›› 1995, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 198-205.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1995.03.004

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Cycle of Trace Elements among Soil, Forage and Animal in Pasture of Ryegrass and White Clover in Subtropical Region of China

Fu Linqian2, Bai Jingren2, Yu Yajun1   

  1. 1. Institute of animal science, CAAS, Beijing, 100094;
    2. Husbandry bureau of Yichang county, Hubei Province, Yichang, 443100
  • Online:1995-08-15 Published:2012-07-11


傅林谦2, 白静仁2, 余亚军1   

  1. 1. 中国农业科学院畜牧研究所, 北京100094;
    2. 湖北省宜昌县畜牧局, 宜昌443100

Abstract: The most of artificial pasture soil were red - soil or yellow-soil,and the pH is about 5.The activite and tranifer of elements must be influenced.Only four trace elements were introduced iti this paper.The results were that (a):The flowing rates and capacities were different in various elements during different growing stages.(b):The productivity of forage wi1l be limited by trace elements and animal will also be influenced.(c):The cycle mainly was obstructed at soil pool.(d):It is key methods to improve pasture,quick trace elements cycle.

Key words: Trace elements, Cycle, Pasture, Ryegrass, White clover

摘要: 鉴于我国亚热带人工草地多为酸性或微酸性土壤,势必影响微量元素的有效性及其在土─草─畜间的转移和变化。本文主要介绍Co、Cu、Zn、和Cr四种微量元素在人工草地中各流通库间的季节流通量,流通速率及年间循环特点,得出如下结论:1.不同微量元素在生态系统各流通库间随着时间的不同其流通量和流通速率各异。2.微量元素在今后势必影响牧草的生产力,进而造成家畜营养不良。3.此生态系统中四种微量元素的循环主要被阻碍在土壤库内。4改良多年生草地土壤,提高土壤速效量以及加快微量元素向牧草体内的转移是管理的关键。

关键词: 微量元素, 黑麦草, 白三叶, 人工草地, 循环