›› 2000, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2): 82-87.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2000.02.002

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The Relationship of Mineral Nitrogen Leaching in Perennial Ryegrass Land with Its Runoff Loss

Zhang Xingchang, Shao Mingan, Fu Huifang   

  1. State key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, Yanggling, Shaanxi Province 712100
  • Received:1999-10-21 Revised:1999-12-29 Online:2000-05-15 Published:2000-05-15


张兴昌, 邵明安, 付会芳   

  1. 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室, 陕西, 杨陵, 712100
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The soils fertilized by 5000kgN/km2 ammonium and nitrate fertilizers,are scoured by water with lmm/min flux,after water scoured 48 hours,the available N in soil profile are surveyed.The water scoured result shows as fellows.The ammonium fertilizer losses in runoff,loss amounts in 25°,20°,15°,10°and 5°slope land,are 97.3,87.9,79.0,57.1 and 50.4 kg/km2 respectively, which account as 1.9%,1.8%,1.6%,1.1% and 1.0% of ammonium fertilizer.The ammonium fertilizer infiltrating amounts in 60cm depth of soil profile account as 55.3%~86.1%.The nitrate losses in runoff,the loss amounts in different slope gradients are 575.4,330.3,282.6,140.1 and 91.0 kg/km2 respectively,which account as 11.6%,6.6%,5.7%,2.8% and 1.8% of nitrate fertilizer.The nitrate infiltrating depth is same as water within 48 hours.The accumulation amounts of nitrate fertilizer in 0~60cm and 60~105cm soil profiles are 2096~3433,723~2521 kg/km2 respectively,accounting for 41.9%~68.7% and 14.5%~50.3% of nitrate fertilizer.

Key words: Perennial ryegrass, Mineral N, Runoff loss, Leaching

摘要: 以人工放水模拟冲刷试验,研究多年生黑麦草草地土壤矿质氮素淋溶和径流流失的关系。当硝态和铵态氮肥用量分别达到5000kgN/km2,冲刷强度为1mm/min,冲刷时间为50min时,观测氮素径流流失,于48h后检测土壤矿质氮动态。结果表明,坡度为25°、20°、15°、10°和5°土壤,铵态氮径流流失量分别为97.3、87.9、79.0、57.1和50.4kg/km2,分别占施氮量的1.9%、1.8%、1.%、1.1%和1.0%。铵态氮淋溶深度仅达到60cm,其淋溶量占施氮量的55.3%~8.1%,且随着坡度的增大淋溶量逐渐减少。硝态氮随着径流的流失量分别为575.4、330.3、282.6、140.1和91.0kg/km2,分别占施氮量的11.5%、6.6%、5.7%、2.8%和1.8%。硝态氮淋溶与土壤水分入渗同步,随着坡度的降低淋溶深度则逐渐增加,硝态氮主要在0~0cm土层累积,其累积量介于209~3433kg/km2之间,占施肥量的41.9%~8.7%,而在0~105cm土层累积量则介于723~2521kg/km2之间,占施氮量的14.5%~50.3%。

关键词: 黑麦草, 土壤矿质氮, 淋溶, 径流流失

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