Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 712-720.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2022.03.024

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Effects of Short-Term Different N Addition Levels on Phosphorus Components in a Saline-alkaline Grassland in North China

ZHENG Hui1,2,3, XUE Jiang-bo1,2,3, HAO Jie1,2,3, DIAO Hua-jie1,2,3, CHEN Xiao-peng1,2,3, WANG Chang-hui1,2,3, DONG Kuan-hu1,2,3   

  1. 1 College of Prataculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, Shanxi Province 030801, China;
    2 Shanxi Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecological Protection and Native Grass Germplasm Innovation, Taigu, Shanxi Province 030801, China;
    3 Youyu Loess Plateau Grassland Ecosystem Research Station of Shanxi Province, Youyu, Shanxi Province 037200, China
  • Received:2021-09-11 Revised:2021-12-23 Published:2022-03-30


郑慧1,2,3, 薛江博1,2,3, 郝杰1,2,3, 刁华杰1,2,3, 陈晓鹏1,2,3, 王常慧1,2,3, 董宽虎1,2,3   

  1. 1. 山西农业大学草业学院, 山西 太谷 030801;
    2. 草地生态保护与乡土草种质创新山西省重点实验室, 山西 太谷 030801;
    3. 山西右玉黄土高原草地生态系统定位观测研究站, 山西 右玉 037200
  • 通讯作者: 董宽虎,;王常慧,
  • 作者简介:郑慧(1995-),女,汉族,内蒙古鄂尔多斯人,硕士研究生,主要从事草地生态与管理研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to understand the effect of nitrogen addition on soil phosphorus composition in saline-alkaline grassland,the experiment was conducted in Youyu Loess Plateau Grassland Ecosystem Research Station,Shanxi Province,in 2017. Eight different nitrogen application levels were set,which were 0,1,2,4,8,16,24,and 32 g N·m-2·a-1,respectively. Soil total phosphorus (TP),soil available phosphorus (AP),and microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) were measured in August from 2018 to 2020. At the same time,the relationships among soil P components,P activation coefficient (PAC),pH,microbial biomass carbon (MBC),soil water content (SM),soil temperature (ST),soil anions (CO2-3,HCO-3 and Cl-),were also analyzed. The results showed:N addition had no significant effect on soil phosphorus components during 2018 to 2020;Soil pH was decreased significantly under high N addition (> 16 g N·m-2·a-1);while there were no significant responses of soil MBC and anions to N addition different levels. Soil P transformation was mainly regulated by soil MBC and soil anions. In all,the stability of soil microorganisms in saline-alkaline grassland resulted in no significant alteration of soil P components under nitrogen addition.

Key words: Nitrogen addition, Saline-alkaline grassland, Soil phosphorus components, PAC

摘要: 为了解氮添加对盐渍化草地土壤磷组分的影响,本研究以山西省右玉县盐渍化草地为研究对象,2017年开始添加不同水平氮素(0,1,2,4,8,16,24和32g N·m-2·a-1)后于2018-2020年每年8月份测定土壤全磷(Total phosphorus,TP)、有效磷(Available phosphorus,AP)以及微生物生物量磷(Microbial biomass phosphorus,MBP)含量,同时分析土壤磷组分与磷活化系数(Phosphorus activation coefficient,PAC)、pH值、微生物生物量碳(Microbial biomass carbon,MBC)含量、土壤含水量(Soil moisture content,SM)、土壤温度(Soil temperature,ST)以及CO2-3,HCO-3和Cl-含量之间的关系。结果表明:3年短期不同水平氮添加对土壤磷组分含量无显著影响;高氮添加(>16g N·m-2·a-1)显著降低土壤pH值,但对土壤微生物生物量碳及土壤阴离子含量无显著影响;土壤磷转化主要受土壤微生物生物量碳含量及土壤中阴离子含量的调控。综上,盐渍化草地土壤微生物较高的稳定性导致磷组分在氮添加处理下未发生显著改变。

关键词: 氮添加, 盐渍化草地, 土壤磷组分, 磷活化系数

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