›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 168-174.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.03.004

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The Effect Analysis of Soil Temperature Influence on Biomass of aboveground in Alpine Meadow

Li Yingnian, Zhuo Xingmin, Wang Qiji, Cao Guangmin   

  1. Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining 810001
  • Online:1997-08-15 Published:1997-08-15


李英年, 周兴民, 王启基, 曹广民   

  1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁 810001
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The biomass of aboveground is a result affected jointly by various ecological environment factors.The soil temperature as a expression of soil heat condition,is one of those factors,which direcily influence on seed germination and plant growth.During different periods of plant growth, the relationship between biomass of aboveground and the soil-temperature is very different.We set up integral regression equotion between soil temperature and yield of alpine meadow grass,the simulation model is: Statistics shows:the model displays significance relation (P<0.05), and average relative error between the observed value and simulation value was 2.32%, the result can be used in our studying actual work.The results showed:from June to July, the effect of soil-temperature on biomass of aboveground was negative, rest months was positive.Especially from the second ten-day period of April to the last ten-day period of May, its positive correlation effect was very obvious, it was possible that soil water loss decrease since low soil-temperature in winter, freezing soil was helpful for soil to contain water.

Key words: Soil temperature, Alpine meadow, Biomass of aboveground, Orthogonal polynomials, Effect

摘要: 本文采用地温资料建立影响高寒草甸牧草产量的正交多项式积分回归模式,具有一定的实用价值。通过分析表明,回归模式: 模式模拟的拟合率较高,平均相对误差为2.32%,达极显著相关的检验水平(P<0.01)。试报1994和1995年牧草产量,相对误差分别为3.48%和4.68%,预报准确率较高。从地温时间分布影响产草量的阶段性效应分析看,除6月中下旬和7月下旬有正的影响效应外,其它时间基本为负的影响效应,特别是牧草萌发到返青的4月中旬到5月下旬负效应甚为明显。这可能与冬季地温低,土壤冻结坚实,地表面水分蒸发少,利于土壤保持较高的水分条件有关。

关键词: 地温, 高寒草甸, 牧草产量, 正交多项式, 效应