›› 2003, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2): 103-109.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2003.02.003

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Study on the Moisture Physiology and Drought Resistance of Ceratoides Seeds

YI Jin1, WANG Xue-min1, GU An-lin2, XU Jun1   

  1. 1. Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010019, China;
    2. Grassland Research Institute; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 010010, China
  • Received:2003-01-14 Revised:2003-02-11 Online:2003-05-15 Published:2003-05-15


易津1, 王学敏1, 谷安琳2, 徐军1   

  1. 1. 内蒙古农业大学, 呼和浩特, 010018;
    2. 中国农业科学院草原研究所, 呼和浩特, 010010
  • 作者简介:易津(1951- ),女,汉族,四川成都人,植物生理学教授,主要从事牧草生理学研究与植物生理学教学
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: A study on the moisture physiology and drought resistance of the seed and seedling of 7 Ceratoides samples, of 3 species, shows that the seeds are highly absorbent and need large amount of water for germinating, amounting to 4~7 times the net weight of a seed. The absorbability of different species and ecotypes varies. The absorbing capacity of the germinating seed is negatively correlated to the quantity of the local precipitation, but positively correlated to the weight of the seed bracts. A sample seed that germinates in adverse conditions is often densely puberulent and highly absorbent. Its speed of imbibition is negatively correlatd to the seed vigour the higher the speed of imbibition, the lower the seed vigour. Though Ceratoides plants are drought resistant, the seedlings lack drought tolerance, as they need large amount of water to grow, and contain little biomass,the genetic shortcomings that are developed from malnutrition and ephemerality. To sum up,water supply technology is key to the production and exploitation of Ceratoides .

Key words: Ceratoides, Seed, Moisture physiology, Drought resistance

摘要: 对驼绒藜属7份材料的种子及幼苗进行水分生理和耐旱性研究。结果表明,种子萌发时的吸水能力很强,需水量高,达到种子重量的4~7倍;种子吸水能力在种间和生态型间存在差异;种子萌发时的吸水量与其原产地的降水量呈负相关,而与种子苞片的重量呈正相关,其中生长在恶劣生境条件下的材料,苞片毛较重而密,种子吸水量较高;种子萌发吸胀吸水期的吸水速率与其活力呈负相关。供试材料的耐旱性很强,但是幼苗的耐旱性很差,主要表现在种子萌发时的需水量较高,幼苗生物量低,与其属于低营养短寿命类型的遗传特性有关;幼苗生长的最低需水量与种子的活力呈正相关,而与成熟植株的耐旱性无关。驼绒藜属牧草种子萌发和幼苗生长的水分条件是制约目前生产开基的技术关键。

关键词: 驼绒藜属, 种子, 水分生理, 耐旱性

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