Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8): 2135-2143.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2022.08.025

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Genetic Diversity Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment of Agronomic and Biochemical Traits of Tigernut Germplasm

MA Zi-wei1,2, NIU Lu2, YANG Xiang-dong2, REN Wei2, YANG Chun-ming2, ZHAO Han-dong3, ZHANG Yuan-yu2   

  1. 1. School of Life Science, Jilin Normal University, Siping, Jilin Province 136100, China;
    2. Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, Jilin Province 130033, China;
    3. Changchun Modern Agricultural Park, Changchun, Jilin Province 130033, China
  • Received:2022-01-13 Revised:2022-03-10 Published:2022-09-01


马紫薇1,2, 牛陆2, 杨向东2, 任伟2, 杨春明2, 赵寒冬3, 张原宇2   

  1. 1. 吉林师范大学生命科学学院, 吉林 四平 136100;
    2. 吉林省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所, 吉林 长春 130033;
    3. 长春农业博览园, 吉林 长春 130033
  • 通讯作者: 张原宇,
  • 作者简介:马紫薇(1995-),女,汉族,黑龙江讷河人,硕士研究生,主要从事油莎豆种质资源评价研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Tigernut (Cyperus esculeutus L.) is a cash crop with high comprehensive utilization value for grain,oil and feed. Genetic diversity assessment of tigernut utilization value for grain,oil and feed. Genetic diversity assessment of tigernut germplasm can facilitate their application in the genetic breeding and elucidation of complex traits in this crop. Analysis and evaluation of the genetic diversity of germplasm resources is an important basis for genetic breeding and genetic analysis of complex traits in tigernut beans. In the present study,a total of 48 tigernut accessions collected from China and other tigernut-growing countries were analyzed for their genetic diversity based on the 10 agronomic (plant height,leaf length/width ratio,tuber length/width ratio,100 tuber weight,etc.). The result showed that all 10 traits characterized in this study showed considerable variations (8.94%~50.3%) among 48 accessions. Higher variations were found in the agronomic traits related to the above-ground grass and under-ground tuber yield,including tiller number per plant,length/width ratio of fresh tubers,100 tuber weight. Cluster analysis showed that all these accessions could be classified into four groups,with group Ⅰ containing 15 accessions,group Ⅱ containing 5 accessions,group Ⅲ containing 12 accessions,and group Ⅳ containing 16 accessions. Comprehensive assessment of these agronomic and biochemical traits using principal component analysis (PCA) and step regression analysis revealed that five tigernut accessions had higher scores on their comprehensive traits,including JYD-27,JYS-41,JYD-20. Moreover,three agronomic traits,length/width ratios of leaf and tuber,and 100 tuber weight would be suitable as comprehensive criteria for assessing tigernut germplasm.

Key words: Tigernut, Germplasm resource, Agronomic trait, Genetic diversity, Comprehensive assessment

摘要: 油莎豆(Cyperus esculentus L.)是一种粮、油、饲兼用,综合利用价值较高的经济作物。种质资源遗传多样性分析及评价是开展油莎豆遗传育种和复杂性状遗传解析的重要基础。本研究以国内外收集的48份油莎豆种质资源为实验材料,对株高、分蘖数、叶宽、块茎长宽比、产量等10个农艺性状进行遗传多样性分析和综合评价。结果表明:48份油莎豆表现出较丰富的遗传多样性(变异系数8.94%~50.3%),其中与地上草产量和地下块茎产量相关的指标如分蘖数、块茎长宽比、百粒重等性状变异程度较高。聚类分析表明,48份油莎豆资源可分为4个类群,第Ⅰ类群包含15个种质,第Ⅱ类群包含5个种质,第Ⅲ类群包含12个种质,第Ⅳ类群包含16个种质。主成分分析和逐步回归分析法综合评判表明,JYD-27,JYD-41,JYD-20的综合性状表现较好,块茎长宽比、百粒重、叶长宽比3个主成分可作为种质资源综合评价指标。

关键词: 油莎豆, 种质资源, 表型性状, 遗传多样性, 综合评价

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