›› 1999, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2): 129-135.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1999.02.006

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The Pollen Morphology of Mine Rare & Endangered Plant Species Grown in West Inner Mongolian Desert Areas

Wan Tao, Yan Ling, Wei Zhijun, Yang Jing, Wang Shengli   

  1. Inner Mongolian Institute of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry, Huhhot 010018
  • Online:1999-05-15 Published:1999-05-15


宛涛, 燕玲, 卫智军, 杨静, 王胜利   

  1. 内蒙古农牧学院, 呼和浩特, 010018

Abstract: The paper had described the pollen morphological features of nine rare & endangered plantspecies of seven respective families grown in Inner Mongolian desert areas,of which the tough-cast outlines, polar and equatorial views as well as the type and amount of germinators on the pollen grains couldbe seen under the common light microscope in the lab.The outward sculptural shape veins could also beclearly seen under the scanning of electro-microscope,but not under the fore-mentioned common light microscope.The observational study indicated at the same time that a1though those distinguished differenceswere seemingly existent between each species(and genus as well)in trial, but yet there were some commonfeatures in presence among the species of the same family and its subsidiary genus.

Key words: Pollen morphology, Rare and endangered plant species, Inner Mongolia

摘要: 本文描述了内蒙古西部荒漠地区七科九种珍稀濒危植物的花粉形态,并对花粉进行光学显微镜和扫描电镜形态观察。结果表明,在光镜下确定花粉形状、赤道面观和极面观的形态以及萌发器官类型和数量,而花粉的外壁纹饰细微结构则不明显。在扫描电镜下的花粉外壁纹饰非常清晰,同时亦表明九种植物为-个较为自然的类群,在属(种)之间花粉形态的类型上存在-定差异。

关键词: 花粉形态, 珍稀濒危植物, 内蒙古