›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 1150-1155.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2012.06.027

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Elite Breeding Germplasms Selection and SSR Analysis of Sorghum bicolor ? S. sudanense Induced by Space Flight

ZHU Yong-qun1, PENG Jian-hua2, PANG Liang-yu1, LIN Chao-wen1, ZHANG Jian-hua1, HUANG Jing-jing1, LUO Fu-xiang1   

  1. 1. Soil and Fertilizer Institute Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610066, China;
    2. Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610066, China
  • Received:2012-05-18 Revised:2012-08-30 Online:2012-12-15 Published:2012-12-28


朱永群1, 彭建华2, 庞良玉1, 林超文1, 张建华1, 黄晶晶1, 罗付香1   

  1. 1. 四川省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 四川 成都 610066;
    2. 四川省农业科学院, 四川 成都 610066
  • 通讯作者: 林超文
  • 作者简介:朱永群(1980-),女,四川眉山人,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事牧草遗传育种及栽培研究工作,E-mail: zyq80842@yahoo.com.cn;
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To create elite germplasms and accelerate the process of breeding new cultivars in Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense, the 'pacesetter’ cultivar induced by space flight was evaluated based on morphological characteristics and SSR markers. Most agronomic traits showed a growth tendency from SP1 to SP4 generation then were able to keep stable at SP4 generation based on four years observation in field. Finally, nine elite lines were selected for further study. Meanwhile, ten pairs of SSR primers from Sorghum were selected for SSR analysis of different variations selected from SP1~SP4 generation of Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense. A total of 203 bands were detected, of which 185 bands were polymorphic with a polymorphic rate of 91.1%. A rich genetic diversity had been revealed in the induced materials, and a good transferability of SSR markers form Sorghum had also been revealed in Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense. Cluster analysis showed that the same kinds of variation in the same generation could be grouped together. But there was incomplete correlation between SSR markers and morphological characteristics. It might be caused by the complex genetic control of characteristics or material selected from the same or similar lines. These results will provide useful information for creating new elite germplasms and breeding in Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense.

Key words: Sorghum bicolor ? S. sudanense, Space fight, SSR, Elite germplasm, Breeding

摘要: 为开展优异高丹草(Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum sudanense)种质资源创制,加速高丹草新品种的选育,对卫星搭载"标兵"高丹草材料进行连续4年的形态和农艺性状评价筛选,并进行SSR分子标记的遗传分析。结果表明:从SP1到SP4代大部分性状表现出增长趋势,高于对照,在SP4代筛选的优良性状基本能保持稳定,最终筛选出了9个优良的高丹草株系,具有进一步培育新品种的潜力;试验从30对高粱SSR引物中筛选出10对引物对SP1~SP4代中不同变异类型材料进行SSR遗传分析,共扩增出203条带,其中185条为多态性条带,多态性比率为91.1%,表明卫星搭载诱变材料后代具有丰富的遗传多样性,且高粱SSR标记在高丹草中具有很好的通用性;另外聚类分析结果表明同一世代的相同变异类型能聚在一起,不同世代相同变异材料不能完全聚在一起,这可能与其数量性状具有较为复杂的遗传机制以及与其来自相同或相近株系的后代有关。本研究结果将为高丹草优异种质创制和育种提供理论参考。

关键词: 高丹草, 卫星搭载, 优异种质, SSR, 育种

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