›› 2001, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2): 110-116.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2001.02.007

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The Dynamic Study on Nutrition and Feeding Value of Brachiaria spp.

BAI Chang-jun, LIU Guo-dao   

  1. Tropical Pasture Research Center CATAS, Danzhou Hainan 571737, China
  • Received:2000-07-06 Revised:2000-09-27 Online:2001-05-15 Published:2001-05-15


白昌军, 刘国道   

  1. 中国热带农业科学院热带牧草研究中心, 海南, 儋州, 571737
  • 作者简介:白昌军(1967- ),男,助理研究员,1990年6月毕业于甘肃农业大学草业系统工程学院草原系.现从事热带牧草和草坪草的育种、栽培利用及开发推广工作,已发表论文10余篇

Abstract: Changes of the main nutrient compositions,nutrition and feeding value were studied.Preliminary results indicated that Brachiaria dictyonera has the highest DM yield,its DM yield was 24781kg/hm2·a,CP contents was 7.55% and CF contents was 31.72% on DM bases.The DM and growing rate of Brachiaria forage had two growing picks appearing at Feb.And Oct.respectively, except Brachiaria dictyonera which only had one growing pick appearing at Oct.Nutrition and feeding value were higher at vegetative stage than other growth stage and decreased with the time going.Nutrition value of Brachiaria dictyonera was the highest and feeding value of Brachiaria ruziziensis CIAT 6095 was the highest among accessions used in the experiment.Suitable proper use period of Brachiaria as fine forage feed was in vegetative stage.

Key words: Brachiaria forage, Forage production, Nutrition and Feeding value, Dynamic evaluation

摘要: 研究8个臂形草属牧草的产草量、营养及饲用价值.结果表明,干草产量以网脉臂形草最高(2481kg/hm2·a),CIAT6095刚果臂形草次之(20986kg/hm2·a).除网脉臂形草的产草量和生长速度仅在10月出现一个峰值外,其他参试品种均在2月和10月分别出现两个高峰.营养价值和饲用价值以营养生长期最高,随着生长期的延长而逐渐降低.在营养生长期,网脉臂形草粗蛋白质含量为9.93%,营养价值13.64,饲用价值20.14.作为高品质禾本科牧草的适宜利用时期为营养生长期.

关键词: 臂形草, 牧草产量, 饲用价值, 动态

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