›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 636-642.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2009.05.016

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Study on the Hoof Impact Simulator

LIN Hui-long   

  1. College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University/Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730020, China
  • Received:2009-03-03 Revised:2009-08-30 Online:2009-10-15 Published:2009-10-15



  1. 兰州大学草地农业科技学院, 甘肃省草原生态研究所, 730020
  • 作者简介:林慧龙(1965- ),男,辽宁沈阳人,教授,博士,主要从事草地生态学研究,E-mail:linhuilong@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Animal trampling is an important factor to grassland degeneration and health conservation and has significant meaning in study of the effects of animal grazing.Based on grazing behavior observations and the hoof pressure analysis,a hoof impact simulator connected with an air compressor was designed for plot and field trials.The hoof impact simulator could be a professional tool to precisely and accurately simulate the consistent and reproducible impulse force of animal trampling.A piston driven by compressed air was used to drive the simulated hoof.A valve extended and retracted the piston,which was equipped with an animal hoof replica mounted on a metallic,hoof-shaped plate.A movable knee was designed to rotate through an infinite number of orientations simulating the pivoting movement of a walking hoof.The hoof impact simulator had the operational characteristics of being lightweight,portable,and relatively inexpensive and met most of the design expectations of being simple,easy to operate,and reliable in delivering the desired trampling pressure.The simulator could be applicable to study the trampling effects in small scales of different kinds of grazing animals on any grassland types.

Key words: Grazing, Trampling, Hoof impact simulator, Design

摘要: 放牧家畜践踏在草地退化和健康维护中起主导作用而具有重要的研究意义。结合放牧家畜放牧行为和踏压作用力分析,采用气泵与践踏器直接连接的设计,研制了"手持式气动放牧家畜模拟践踏器"。"手持式气动放牧家畜模拟践踏器"是一种精确模拟放牧家畜的践踏作业的手提便携式专业工具。通过压缩气体进入汽缸,推动活塞上下运动,模拟放牧家畜的践踏作用,模具平台前装有活动关节可同时模拟放牧家畜践踏的"摩擦削切作用",由于汽缸工作压力大小可调节,践踏次数可计数,从而实现对牛、马、羊等放牧家畜的践踏可调节、可计量的目的。该机设计结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、机动性强、手提便携、性价比高,特别适用于小尺度研究各种放牧家畜践踏对任意类型草地的作用。

关键词: 放牧, 践踏, 模拟践踏器, 设计

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