›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1): 1-7.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.01.001

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Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Tall Fescue Seed Development

Mao Peisheng, Han Jianguo, Song Jinfeng, Li Hongxiang, Ni Xiaeqin, Wang Ying   

  1. Institute of Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094
  • Online:1997-02-15 Published:1997-02-15


毛培胜, 韩建国, 宋锦峰, 李鸿祥, 倪小琴, 王颖   

  1. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100094

Abstract: The moisture content decreased from initial 60~70% to final 13% during theseed development of two varieties of tall fescue, Fawn and Safari.Seed fresh weight reached thepeak before the seed dry weight did and then fell, but dry weight increased slowly during the rapiddecline of seed water.The seed physfofogical maturity of Fawn and Safari occourred when themoisture content was 45.3% and 44.1% respectively.During the early stage of development ofFawn and Safari, starch accumulation increased rapidly, the increasing of starch content was ac-companied by the decline of soluble sugar.The content of ATP and reached the perakwithin 13 days of anthesis.With the loss of water and seed drying, souble sugar maintained 4-5% and the content of ATP and TTC decreased, but starch content maintained constant.

Key words: Tall fescue, Seed development, Physiology and biochemistry

摘要: 供试高羊茅法恩和赛福瑞两个品种的种子在发育过程中含水量不断下降,由最初的60~70%降至最终的13%左右,种子的鲜重先于干重达到最高值,然后逐渐下降,而干物质重在含水量迅速下降时增加缓慢。法恩和赛福瑞高羊茅种子在含水量分别降至45.3和44.1%后进入生理成熟期。淀粉与可溶性糖含量则成相反的变化,淀粉在种子发育初期积累迅速,ATP和TTC含量均达到最高值。随着种子的脱水干燥,可溶性糖含量降至4~5%,ATP和TTC含量亦随之降低.而淀粉则不再累积,但仍保持较高水平。

关键词: 高羊茅, 种子发育, 生理生化