›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 231-239.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.04.001

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Bioaccumulation of Different Nutritive Elements of Leymus chinesis Steppe in Isohumisol Soil Inner Mongolia

Huang Dehua, Wang Yanfen, Chen Zuozhong   

  1. Institute of Botany, Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Ressarch Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093
  • Online:1996-11-15 Published:2012-07-11


黄德华, 王艳芬, 陈佐忠   

  1. 中国科学院植物研究所, 中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站, 北京, 100093

Abstract: Bioaccumulation of nutritive elements, N、P、K、S、 Fe was studies in the paper.The storage and distribution of these 5 elements in soil and different lant species were analyzed of the Leymus chinesis steppe in Inner Mongolia.The results showed that amount of N storage was the highest both in soil and species.Accumulation of those elements showed that K was found higher in roots than in above-ground part, which is benefit for returns.Species and biomass also affected on the distribution of the elements.In soil, the amount of element resorre was in order as: N > K> S> Fe > P.

Key words: Bioaccumulation, Nutritive element, Temperatre steppe, Isohumisol

摘要: 本文研究了内蒙古锡林河流域暗厚简育干润均腐土(J2、4、5)氮、磷、钾、硫、铁等不同营养元素的生物积累。结果表明:植物地上部生物积累的特点为:氮累积累量高达3.43克·米-2,钾素为2.916克·米-2。不同植物在生物积累中的作用,除受元素含量高低的影响外,还取决于该植物的生物量。生长在暗厚简育干润均腐土上的羊草,由于生物量高,所以在生物积累中所占例亦最高,一般都高于50%。植物地下部的生物积累亦属氮素最高,可达16.53克·米-2。地下部生物量沿剖面分布为上大下小呈“丁”字型,其营养元素的生物积累在上部土层高于下部土层。土壤对五种营养元素生物积累的顺序为:N>K>S>Fe>P。在地上部和地下部的分配中除钾素外,其余四种元素在地下部的生物积累都占绝大部分,这一特点的存在,为保持土壤肥力和草原的持续利用起着重要作用。为维持草原生态系统营养元素的平衡,应对放牧地、割草地补充相应数量的氮、磷、钾等营养元素。

关键词: 生物积累, 营养元素, 温带草原, 均腐土