Comparative Evaluation on Different Intercropping Systems of Winter Forage Legumes with Wheat in Subtropical low Mountianous and Hilly Area of South-western China
U. Simon, Zhou Shourong, Mao Kai
1. Institute of Grassland, Technique University of Munich, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany; 2. Sichuan Agricultural university, Yaan, Sichuan 625014, China
U·Simon, 周寿荣, 毛凯
1. Institute of Grassland, Technique University of Munich, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany; 2. 四川农业大学, 雅安市625014
U. Simon, Zhou Shourong, Mao Kai. Comparative Evaluation on Different Intercropping Systems of Winter Forage Legumes with Wheat in Subtropical low Mountianous and Hilly Area of South-western China[J]. , 1996, 4(3): 201-206.
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