Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 3032-3039.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2023.10.015

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Construction of Core Germplasm of Wild Medicago falcata L. in Xinjiang based on Phenotypic Traits

YU Xiu-ming, DU Yu, WANG Peng, LI Qian, WANG Yu-xiang, ZHANG Bo   

  1. College of Grassland Science, Xinjiang Agriculture University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China
  • Received:2023-03-15 Revised:2023-04-24 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-11-02


于秀明, 杜雨, 汪鹏, 李倩, 王玉祥, 张博   

  1. 新疆农业大学草业学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 王玉祥,
  • 作者简介:于秀明(1997-),男,汉族,黑龙江绥化人,博士研究生,主要从事草种质资源育种与生产的研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This study utilized 19 phenotypic traits from 70 wild Medicago falcata L. germplasms in Xinjiang to construct the core germplasm of Xinjiang wild M. falcata L.. Three sampling methods:the random sampling,site priority sampling and deviation sampling were set up. Five sampling ratios of 10%,15%,20%,25%,and 30% were used to select the core germplasm. The results showed that the average coefficient of variation of 19 phenotypic traits of 70 materials was 24.05%,and the average genetic Diversity index was 1.924 6. Six principal components were extracted from 19 agronomic traits with a cumulative contribution rate of 74.131%. Among the 15 sampling strategies,by the strategy of allele priority sampling with the sampling ratio of 30%,the 21 core germplasms were effectively selected out,which better preserve the phenotypic traits of the original germplasm and reduce genetic redundancy. Therefore,this study is able to make the breeding work be simplified and could provide a theoretical support for improvement of the breeding efficiency.

Key words: Medicago falcata L., Germplasm resource, Core germplasm, Phenotypic trait

摘要: 本研究利用70份新疆野生黄花苜蓿种质的19个表型性状构建新疆野生黄花苜蓿核心种质,设置随机、位点优先和偏离度取样三种取样方法,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%五种取样比例,抽选核心种质。结果表明,70份材料的19个表型性状的平均变异系数为24.05%,平均遗传多样性指数为1.924 6;19个农艺性状提取出6个主成分,累计贡献率达74.131%;15个取样策略中,位点优先取样、取样比例为30%时,抽提出的21份核心种质能够较好的保留原始种质的表型性状并有效降低遗传冗余度。因此,本研究简化了育种工作,为提高育种工作效率提供一定的理论支持。

关键词: 黄花苜蓿, 种质资源, 核心种质, 表型性状

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