›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 699-704.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2011.04.028

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Interactions between Herbivores and Plant Diversity (Review)

WANG De-li, WANG Ling   

  1. Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology, Ministry of Education, Changchun, Jilin Province 130024, China
  • Received:2010-12-21 Revised:2011-04-26 Online:2011-08-15 Published:2011-08-15


王德利, 王岭   

  1. 东北师范大学草地科学研究所, 植被生态科学教育部重点实验室, 长春130024
  • 通讯作者: 王岭,E-mail:wangl890@nenu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:王德利(1963- ),男,辽宁锦州人,博士生导师,教授,主要从事草地生态学和放牧生态学研究,E-mail:wangd@nenu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Interactions between herbivore and plants are central issues in grassland ecology.Biodiversity is critical and the sensitive factor of plant-animal-interface in grassland grazing system.Therefore,study on herbivore-plant diversity interactions is necessary to understand the mechanisms of stability and sustainability of the grassland ecosystem.The effects of herbivore on plant diversity and the manner of altered plant diversity on performance,abundance and diversity as well as its influencing factors and intrinsic mechanisms,are reviewed in this paper.Prospects of future research are presented here.The reviewer suggests that the effects of diverse herbivore assemblages on plant diversity should be further well understood in the future and more research should be conducted on feedback effects of plant diversity on herbivore especially for large mammalian herbivore.Herbivore foraging behavior in response to altered plant diversity and behavioral adaptive mechanisms should be studied in depth.The dynamic interacting feedback between herbivore and plant diversity,as well as its influence on ecosystem process and function should be emphasized in any future study.

Key words: Plant diversity, Herbivore diversity, Foraging behavior, Grazing, Plant-herbivore interaction

摘要: 动物-植物互作关系一直是草地生态学研究的核心问题之一。在草地放牧系统中的动植物界面上,生物多样性的作用突出而敏感,因此,对动物与植物多样性的互作关系探讨,有益于深刻阐释放牧系统的稳定性与持久性机制。本文综述了有关草食动物对草地植物多样性的作用结果、影响因素、作用机制,以及植物多样性对草食动物生产性能、多度和多样性影响的研究现状,并就今后的研究方向提出几点建议:扩展动物多样性及不同动物组合对植物多样性的作用机制研究;加强有关植物多样性变化对草食动物、特别是大型草食性动物的反馈作用过程研究;加强对动物采食行为的深入理解,尤其是动物采食对植物多样性响应机制的认识;加强草食动物与植物多样性之间的动态互作关系研究,以及这种互作关系变化对草地生态系统过程及功能的影响研究。

关键词: 植物多样性, 草食动物, 动物多样性, 采食行为, 放牧, 动植物互作

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