›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 190-194.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.03.008

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Study of Tolerance to Salt on Grasses for Lawn in Cold Regions

Niu Julan   

  1. Pratacultural Institute, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070
  • Online:1997-08-15 Published:1997-08-15



  1. 甘肃农业大学草业学院, 兰州 730070

Abstract: In the soil which mainly contains of Na2SO4 and NaCl in north China,was used for comparision of tolerance to salt on the germination stage among 10 vdrieties of turfgrass.The results of the critical values of tolerance to salt on germination show:two varieties belonging to Creeping red fescue and Creeping bentgrass respectively have higher tolerance than others of Colonial Bentgrass and Poa among all verieties of Poa, Merit, Metion and Sabre have higher tolerance.Six varieties of Poa mainly used in construction of lawn were cultivated in heavy saltnized soil (averag salinity:0.617%)in the plots.By measuring the cover-degree of lawn in unit salt concentration, the biomass of ground and underground and comparing of quality of the lawn and the tolerance to salt in the stage of germination, three varieties with a good quality and toleranced for the lawn were selected-Merit, Merion and Sabre.

Key words: Cool-season lawn, Germination, Crow, The cover-degree of lawn in unit salt concentration, Tolerance to salt

摘要: 本项研究以我国北方地区硫酸盐-氧化物盐土主要含有的Na2SO4和NaCl对冷季型草坪草3个属的10个品种进行萌发期耐盐能力的评比,确定了测试品种种子发芽时耐盐的临界值,并依值的大小将耐盐性从强到弱进行排序,结果是:早熟禾品种以优异、梅里安和塞伯3个品种耐盐性较强,匍匐紫羊茅和匍茎翦股颖两品种的耐盐性强于细弱翦股颖和早熟禾各个品种。对主要建坪种的早熟禾品种在较重盐渍土壤(平均全盐含量0.617%)上进行了小区种植耐盐鉴定。通过对早熟禾6个品种在单位盐浓度上的盖度、地上、地下、植物量、草坪质量评比记分和萌发期耐盐能力的综合评比,筛选出评用质量化,耐盐能力强的品种是:优异、梅里安和爱肯尼。

关键词: 冷季型草坪草, 萌发期, 种植, 单位盐浓度上的盖度, 耐盐能力