Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 2039-2053.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2024.07.005

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Morphological Analysis of Pedicularis Based on Ancestral Character Evolution and Chloroplast Genome

WANG Tao, XU Cheng-ti, TANG Chu-yu, CAO Zheng-fei, XIAO Meng-jun, HE Min, LI Xiu-zhang, LI Yu-ling   

  1. Key Laboratory of the Alpine Grassland Ecology in the Three Rivers Region, Ministry of Education, Qinghai University, Xining, Qinghai Province 810016, China
  • Received:2023-12-12 Revised:2024-03-01 Published:2024-08-03


王涛, 徐成体, 唐楚煜, 曹正飞, 肖梦君, 何敏, 李秀璋, 李玉玲   

  1. 青海大学畜牧兽医科学院, 三江源区高寒草地生态教育部重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810016
  • 通讯作者: 李玉玲,
  • 作者简介:王涛(1995-),男,汉族,安徽淮北人,博士研究生,主要从事草学研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To explore the key morphological characteristics of Pedicularis plants and to provide reference for their identification,the most conserved morphological characteristics of Pedicularis were speculated by the evolution of ancestral traits,and the reasons for the morphological variation of Pedicularis were discussed based on the complete chloroplast genomes of 10 species of Pedicularis in this study. The results showed that the evolution analysis and phylogenetic analysis based on inflorescence type traits supported the taxonomic status of Pedicularis belonging to Orobanchaceae. The chloroplast genome variation analysis found 7 variable genes and 6 variable regions with high Pi values,and most of them were distributed in the LSC and SSC. The rps19 and ycf1 genes in the IRs crossed the region boundary and caused the loss of IRs genes. Therefore,raceme is the most conserved morphological feature of Pedicularis,which can be used as the basis for its classification. The expansion of IRs leads to the loss of IRs genes and the diversity of LSC and SSC,which leads to the high variation area of LSC and SSC,which may be one of the reasons for the morphological variation of Pedicularis. These results will promote the study of systematic classification and interspecific evolution of Pedicularis.

Key words: Pedicularis, Chloroplast genome, Phylogeny, Ancestral morphology

摘要: 为了探究马先蒿属(Pedicularis)植物的关键形态特征,为其辨别与鉴定提供参考。本研究采用祖先性状演化推测Pedicularis最保守的形态特征,并基于10种马先蒿属植物完整叶绿体基因组,探讨马先蒿属植物形态的变异原因。结果表明基于花序类型性状演化分析和系统发育分析支持马先蒿属隶属于列当科(Orobanchaceae)的分类地位。叶绿体基因组变异分析找到Pi值较高的7个变异基因和6个变异区域,且多分布在大单拷贝区(LSC)和小单拷贝区(SSC)区。反向重复区(IRs)的rps19ycf1基因跨越了区域边界造成IRs基因丢失。因此,总状花序是马先蒿属最为保守的形态特征,可作为其分类依据。而IRs的扩张导致IRs基因丢失的同时提高LSC和SSC的多样性,导致二者为高变异区,可能是马先蒿属植物形态变异的原因之一。这些结果将促进马先蒿属植物系统分类和种间进化的研究。

关键词: 马先蒿属, 叶绿体基因组, 系统发育, 祖先形态

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