Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 969-976.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2019.04.023

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Research on Plant Community Classification and Species Diversity of PeikuTso in Tibet

ZHAO Jin-yi1,2,3, QU Xing-le1,2,3, XUE Hui-ying4, LUO Da-qing1,2,3   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Tibet Plateau Ecology, Tibet College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Nyingchi, Tibet 860000, China;
    2. National Key Station for Field Scientific Observation & Experiment, Nyingchi, Tibet 860000, China;
    3. Tibet Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology in Plateau Area, Ministry of Education, Nyingchi, Tibet 860000, China;
    4. Resources & Environment College, Tibet Agriculture & Animal Husbandry University, Nyingchi, Tibet, 860000, China
  • Received:2019-04-19 Revised:2019-07-29 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-09-26


赵津仪1,2,3, 屈兴乐1,2,3, 薛会英4, 罗大庆1,2,3   

  1. 1. 西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所, 西藏 林芝 860000;
    2. 西藏林芝高山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 西藏 林芝 860000;
    3. 西藏高原森林生态教育部重点实验室, 西藏 林芝 860000;
    4. 西藏农牧学院资源与环境学院, 西藏 林芝 860000
  • 通讯作者: 罗大庆
  • 作者简介:赵津仪(1988-),女,汉族,四川阆中人,硕士研究生,主要从事高原(高山)群落和种群生态研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: PeikuTso (lake) is located in the heart of the Everest Nature Reserve. Conducting a research on vegetation in the area can be as a background and reference for exploring and protecting this area. The vegetation in the PeikuTso area was selected as the research object,and the community sampling method and multivariate statistic methods including TWINSPAN and Species diversity were used to investigate the species' characteristics,cluster categories,and species diversity of plant communities and discuss the influencing factors. The results were as follows:there were few vegetation species in the study area,and the species composition was simple. The dominant family was Composita. The Northern temperate zone had the largest number of distribution;The vegetation in the study area could be divided into six cluster types:Achnatherum splendens (Trin.) Nevski+ Iris loczyi Kanitz,Carex moorcroftii Falc. ex Boott+Kobresia macrantha Bocklr.+Glaux maritima L., Carex angustifructus (Kük.) V. Krecz.+Lepidium capitatum Hook. f. et Thoms., Stipa purpurea Griseb.+Carex angustifructus (Kük.) V. Krecz.,Oryzopsis munroi Stapf ex Hook. f.+Chenopodium foetidum Schrad.,Chenopodium foetidum Schrad.+Carex angustifructus (Kük.) V. Krecz. The species and quantity of plant communities in the study area were significantly different. Species diversity decreased from the central part of the lake to both the southern and northern edges of the lake area,which was consistent with the degradation trend of the lake.

Key words: PeikuTso(lake), Community, Quantitive classification, Species diversity

摘要: 佩枯错地处珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区的核心区,开展该区域的植被研究,可为探究与保护该区域提供理论依据。本研究运用群落样方调查方法,采用TWINSPAN、物种多样性等多元数量统计方法,系统分析了佩枯错湖区植物群落的物种特征、群丛类别、物种多样性,并讨论影响因素。结果表明:佩枯错湖区植物种类较少,组成简单,主要以禾本科为优势;植被分布区类型按属分布类型划分可分为7类,以北温带成分为主,植物种地方区域特征明显。湖区植被可划分为六个群丛:芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens(Trin.)Nevski)+天山鸢尾(Iris loczyi Kanitz)群丛、青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii Falc.ex Boott)+大花嵩草(Kobresia macrantha Bocklr.)+海乳草(Glaux maritima L.)群丛、窄果苔草(Carex angustifructus(Kük.)V.Krecz.)+头花独行菜(Lepidium capitatum Thoms.)群丛、紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea Griseb.)+窄果苔草(Carex angustifructus(Kük.)V.Krecz.)群丛、落芒草(Oryzopsis munroi Stapf ex Hook.f.)+菊叶香藜(Chenopodium foetidum Schrad.)群丛、菊叶香藜+窄果苔草群丛。湖区植物群落物种组成和数量差异较明显,物种多样性由湖中部向湖南、湖北两侧呈降低态势,与湖泊的退化趋势相同。

关键词: 佩枯错, 群落, 数量分类, 物种多样性

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