›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 201-206.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.03.006

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Comparative Evaluation on Different Intercropping Systems of Winter Forage Legumes with Wheat in Subtropical low Mountianous and Hilly Area of South-western China

U. Simon, Zhou Shourong, Mao Kai   

  1. 1. Institute of Grassland, Technique University of Munich, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany;
    2. Sichuan Agricultural university, Yaan, Sichuan 625014, China
  • Online:1996-08-15 Published:2012-07-11


U·Simon, 周寿荣, 毛凯   

  1. 1. Institute of Grassland, Technique University of Munich, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany;
    2. 四川农业大学, 雅安市625014
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This study was to interplant legumes on the fallow belts of winter wheat field in the present farming systern and the objective of this study was to compare and select the suitable and efficient intercropping systems of winter forage legumes with wheat for increasing forgage production in subtropical mountainous and hilly area of south-western China.The result showed that the simultaneous forage crops of the three intercropping systems of wheat with Astragalus sinicus(70%) + Pisum sativum(30%), Troplium opns and vicia villosa, respectivelly,obtained much more forage values(DM 1.05 1.22t/hm2, TDOM 0.78 0.89t/hm2, CP 0.29 0.36t/hm2, ME 0.57 0.68 ×104MJ/hm2), in the mean time, obtained more yield of wheat seeds than that of ck by an increasing rate of 3.09 12.89%.In addition, the intercropping system of wheat with Astragalus sinicus(70%) + vicia fa ba(30%) also obtained a good forage value and beni fit effect on soil.The utilization efficiency of cropland niche was increased by these intercropping systems and they are very useful for the practice of local farmers and the develop ment of animal industry and the improvement of agricultural structure in subtropical zone of China.

Key words: Intercroppig system, winter legume, winter wheat, forage value, simultaneous crop

摘要: 本项研究系在当地现行农作制中利用带状种植冬小麦地的预留行间作不同冬性豆科牧草,通过比较评价为当地牧业发展增产饲料探索高效的草麦间作系统。结果表明:小麦间紫云英(70%)+饲用碗豆(30%)、小麦间白三叶草和小麦间长柔毛野碗百三个间作系统,在其小麦产量高于对照(带状单作小麦)3.09~12.89%的情况下,增产了词料,获得较高的饲料价值(DM1.05~1.22t/公顷,TDOM0.78~0.89t/公顷,CP0,29~0.36t/公顷,ME0.57~0.68×104MJ/公顷)。小麦间紫云英(70%)+饲用蚕豆(3%)处理在增产饲料的同时,对土壤也产生了较好的影响。这些间作系统提高了农田生态位的利用效率和单位面积土地的物质生产能力,在不影响粮食生产的情况下增产饲料,有利于促进养殖业的发展和农牧结合。

关键词: 间作系统, 冬性豆科牧草, 冬小麦, 饲料价值, 间作作物