›› 2001, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 313-318.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2001.04.014

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Registration of New Cultivars of Forage

The Chinese Herbage Cultivar Registration Board, Beijing 100094, China   

  1. The Chinese Herbage Cultivar Registration Board, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2001-10-01 Revised:2001-10-20 Online:2001-11-15 Published:2001-11-15



  1. 全国牧草品种审定委员会, 北京, 100094

Abstract: Twelve new cultivars of forage and fodder crop were registered by the Chinese Herbage Cultivar Registration Board (CHCRB) on the first meeting of the fourth CHCRB at Danzhou city, Hainan province in December 2000, and were released by the Ministry of Agriculture in May 2001.Of the twelve new cultivars registered, six cultivars-are bred cultivars, one is wild cultivated variety, five are introduced cultivars.

Key words: Forage, Fodder crop, New cultivars, Registration

摘要: 第四届全国牧草品种审定委员会第一次品种审定会议于2000年12月在海南省儋州市中国热带农业科学院召开。会议共收到申报材料16份,委员们本着“实事求是,严格把关”的一贯原则,对申报材料进行认真地讨论与评审,有12个品种通过审定,占申报材料的75%,其中,育成品种6个,野生栽培品种1个,引进品种5个。现将12个品种的简要情况刊登于草地学报,供读者和有关方面参考。

关键词: 牧草, 饲料作物, 新品种, 审定登记

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