动。这种机制解释了蠕动波对生物体大小的适应性以及黏菌找到食物来源之间最短路径的能力。一个简单的反馈似乎引起黏菌的复杂行为,并且相同的机制可能在成千上万具有相似行为的其他物种中起作用(Alim et al. 2017)。
细胞大小通过决定细胞器的规模、影响细胞表面运输,从根本上影响所有生物合成过程(Chan & Marshall 2010;Goehring & Hyman 2012),进而影响细胞的迁移(Saadoun et al. 2005;Stroka et al. 2014)、活性(Bush et al. 2005;McGrail et al. 2015)、增殖(Tzur et al. 2009)、分化(Good et al. 2013)、衰老(Neurohr et al. 2019)、极性和不对称分裂(Hubatsch et al. 2019)等生命活动。虽然很多研究发现了影响细胞大小的基因变异与分子调控(Turner et al. 2012;Schmoller et al. 2015),但是机体控制细胞大小的机制仍未完善。从变形鞭毛虫到原生质团,黏菌的细胞大小会跨越几个数量级,相较于多细胞生物需要严格调节细胞大小,原生质团为适应外部环境变化可调整细胞形态与大小,并同时提供了有效的通讯网络与协作功能,在细胞发育演化的分支,黏菌展示了一种区别于多细胞生物的机体协作方式,而这种生长模式的调控机制还有待进一步研究。
1.3 多孢子结构的子实体
黏菌子实体是鉴定的关键形态因素,黏菌子实体个体通常较小,但有些特征接近于高等真菌。同时,黏菌子实体展现了黏菌的形态与发育方式上的多样性,主要分为孢囊、联囊体、复囊体和假复囊体4种类型(李玉等 2008)。根据发网菌目黏菌与其他腹黏菌在子实体发育方式上的明显差异,建立了发网菌亚纲(Ross 1973),这一分类方案至今仍得到认可。此外,除了子实层下型(subhyphothallic type)与子实层上型(epihypothallic type)的发育方式,还存在第3种Echinostelium的发育方式:原始型原生质团的中心向上隆起球状结构,并逐渐在锥形的纤维质菌柄顶部升高,孢囊内的囊轴与孢丝为菌柄的延续(Haskins 1971),研究者认为这种发育方式可能是其他类型的祖先特征(Clark & Haskins 2014)。
大部分黏菌原生质团可以通过饥饿(Camp 1937)和光照(Gray 1938)条件的诱导,发育形成子实体,此外,生长环境的pH、温度也对子实体的结实率产生影响(Gray 1939;谷硕等 2011)。在子实体逐渐成熟的过程中,孢囊内部也进行减数分裂,形成孢子及其他附属结构,如囊被、孢丝、石灰质等(Wilson & Ross 1955)。
在光诱导的研究中,子实体形成最为有效的诱导波长为310-500nm(Daniel & Rusch 1962)。多头绒泡菌P. polycephalum的孢子形成和光回避(photoavoidance)反应在UVC(近270nm)、UVA(近350nm)、蓝光(近460nm)及红光(近750nm)下均有响应,其原生质团中可能至少有4个不同的光系统(Nakagaki et al. 1996)。通过比较饥饿后的多头绒泡菌P. polycephalum原生质团在红光与远红光照射后,670nm处的光可逆吸光度变化,证实了黏菌中存在一种植物色素类的光感受器,多头绒泡菌P. polycephalum的孢子形成可以由远红色/红色可逆的植物色素引发(Marwan 2003)。在多头绒泡菌P. polycephalum光诱导形成孢子前后,发现表达基因中最明显下调的基因与DNA修复、细胞分裂、细胞迁移抑制和钙释放有关,而高度上调基因则参与了细胞死亡、细胞极化、完整性维持和分化。另外,在上调的转录本之间与细胞死亡相关的转录本被过度代表。这些变化与肌动蛋白结合蛋白的网络有关,该蛋白由光诱导前后受不同调控的基因编码(Barrantes et al. 2010)。
生物对光的感知与反馈,是体现生物对环境变化适应性的重要因素。虽然黏菌在子实体的发育过程中可以对多种波长的光信号感应并产生响应,但黏菌中仍有部分物种如鳞钙皮菌Didymium squamulosum不需要自然光刺激即可形成子实体(Zhu et al. 2019),可见黏菌不同物种、菌株间对光诱导的需求存在着差异,形成这种现象的原因目前还未报道,在研究外源光信号对机体调控的同时,不同个体内源的生物钟也应给予深入挖掘。
2 黏菌个体发育和形态学特征与系统发育的关联
黏菌个体发育的不同类型体现了系统发育的各个环节不同阶段和不同分支,推动了黏菌分类系统的研究(Baldauf和李玉 1997)。de Bary(1887)根据黏菌兼具的真菌与动物两种属性,提出黏菌与原生动物关系更密切,强调了黏菌的动物属性。由此,关于黏菌的系统发育与起源研究接踵而至,为黏菌的深层系统学研究提供了丰富的理论基础。
2.1 黏菌类群的系统关系
广义的黏菌包括网柄菌、黏菌和原柄菌3个类群,在黏菌的系统发育研究中,核糖体基因树显示黏菌和网柄菌是不相关的早期分支谱系,但基于肌动蛋白和beta-微管蛋白构建的系统发育树将它们置于一个大的分支,成为与动物、真菌进化枝密切相关的独立连贯群(Baldauf & Palmer 1993;Keeling & Doolittle 1996)。在延伸因子EF-1α基因的系统发育关系中支持黏菌纲作为一个单系,与其他物种相比,黏菌与网柄菌之间的关系最为密切(Baldauf et al. 1996)。系统发育研究也将这种连贯的黏菌组合置于多细胞真核生物中,与绿色植物相比,与动物和真菌的关系更为密切,黏菌应该被放置在真核生物的“树冠”(Baldauf & Doolittle 1997;Baldauf et al. 2000)。在分子系统发育关系支持下,黏菌被认为是原生动物界变形虫门内的单系分类单元(Cavalier-Smith 1998;Adl et al. 2012;Ruggiero et al. 2015)。
黏菌和网柄菌通常具有多孢子的子实体,但它们是否相关或独立于不同的单细胞祖先还存在争议,而具有单孢子子实体的原柄菌可能是黏菌纲与典型变形虫之间的进化中间体。在18S rRNA和/或EF-1α基因的黏菌及其相关物种的系统发育研究中,分析结果支持网柄菌、黏菌和鹅绒菌Ceratiomyxa fructiculosa为单系群,而原柄菌虽然属于变形虫门,但与不形成子实体的阿米巴Variosea纲关系接近,且不是单系群。由于网柄菌、黏菌和鹅绒菌C. fructiculosa内的所有物种都存在多核二倍体合子,3个类群的共同特征可能是合子中细胞核分裂后暂停细胞分裂,由此,推测其祖先可能已经进化出具有多孢子的子实体结构(Fiore-Donno et al. 2010)。黏菌中也划分为深色孢子与浅色孢子两个分支,其中的基础物种的子实体几乎都具有柄,因此,黏菌的祖先形态可能具柄结构,并且从原柄菌到黏菌可能绘制了一个连续的演化路径,此外,是否存在鞭毛不是划分更高级原生动物的分类标准(Fiore-Donno et al. 2010),而第二鞭毛作为基本形态特征的出现可能是黏菌的亚型性状(Cavalier-Smith et al. 2004)。
2.2 黏菌与变形虫门类群的同源特征
在由325个基因构建的变形虫门系统发育框架的分析中,变形虫超群的最后共同祖先的假设被提出:具备有性繁殖、生长鞭毛、形成孢囊型子实体,变形虫中的主要宏观进化模式似乎是由多阶段生命周期的同源性特征(包括鞭毛、有性阶段和子实体)的平行缺失引起的,而不是独立获得汇聚的特征(Kang et al. 2017)。虽然黏菌物种子实体形态多样,但黏菌的有性阶段均体现了这些同源特征的发育规律。同时,与以上特征相比,原生质团阶段的形态可能更适合反映黏菌与其他变形虫门类群的差异。
变形虫门中具有多细胞核的阿米巴营养体阶段是该群物种相对常见的现象(Adl et al. 2012)。除黏菌外,这些物种常见于原柄菌中,其中具有原生质团形态的物种经常出现在Cavosteliida、Protosporangiida(Ceratiomyxales和Protosporangium)和Schizoplasmodiida(Spiegel et al. 1995)。除了鹅绒菌C. fructiculosa,以上这些类群中的物种的生命周期可能还包括变形鞭毛虫形态阶段,并且有迹象表明某些物种中可能存在有性阶段(Adl et al. 2012)。因此,原生质团状态可能是在许多分类单元中丢失的祖先形态,或者是在许多不同的分类单元中分别进化的形态。原生质团通常与孢子的产生有关,孢子通常提供有效的扩散方式和可以承受暂时不利条件的抗性结构。这种关系可能是由于原生质团将个体组织专门用于产生复杂的孢子体,为孢子散布在空气中提供条件。虽然一些产生孢子体的原柄菌具有单核的营养阶段,但是由于孢子形成需要变形虫中的大部分资源,因此它们的大小和形式受到很大限制;另一方面,具有原生质团的原柄菌可能产生多核单孢子、多孢子孢囊或多个单孢子产孢单位(Adl et al. 2012)。此外,在网柄菌中阿米巴营养体通过聚集、分化从而产生孢子,形成机制有别于原柄菌与黏菌。因此,原生质团的大小通过促使多核状态下的黏菌演化出可以产生大型且包裹大量孢子的子实体结构;为黏菌分支提供了一种有效的分散机制,这在大多数其他变形虫中并不存在。这种尺寸优势也可能在生境和营养竞争方面提供竞争优势(Haskins 1990)。原生质团在营养阶段通过融合基因相同的年轻原生质团从而快速增加其质量,并产生大型且可移动的高效食物收集结构,不仅可以胜过较小生物的竞争,而且还可以摄取许多较小生物(Clark & Haskins 2015)。
借助于系统发育和遗传学研究,人们对于真核生物演化认识发生了深刻的变化。单细胞真核生物过度简化的分类系统已被起源于10亿年前具有大型单系真核超群的发育系统所取代(Pawlowski 2013)。黏菌作为众多谱系的一支,充分理解类群内与类群间的辐射关系,是进一步研究黏菌生态和演化的重要途径。
The revised classification of eukaryotes
Gross morphology of the plasmodium and its possible significance in the relationships among the myxomycetes
Random network peristalsis in Physarum polycephalum organizes fluid flows across an individual
DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2013.09.040 URL PMID:24355778 [本文引用: 1]
Mechanism of signal propagation in Physarum polycephalum
Cellular events during sexual development from amoeba to plasmodium in the slime mould Physarum polycephalum
The deep roots of eukaryotes
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Most cultivated and characterized eukaryotes can be confidently assigned to one of eight major groups. After a few false starts, we are beginning to resolve relationships among these major groups as well. However, recent developments are radically revising this picture again, particularly (i) the discovery of the likely antiquity and taxonomic diversity of ultrasmall eukaryotes, and (ii) a fundamental rethinking of the position of the root. Together these data suggest major gaps in our understanding simply of what eukaryotes are or, when it comes to the tree, even which end is up.
Origin and evolution of the slime molds (Mycetozoa)
Animals and fungi are each other’s closest relatives: congruent evidence from multiple proteins
The root of the universal tree and the origin of eukaryotes based on elongation factor phylogeny
A kingdom-level phylogeny of eukaryotes based on combined protein data
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Current understanding of the higher order systematics of eukaryotes relies largely on analyses of the small ribosomal subunit RNA (SSU rRNA). Independent testing of these results is still limited. We have combined the sequences of four of the most broadly taxonomically sampled proteins available to create a roughly parallel data set to that of SSU rRNA. The resulting phylogenetic tree shows a number of striking differences from SSU rRNA phylogeny, including strong support for most major groups and several major supergroups.
Transcriptomic changes arising during light-induced sporulation in Physarum polycephalum
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BACKGROUND: Physarum polycephalum is a free-living amoebozoan protist displaying a complex life cycle, including alternation between single- and multinucleate stages through sporulation, a simple form of cell differentiation. Sporulation in Physarum can be experimentally induced by several external factors, and Physarum displays many biochemical features typical for metazoan cells, including metazoan-type signaling pathways, which makes this organism a model to study cell cycle, cell differentiation and cellular reprogramming. RESULTS: In order to identify the genes associated to the light-induced sporulation in Physarum, especially those related to signal transduction, we isolated RNA before and after photoinduction from sporulation- competent cells, and used these RNAs to synthesize cDNAs, which were then analyzed using the 454 sequencing technology. We obtained 16,669 cDNAs that were annotated at every computational level. 13,169 transcripts included hit count data, from which 2,772 displayed significant differential expression (upregulated: 1,623; downregulated: 1,149). Transcripts with valid annotations and significant differential expression were later integrated into putative networks using interaction information from orthologs. CONCLUSIONS: Gene ontology analysis suggested that most significantly downregulated genes are linked to DNA repair, cell division, inhibition of cell migration, and calcium release, while highly upregulated genes were involved in cell death, cell polarization, maintenance of integrity, and differentiation. In addition, cell death- associated transcripts were overrepresented between the upregulated transcripts. These changes are associated to a network of actin-binding proteins encoded by genes that are differentially regulated before and after light induction.
Viability and volume of in situ bovine articular chondrocytes-changes following a single impact and effects of medium osmolarity
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OBJECTIVE: Mechanical stress above the physiological range can profoundly influence articular cartilage causing matrix damage, changes to chondrocyte metabolism and cell injury/death. It has also been implicated as a risk factor in the development of osteoarthritis (OA). The mechanism of cell damage is not understood, but chondrocyte volume could be a determinant of the sensitivity and subsequent response to load. For example, in OA, it is possible that the chondrocyte swelling that occurs renders the cells more sensitive to the damaging effects of mechanical stress. This study had two aims: (1) to investigate the changes to the volume and viability of in situ chondrocytes near an injury to cartilage resulting from a single blunt impact, and (2) to determine if alterations to chondrocyte volume at the time of impact influenced cell viability. METHODS: Explants of bovine articular cartilage were incubated with the fluorescent indicators calcein-AM and propidium iodide permitting the measurement of cell volume and viability, respectively, using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Cartilage was then subjected to a single impact (optimally 100g from 10 cm) delivered from a drop tower which caused areas of chondrocyte injury/death within the superficial zone (SZ). The presence of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; an enzyme released following cell injury) was used to determine the effects of medium osmolarity on the response of chondrocytes to a single impact. RESULTS: A single impact caused discrete areas of chondrocyte injury/death which were almost exclusively within the SZ of cartilage. There appeared to be two phases of cell death, a rapid phase lasting approximately 3 min, followed by a slower progressive 'wave of cell death' away from the initial area lasting for approximately 20 min. The volume of the majority (88.1+/-5.99% (n=7) of the viable chondrocytes in this region decreased significantly (P<0.006). By monitoring LDH release, a single impact 5 min after changing the culture medium to hyper-, or hypo-osmolarity, reduced or stimulated chondrocyte injury, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A single impact caused temporal and spatial changes to in situ chondrocyte viability with cell shrinkage occurring in the majority of cells. However, chondrocyte shrinkage by raising medium osmolarity at the time of impact protected the cells from injury, whereas swollen chondrocytes were markedly more sensitive. These data showed that chondrocyte volume could be an important determinant of the sensitivity and response of in situ chondrocytes to mechanical stress.
The structure and activities of the myxomycete plasmodia
A revised six-kingdom system of life
Molecular phylogeny of Amoebozoa and the evolutionary significance of the unikont Phalansterium
Multigene phylogeny resolves deep branching of Amoebozoa
Amoebozoa is a key phylum for eukaryote phylogeny and evolutionary history, but its phylogenetic validity has been questioned since included species are very diverse: amoebo-flagellate slime-moulds, naked and testate amoebae, and some flagellates. 18S rRNA gene trees have not firmly established its internal topology. To rectify this we sequenced cDNA libraries for seven diverse Amoebozoa and conducted phylogenetic analyses for 109 eukaryotes (17-18 Amoebozoa) using 60-188 genes. We conducted Bayesian inferences with the evolutionarily most realistic site-heterogeneous CAT-GTR-Gamma model and maximum likelihood analyses. These unequivocally establish the monophyly of Amoebozoa, showing a primary dichotomy between the previously contested subphyla Lobosa and Conosa. Lobosa, the entirely non-flagellate lobose amoebae, are robustly partitioned into the monophyletic classes Tubulinea, with predominantly tube-shaped pseudopodia, and Discosea with flattened cells and different locomotion. Within Conosa 60/70-gene trees with very little missing data show a primary dichotomy between the aerobic infraphylum Semiconosia (Mycetozoa and Variosea) and secondarily anaerobic Archamoebae. These phylogenetic features are entirely congruent with the most recent major amoebozoan classification emphasising locomotion modes, pseudopodial morphology, and ultrastructure. However, 188-gene trees where proportionally more taxa have sparser gene-representation weakly place Archamoebae as sister to Macromycetozoa instead, possibly a tree reconstruction artefact of differentially missing data.
Scaling properties of cell and organelle size
Review of culture and ontogenesis of myxomycetes
Chemotaxis and movement of Physarum polycephalum and its responses to some neurotransmitters and psychomimetic compounds
A method was developed for studying the effect of some neurotransmitters and drugs on the rate of movement and the chemotactic value of the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum. Epinephrine (adrenaline) at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, reduced the rate of movement and shortened the length of the cycles of shuttle streaming, but did not affect the chemotactic response. The drugs DL-amphetamine, cannabinol and heroin diminished the rate of movement, whereas Na-barbitol misled the chemotactic response.
Myxomycete reproductive systems: additional information
Reproductive systems in the myxomycetes: a review
The nuclear reproductive cycle in the myxomycetes: a review
Sporophore morphology and development in the myxomycetes: a review
Myxomycete plasmodial biology: a review
DOI:10.5943/mycosphere URL [本文引用: 1]
Apomictic-heterothallic conversion in a myxomycete, Didymium iridis
DOI:10.1080/00275514.1980.12021291 URL [本文引用: 2]
Myxomycete genetics, 1960-1981
Cloning and characterization of the altA alpha-tubulin gene of Physarum
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A cDNA clone derived from the altA locus, encoding one of several alpha-tubulins in Physarum, was sequenced and used to determine the developmental and cell cycle expression patterns of its corresponding gene. The predicted amino acid sequence of the altA gene product, alpha 1A-tubulin, is 92% identical to the other known Physarum alpha-tubulins, alpha 1B and alpha 2B, which are products of two tightly linked genes at the altB locus. The nucleotide sequence of the altA coding region is 82% identical to the two altB genes. Expression of the altA gene was found in all three cell types examined - amoeba, flagellate and plasmodium - but at substantially different levels in each. The peak level of altA message detected in flagellates was 14-fold higher than in amoebae, while the peak level in plasmodia was 5-fold lower than in amoebae. The expression pattern of altA and the predicted amino acid sequence of the alpha-tubulin it encodes suggest that alpha 1A is the substrate for post-translational acetylation, giving rise to the alpha 3-tubulin isoform found specifically in amoebae and flagellates. Northern blot analysis of plasmodial RNA samples from specific times in the cell cycle showed that the level of altA message varies over the cell cycle in a pattern similar to transcripts from other tubulin genes, with a peak at mitosis and little or no message detected during most of interphase.
The life cycle of Myxogastria
Method for inducing sporulation of pure cultures of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum
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Daniel, John W. (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and Harold P. Rusch. Method for inducing sporulation of pure cultures of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum. J. Bacteriol. 83:234-240. 1962.-Techniques for inducing sporulation of pure cultures of Physarum polycephalum are described. Small plasmodia grown in agitated culture were harvested, allowed to fuse into large plasmodia (1.3 g wet weight each), and, after incubation in the dark on a salts medium, exposed to light for 2 hr. The ensuing formation of sporangia containing spores was complete after 12 to 16 hr. The obligatory conditions for sporulation are: (i) an optimal growth age occurring just prior to the maximal growth of the organism and at a time when nutrients in the medium are exhausted; (ii) 4 days of incubation on a medium containing only inorganic salts and niacin or tryptophan; and (iii) subsequent illumination with light of wavelengths between 350 and 500 mmu.
Comparative morphology and taxonomy of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria
Electron microscopy of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum
DOI:10.1007/BF01248158 URL [本文引用: 1]
Amoeboid organism solves complex nutritional challenges
The swarm-cells of myxomycetes
DOI:10.1080/00275514.1949.12017757 URL [本文引用: 1]
Deep phylogeny and evolution of slime moulds (Mycetozoa)
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Mycetozoa, characterized by spore-bearing fruiting bodies, are the most diverse Amoebozoa. They traditionally comprise three taxa: Myxogastria, Dictyostelia and Protostelia. Myxogastria and Dictyostelia typically have multispored fruiting bodies, but controversy exists whether they are related or arose independently from different unicellular ancestors. Protostelid slime moulds, with single-spored fruiting bodies, are possible evolutionary intermediates between them and typical amoebae, but have received almost no molecular study. Protostelid morphology is so varied that they might not be monophyletic. We therefore provide 38 new 18S rRNA and/or EF-1alpha gene sequences from Mycetozoa and related species, including four protostelids and the enigmatic Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa. Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of Dictyostelia, Myxogastria, and Ceratiomyxa (here collectively called
Organelle growth control through limiting pools of cytoplasmic components
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The critical importance of controlling the size and number of intracellular organelles has led to a variety of mechanisms for regulating the formation and growth of cellular structures. In this review, we explore a class of mechanisms for organelle growth control that rely primarily on the cytoplasm as a 'limiting pool' of available material. These mechanisms are based on the idea that, as organelles grow, they incorporate subunits from the cytoplasm. If this subunit pool is limited, organelle growth will lead to depletion of subunits from the cytoplasm. Free subunit concentration therefore provides a measure of the number of incorporated subunits and thus the current size of the organelle. Because organelle growth rates are typically a function of subunit concentration, cytoplasmic depletion links organelle size, free subunit concentration, and growth rates, ensuring that as the organelle grows, its rate of growth slows. Thus, a limiting cytoplasmic pool provides a powerful mechanism for size-dependent regulation of growth without recourse to active mechanisms to measure size or modulate growth rates. Variations of this general idea allow not only for size control, but also cell-size-dependent scaling of cellular structures, coordination of growth between similar structures within a cell, and the enforcement of singularity in structure formation, when only a single copy of a structure is desired. Here, we review several examples of such mechanisms in cellular processes as diverse as centriole duplication, centrosome and nuclear size control, cell polarity, and growth of flagella.
Cytoplasmic volume modulates spindle size during embryogenesis
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Rapid and reductive cell divisions during embryogenesis require that intracellular structures adapt to a wide range of cell sizes. The mitotic spindle presents a central example of this flexibility, scaling with the dimensions of the cell to mediate accurate chromosome segregation. To determine whether spindle size regulation is achieved through a developmental program or is intrinsically specified by cell size or shape, we developed a system to encapsulate cytoplasm from Xenopus eggs and embryos inside cell-like compartments of defined sizes. Spindle size was observed to shrink with decreasing compartment size, similar to what occurs during early embryogenesis, and this scaling trend depended on compartment volume rather than shape. Thus, the amount of cytoplasmic material provides a mechanism for regulating the size of intracellular structures.
The effect of light on the fruiting of myxomycetes
DOI:10.1002/ajb2.1938.25.issue-7 URL [本文引用: 1]
The relation of pH and temperature to the fruiting of Physarum polycephalum
DOI:10.1002/ajb2.1939.26.issue-9 URL [本文引用: 1]
Tubulin proteins and RNA during the myxamoeba-flagellate transformation of Physarum polycephalum
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Physarum myxamoebae can be reversibly induced to become flagellates. Physarum flagellates contain a new form of tubulin, alpha 3, that is not found in nonflagellated cells. Evidence is presented that suggests that alpha 3 tubulin arises through posttranslational modification of a preexisting alpha tubulin. Pulse-chase experiments showed that labeled alpha 3 tubulin could be detected when flagellates formed after a chase. RNA was isolated from myxamoebae at different times after induction of flagellum formation. When this RNA was translated in vitro, the resulting products contained no alpha 3 tubulin, also consistent with alpha 3 being made by posttranslational modification. Levels of alpha and beta tubulin RNA increased with the proportion of flagellates in the culture. These elevated tubulin RNA levels declined after the number of flagellates in the population achieved plateau values.
Plasmodium cultivation and induced occurrence of fruiting bodies of three Physarum species
In the process of artificial cultivation of myxomycetes, plasmodia usually could not form sporophores that resulted in the ontogeny rest on vegetative stage. In this study, plasmodia of Physarum were obtained by using liquid culture in combination with oat-agar culture, and they were induced to form sporophores. Under the condition of hunger, the optimal culture conditions of sporophore and sclerotium formation of Physarum were obtained from different media by adjusting illumination (3,000, 6,000, 9,000 and 12,000lx) and temperature (20, 22, 24 and 26℃). The optimal conditions for obtaining sporophores of P. globuliferum in oat-agar medium and liquid medium were under 24℃, 6,000lx and 20℃, 6,000lx, respectively. The optimal conditions for obtaining sporophores of P. compressum in oat-agar medium and liquid medium were under 26℃, 6,000lx, and 20℃, 6,000lx, respectively. Sporophores and sclerotia of P. melleum were all obtained in oat-agar medium, and the optimal conditions were 26℃, 6,000lx and 22℃, 3,000lx. In liquid medium, P. melleum only formed sclerotia, and the optimal conditions of were 22℃, 6,000lx.
Synchronization of mitosis by the fusion of the plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum
Sporophore formation in the myxomycete Echinostelium minutum de Bary
A study of the amoebo-flagellate transformation in the slime mold Echinostelium minutum de Bary
Plasmodial coalescence in Stemonitis flavogenita (Myxomycetes, Stemonitales)
Hydrophobicity of myxomycete spores: an undescribed aspect of spore ornamentation
DOI:10.5943/mycosphere URL [本文引用: 1]
A cell size threshold limits cell polarity and asymmetric division potential
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Reaction-diffusion networks underlie pattern formation in a range of biological contexts, from morphogenesis of organisms to the polarisation of individual cells. One requirement for such molecular networks is that output patterns be scaled to system size. At the same time, kinetic properties of constituent molecules constrain the ability of networks to adapt to size changes. Here we explore these constraints and the consequences thereof within the conserved PAR cell polarity network. Using the stem cell-like germ lineage of the C. elegans embryo as a model, we find that the behaviour of PAR proteins fails to scale with cell size. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that this lack of scaling results in a size threshold below which polarity is destabilized, yielding an unpolarized system. In empirically-constrained models, this threshold occurs near the size at which germ lineage cells normally switch between asymmetric and symmetric modes of division. Consistent with cell size limiting polarity and division asymmetry, genetic or physical reduction in germ lineage cell size is sufficient to trigger loss of polarity in normally polarizing cells at predicted size thresholds. Physical limits of polarity networks may be one mechanism by which cells read out geometrical features to inform cell fate decisions.
The rate of protoplasmic flow in the myxomycete plasmodium
Between a pod and a hard test: the deep evolution of Amoebae
Alpha-tubulin from early-diverging eukaryotic lineages and the evolution of the tubulin family
Plasmodial structure and motility
In: Aldrich HC, Daniel JW (eds.) Cell biology of Physarum and Didymium. Vol. 1, Chap 5.
Chemotaxis toward carbohydrates and amino acids in Physarum polycephalum
DOI:10.1016/0014-4827(78)90461-5 URL PMID:710529 [本文引用: 1]
The chemotactic response of plasmodia of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum to sugars and related compounds
Studies on life cycle of Physarum gyrosum and other myxomycetes
DOI:10.1080/00275514.1964.12018099 URL [本文引用: 1]
Chemotaxis in myxomycetes or true slime molds
An on line nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa
Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC.
Food quality and the risk of light exposure affect patch choice decisions in the acellular slime mould Physarum polycephalum
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How individuals deal with multiple conflicting demands is an important aspect of foraging ecology, yet work on foraging behavior has typically neglected neurologically simple organisms. Here we examine the impact of an abiotic risk (light) and energetic status on the foraging decisions of a protist, the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. We examined patch choice in a
Growth of green algae with myxomycete plasmodia
DOI:10.2307/2422961 URL [本文引用: 1]
Morphology and behavior of myxamoebae of several myxomycetes species
The myxamoeba structure of myxomycetes affects movement patterns. The morphology and behavior of myxamoebae of 5 myxomycete species, which were subcultured for a long term, have been observed under the microscope. It is indicated that the morphology of myxamoeba vary with species, mainly differing in the presence or absence of transparent ectoplasm and regularity or irregularity of the shape. Transparent ectoplasm may be responsible for the pattern of movement. It is difficult to form typical pseudopodium for myxamoeba with thick ectoplasm, and the myxamoeba exhibits gliding motility with slow speed. The other movement patterns include flowing motility and creeping motility.
Flora fungorum sinicorum. Myxomycetes I
Higher rates of sex evolve during adaptation to more complex environments
The genera of myxomycetes
Detecting functional interactions in a gene and signaling network by time- resolved somatic complementation analysis
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Somatic complementation by fusion of two mutant cells and mixing of their cytoplasms occurs when the genetic defect of one fusion partner is cured by the functional gene product provided by the other. We have found that complementation of mutational defects in the network mediating stimulus-induced commitment and sporulation of Physarum polycephalum may reflect time-dependent changes in the signaling state of its molecular building blocks. Network perturbation by fusion of mutant plasmodial cells in different states of activation, and the time-resolved analysis of somatic complementation effects can be used to systematically probe network structure and dynamics. Time-resolved somatic complementation quantitatively detects regulatory interactions between the functional modules of a network, independent of their biochemical composition or subcellular localization, and without being limited to direct physical interactions.
On the role of the plasmodial cytoskeleton in facilitating intelligent behaviour in slime mould Physarum polycephalum
The chemotaxtic response of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum to amino acids, cyclic nucleotides and folic acid
DOI:10.1111/fml.1985.26.issue-2 URL [本文引用: 1]
Osmotic regulation is required for cancer cell survival under solid stress
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For a solid tumor to grow, it must be able to support the compressive stress that is generated as it presses against the surrounding tissue. Although the literature suggests a role for the cytoskeleton in counteracting these stresses, there has been no systematic evaluation of which filaments are responsible or to what degree. Here, using a three-dimensional spheroid model, we show that cytoskeletal filaments do not actively support compressive loads in breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. However, modulation of tonicity can induce alterations in spheroid size. We find that under compression, tumor cells actively efflux sodium to decrease their intracellular tonicity, and that this is reversible by blockade of sodium channel NHE1. Moreover, although polymerized actin does not actively support the compressive load, it is required for sodium efflux. Compression-induced cell death is increased by both sodium blockade and actin depolymerization, whereas increased actin polymerization offers protective effects and increases sodium efflux. Taken together, these results demonstrate that cancer cells modulate their tonicity to survive under compressive solid stress.
How many species are there on earth and in the ocean?
Action spectrum for sporulation and photoavoidance in the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum, as modified differentially by temperature and starvation
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The plasmodium of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum sporulates in bright natural environments, suggesting a relationship between photobehavior and sporulation. Thus, the action spectra for two light-dependent phenomena as well as the effects of other environmental conditions have been studied. Sporulation like photo-avoidance responded to UVC (near 270 nm) and near IR (near 750 nm) in addition to the well-documented UVA (near 350 nm) and blue (near 460 nm) regions. Sporulation and photoavoidance had similar sensitivities in the shorter wavelengths, while the former was about 100 times more sensitive in near IR. The plasmodium moved away from light in a wide spectral range. Starvation and high temperature at 31 degrees C (25 degrees C in standard conditions) reduced photoavoidance to UVA and to blue light, respectively. A high fluence rate of UVC suppressed the rhythmic contraction of the plasmodium, and the action spectrum peaked at 270 nm. These results indicate that the Physarum plasmodium may stay at brighter places not by positive phototaxis but by weakening the negative phototaxis to sunlight or by other possible taxes such as hydrotaxis. There may be at least four different photo-systems in the plasmodium.
Maze-solving by an amoeboid organism
DOI:10.1038/35035159 URL PMID:11028990
Excessive cell growth causes cytoplasm dilution and contributes to senescence
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Cell size varies greatly between cell types, yet within a specific cell type and growth condition, cell size is narrowly distributed. Why maintenance of a cell-type specific cell size is important remains poorly understood. Here we show that growing budding yeast and primary mammalian cells beyond a certain size impairs gene induction, cell-cycle progression, and cell signaling. These defects are due to the inability of large cells to scale nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis in accordance with cell volume increase, which effectively leads to cytoplasm dilution. We further show that loss of scaling beyond a certain critical size is due to DNA becoming limiting. Based on the observation that senescent cells are large and exhibit many of the phenotypes of large cells, we propose that the range of DNA:cytoplasm ratio that supports optimal cell function is limited and that ratios outside these bounds contribute to aging.
Assembly, disassembly, and movements of the microfilament-rich ridge during the amoeboflagellate transformation in Physarum polycephalum
Preferential expression of one beta-tubulin gene during flagellate development in Physarum
The new micro-kingdoms of eukaryotes
DOI:10.1186/1741-7007-11-40 URL PMID:23587248 [本文引用: 1]
CBOL protist working group: barcoding eukaryotic richness beyond the animal, plant and fungal kingdoms
DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001419 URL PMID:23139639 [本文引用: 2]
Temporal order of replication and gene expression in Physarum polycephalum
In: Dove WF, Dee J, Hatano S, Haugli FB, Wohlfarth-Bottermann K (eds.) The molecular biology of Physarum polycephalum.
Sporangia, spherules and microcysts
In: Aldrich HC, Daniel JW (eds.) Cell biology of Physarum and Didymium. Vol. II.
The Stemonitomycetidae, a new subclass of Myxomycetes
DOI:10.1080/00275514.1973.12019457 URL [本文引用: 1]
Sexual and somatic fusion in the heterothallic slime mould Didymium iridis. 2. Effects of actinomycin D, cyclohexamide and lysosome stabilizers
A higher level classification of all living organisms
Impairment of angiogenesis and cell migration by targeted aquaporin-1 gene disruption
Amoebae anticipate periodic events
Dilution of the cell cycle inhibitor Whi5 controls budding-yeast cell size
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Cell size fundamentally affects all biosynthetic processes by determining the scale of organelles and influencing surface transport. Although extensive studies have identified many mutations affecting cell size, the molecular mechanisms underlying size control have remained elusive. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, size control occurs in G1 phase before Start, the point of irreversible commitment to cell division. It was previously thought that activity of the G1 cyclin Cln3 increased with cell size to trigger Start by initiating the inhibition of the transcriptional inhibitor Whi5 (refs 6-8). Here we show that although Cln3 concentration does modulate the rate at which cells pass Start, its synthesis increases in proportion to cell size so that its total concentration is nearly constant during pre-Start G1. Rather than increasing Cln3 activity, we identify decreasing Whi5 activity--due to the dilution of Whi5 by cell growth--as a molecular mechanism through which cell size controls proliferation. Whi5 is synthesized in S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle in a largely size-independent manner. This results in smaller daughter cells being born with higher Whi5 concentrations that extend their pre-Start G1 phase. Thus, at its most fundamental level, size control in budding yeast results from the differential scaling of Cln3 and Whi5 synthesis rates with cell size. More generally, our work shows that differential size-dependency of protein synthesis can provide an elegant mechanism to coordinate cellular functions with growth.
Protrusion of cell surface coupled with single exocytotic events of secretion of the slime in Physarum plasmodia
Cell fusion competence and its induction in Physarum polycephalum and Didymium iridis
DOI:10.1016/0012-1606(82)90216-0 URL PMID:7199495 [本文引用: 1]
Eumycetozoans and molecular systematics
DOI:10.1139/b95-317 URL [本文引用: 1]
Myxomycetes, a handbook of slime molds
Myxomycete diversity and distribution from the fossil record to the present
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The myxomycetes (plasmodial slime molds or myxogastrids) are a group of eukaryotic microorganisms usually present and sometimes abundant in terrestrial ecosystems. Evidence from molecular studies suggests that the myxomycetes have a significant evolutionary history. However, due to the fragile nature of the fruiting body, fossil records of the group are exceedingly rare. Although most myxomycetes are thought to have very large distributional ranges and many species appear to be cosmopolitan or nearly so, results from recent studies have provided evidence that spatial distribution patterns of these organisms can be successfully related to (1) differences in climate and/or vegetation on a global scale and (2) the ecological differences that exist for particular habitats on a local scale. A detailed examination of the global distribution of four examples (Barbeyella minutissima, Ceratiomyxa morchella, Leocarpus fragilis and Protophysarum phloiogenum) demonstrates that these species have recognizable distribution patterns in spite of the theoretical ability of their spores to bridge continents.
Water permeation drives tumor cell migration in confined microenvironments
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Cell migration is a critical process for diverse (patho) physiological phenomena. Intriguingly, cell migration through physically confined spaces can persist even when typical hallmarks of 2D planar migration, such as actin polymerization and myosin II-mediated contractility, are inhibited. Here, we present an integrated experimental and theoretical approach ("Osmotic Engine Model") and demonstrate that directed water permeation is a major mechanism of cell migration in confined microenvironments. Using microfluidic and imaging techniques along with mathematical modeling, we show that tumor cells confined in a narrow channel establish a polarized distribution of Na+/H+ pumps and aquaporins in the cell membrane, which creates a net inflow of water and ions at the cell leading edge and a net outflow of water and ions at the trailing edge, leading to net cell displacement. Collectively, this study presents an alternate mechanism of cell migration in confinement that depends on cell-volume regulation via water permeation.
Cross-kingdom interactions between slime molds and arthropods: a spore dispersal mutualism hypothesis
DOI:10.1002/ecy.2702 URL PMID:30919965 [本文引用: 1]
Cell size control in yeast
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Cell size is an important adaptive trait that influences nearly all aspects of cellular physiology. Despite extensive characterization of the cell-cycle regulatory network, the molecular mechanisms coupling cell growth to division, and thereby controlling cell size, have remained elusive. Recent work in yeast has reinvigorated the size control field and suggested provocative mechanisms for the distinct functions of setting and sensing cell size. Further examination of size-sensing models based on spatial gradients and molecular titration, coupled with elucidation of the pathways responsible for nutrient-modulated target size, may reveal the fundamental principles of eukaryotic cell size control.
Cell growth and size homeostasis in proliferating animal cells
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A long-standing question in biology is whether there is an intrinsic mechanism for coordinating growth and the cell cycle in metazoan cells. We examined cell size distributions in populations of lymphoblasts and applied a mathematical analysis to calculate how growth rates vary with both cell size and the cell cycle. Our results show that growth rate is size-dependent throughout the cell cycle. After initial growth suppression, there is a rapid increase in growth rate during the G1 phase, followed by a period of constant exponential growth. The probability of cell division varies independently with cell size and cell age. We conclude that proliferating mammalian cells have an intrinsic mechanism that maintains cell size.
Evidence for active interactions between microfilaments and microtubules in myxomycete flagellates
The species problem in myxomycetes revisited
Ultrastructure of nucleus and sclerotium of Fuligo septica phaneroplasmodium
The nuclei and nucleoli were extracted and purified and the sclerotia were induced from Fuligo septica phaneroplasmodium, and then they were observed under TEM. The nucleus possesses a center nucleolus with fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar component and granular component. A large number of grume granules exist in plasmodium. The sclerotium with double-membrane contains organelles and lipid drops.
Meiosis in the myxomycetes
DOI:10.1002/ajb2.1955.42.issue-8 URL [本文引用: 1]
Oscillatory contraction activity in Physarum
Changes in cell shape during locomotion of four myxamoebae of myxomycetes
The life cycles of two species of myxomycetes in Physarales, Physarum rigidum and Didymium squamulosum
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Myxomycetes are eukaryotic microorganisms containing characteristics akin to both fungi and amoebae. They can complete their whole life cycles while being cultured on agar media, and under-laboratory conditions, which favors taxonomic, phylogenetic, and cytological researches. Here, we describe the life cycles of two such species: Didymium squamulosum collected from the field and Physarum rigidum cultured from moist chamber both belonging to the Order Physarales. Three per cent oat-agar media (OAM) was used to culture the plasmodia until they aggregated and were almost starved. Natural light was then applied to the plasmodia to induce fructification. Their life cycles share the same common stages, namely: spore, myxamoebae, swarm cell, plasmodia, and sporulation. In this study, we describe the morphogenesis from spore to spore of two species by differential interference contrast (DIC) and stereoscopic microscopies, as well as discuss the differences between the development of both species and interspecies. We found that the spore germination method of both species was the same. However, there were differences noted in time taken and fruiting body formation. Unlike P. rigidum, the species D. squamulosum did not require natural light stimulation. Moreover, the maturation process of both species had similar color transitions but exhibited distinct morphology in each developmental stage except during the swarm cell stage.
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