Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (5): 1140-1145.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2018.05.015

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Investigation and Analysis on Grassland Plant Resources in Arong Qi of Inner Mongolia

FU Jia-qi, CUI Guo-wen, JI Guo-xu, SUN Jie, LIANG Wen-xue, ZHANG Ya-ling, YIN Hang, ZHOU Yan-tong, GONG Lin   

  1. Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province 150030, China
  • Received:2018-03-22 Revised:2018-09-19 Online:2018-10-15 Published:2018-11-06


付佳琦, 崔国文, 冀国旭, 孙杰, 梁文学, 张亚玲, 尹航, 周妍彤, 巩林   

  1. 东北农业大学, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030
  • 通讯作者: 崔国文
  • 作者简介:付佳琦(1993-),女,黑龙江铁力人,硕士,主要从事草地资源与生态研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The grassland plant resources in Inner Mongolia Arong Qi were investigated from June to October in 2016. The results showed that the total area of the existing grassland is 156 400 hm2,of which the usable area is 134 000 hm2,which is 65.40% and 64.25% lower than that in 1985,respectively. There are four grassland types,temperate meadow steppe,lowland meadow,mountain meadow and marsh,accounting for 32.03%,52.93%,13.81% and 1.22% of the total grassland,and 32.16%,52.53%,14.21% and 1.11% of the total available area,respectively. The livestock capacity increased from 0.46 million sheep units in 1985 to 4.05 million sheep units in 2016,an increase of 780.43%. Compared with 1985,temperate meadow steppe type,lowland meadow,mountain meadow,marsh hay yield was 3 773.8 kg·hm-2,2 452.3 kg·hm-2,2 217.1 kg·hm-2 and 3 176.4 kg·hm-2,and decreased by 42.81%,58.75%,67.22% and 63.20% respectively. The grass height was 30.1 cm,30.0 cm,35.0 cm and 40.5 cm,and decreased by 9.9 cm,17.0 cm,15.0 cm and 9.5 cm,respectively,compared with 1985;the lowland meadow,mountain meadow and marsh type coverage decreased by 4.76%,9.78%,10.64%,but temperate meadow steppe increased by 21.33%. There were grassland plants of 35 families,120 genera and 155 species. Among them,96 species belonging to 75 genera and 29 families were forage plants;80 species belonging to 72 genera and 31 families were medicinal plants;37 species belonging to 34 genera and 20 families were wild ornamental plants;29 species belonging to 26 genera and 15 families were wild edible plants;18 species belonging to 10 genera and 9 families were industrial plants;14 species belonging to 11 genera and 9 families were toxic and harmful plants;3 species belonging to 3 genera and 3 families were rare and endangered plants. Grassland plant diversity is related to soil total nitrogen and organic matter content.

Key words: Arong Qi, Grassland plant resources, Diversity

摘要: 2016年6—10月对内蒙古阿荣旗草地植物资源进行了调查。结果表明:全旗现有草地面积为15.64万hm2,其中可利用面积为13.40万hm2,与1985年相比分别降低了65.40%和64.25%。全旗有温性草甸草原类、低平地草甸类、山地草甸类、沼泽类四种草地类型,分别占全旗草原总面积的32.03%,52.93%,13.81%和1.22%,占可利用总面积的32.16%,52.53%,14.21%和1.11%。载畜量从1985年的46万个羊单位增加至2016年的405万个羊单位,增加了780.43%。温性草甸草原类、低平地草甸类、山地草甸类、沼泽类干草产量为3 773.8 kg·hm-2,2 452.3 kg·hm-2,2 217.1 kg·hm-2和3 176.4 kg·hm-2,与1985年相比,分别下降了42.81%,58.75%,67.22%和63.20%;草群高度为30.1 cm,30.0 cm,35.0 cm和40.5 cm,与1985年相比,分别下降了9.9 cm,17.0 cm,15.0 cm和9.5 cm;低平地草甸类、山地草甸类和沼泽类盖度分别降低了4.76%,9.78%和10.64%,温性草甸草原类增加了21.33%。阿荣旗草地现有植物资源共35科120属155种,其中饲用植物24科71属88种,药用植物31科72属80种,野生观赏植物20科34属37种,野生食用植物15科26属29种,工业植物9科10属18种,有毒有害植物9科11属14种,二级珍稀濒危植物3科3属3种。

关键词: 阿荣旗, 草地植物资源, 多样性

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