›› 2004, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 24-30.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2004.01.007

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A Preliminary Study on the Community Structureof Tropical Cultured Grassland

BAI Chang-jun, LIU Guo-dao, WEI Jia-shao, HE Hua-xuan, Wang Dong-jin   

  1. Tropical Pasture Research Center, CATAS, Danzhou, Hainan Province 571737, China
  • Received:2002-11-19 Revised:2003-10-30 Online:2004-02-15 Published:2004-02-15


白昌军, 刘国道, 韦家少, 何华玄, 王东劲   

  1. 中国热带农业科学院热带牧草研究中心, 海南儋州, 571737
  • 作者简介:白昌军(1967- ),男,副研究员,中国热带农业科学院牧草中心,主要从事热带牧草新品种选育、畜产栽培及良种育研究

Abstract: A study was conducted on the influence of grazing and non-grazing on the community structure of cultured quadrennial tropical grassland. The result shows that the cultured grassland with Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Reyan 2 and Brachiaria brizantha as the dominant species boasts higher yield of biomass and nutrient value. The annual hay yield of the non-grazing cultured grassland is 8096 kg/hm2,and that of the grazing cultured grassland,6324.5 kg/hm2;the former is 116.04% higher and the latter 68.77% higher than that of the non-grazing and grazing natural grassland.The yield ascends with the changing seasons, reaching the highest in October. The herbage output rises among grasses of 11~40 cm height. Grazing decreases herbage output and frequency of S.guianensis cv. Reyan 2, yet increases those of B.brizantha cv.Reyan 6 and S.hmata. Tropical cultured grassland consititutes a reasonable structure and distribution of forage species.

Key words: Grassland science, Tropical cultured grassland, Herbage output, Structure, Dynamics

摘要: 研究4年生热带人工草地放牧与不放牧对群落结构的影响,结果表明:以热研2号柱花草和珊状臂形草为优势草种的人工草地,其中对照区(不放牧)干草产量8096kg/hm2,极显著高于天然草地116.04%,放牧区6324.5kg/hm2,显著高于天然草地68.77%;其产草量呈动态变化,以10月最高;植被群落呈垂直空间层状分布,产草量多集中在11~40cm草层;在放牧区热研2号柱花草的频度和产草量减少,珊状臂形草和有钩柱花草增加,草种分布均匀,结构合理,向进展方向演替。

关键词: 草原学, 热带人工草地, 产草量, 结构, 动态

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