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  • Review
    ZHENG Yuanyuan, LI Dongming
    Mycosystema. 2025, 44(2): 240244.

    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized by specific clinical manifestations of eczema, accompanied by intense pruritus and scratching, which can lead to the disruption of the skin barrier and subsequently induce microbial infections. Lack of understanding diversity of fungal infections and incomplete comprehension of the clinical manifestations of fungal infections during the occurrence and progression of AD as well as improper drug treatments may lead to misdiagnosis and incorrect therapeutic approaches. This article systematically summarizes the types of pathogens causing skin fungal infections in AD patients, including common fungi such as Malassezia, Trichophyton and Candida and rare fungi such as Pseudallescheria and Xanthothecium, aiming to comprehensively understand the impact of fungal infections of the skin and its structures on the occurrence, development and prognosis of AD.

  • Reviews
    QIN Yufan, ZHAO Peng, HAN Shiling, LIU Fang, WANG Ke, DUAN Weijun, GONG Wenfeng, WANG Haixiang, CAI Lei
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(9): 240024.

    Fusarium circinatum, F. tucumaniae, F. virguliforme and five formae speciales of F. oxysporum have been included in the “List of Quarantine Pests of Import Plants in the People’s Republic of China” in 2007. This article aims at revising the scientific names of these species and formae speciales in accordance with the current taxonomic system of the genus Fusarium and related genera in Nectriaceae. It is suggested that the Chinese name for the causal agent of pine pitch canker is revised as huan zhuang lian bao (环状镰孢). The Chinese and scientific names of the oil palm wilt pathogen are revised as you zong lian bao (油棕镰孢) and F. elaeidis. It has been clarified that the pathogens responsible for South American soybean sudden death syndrome, F. tucumaniae, and North American soybean sudden death syndrome, F. virguliforme, are the same species in the genus Neocosmospora, and the Chinese name and scientific name are now revised as cai dou xin chi qiao (菜豆新赤壳) and N. phaseoli, respectively. Additionally, this study indicates that the pathogens responsible for the banana wilt (race 4 and non-Chinese race), celery wilt, asparagus wilt, and strawberry wilt are not monophyletic, suggesting the necessity for taxonomic revisions of these formae speciales of F. oxysporum. These updates are references for future revisions and renewal of the quarantine pest lists.

  • Research papers
    LIANG Jiaqi, ZHANG Yizhe, ZHANG Hongshun, ZHOU Jing, SI Jing, LANG Nan, ZHONG Jiaju, WU Anzhong, LI Zhongfeng, LI Haijiao, SUN Chengye
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 230331.

    Based on systematic resource investigation, species identification, and literature arrangement, the checklist of poisonous mushrooms in Beijing was complied. The poisonous mushrooms were classified according to the poisoning type. Scientific name, Chinese name, and references of each poisonous mushroom are provided. By 2023, 130 poisonous mushrooms have been found in Beijing, causing five known damage types. However, there are still some poisoning types difficult to confirm. The most toxic mushrooms to be concerned are Amanita subjunquillea and Lepiota brunneoincarnata, which can cause acute liver failure, as well as Amanita oberwinklerana, which can lead to acute renal failure.

  • Research papers
    HAN Xixi, CAO Bin, HE Maoqiang, ZHU Xinyu, LI Jiaxin, WANG Shihui, YANG Wenqiang, LIU Dongmei, ZHAO Ruilin
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230304.

    The Shaluli Mountains are located in the central part of the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. This is an area with wide ranges of altitudes and vertical distributions of vegetations. Macrofungal resources in this area are rich due to its diverse climate, varied topography, and diverse vegetation types. A three-year survey of macrofungal species diversity in the Shaluli Mountains was conducted to explore fundamental data on macrofungal resources in the region. The survey area includes eight nature reserves, and eight counties. In total, 3 633 specimens were collected. The specimens were identified by DNA barcode sequencing combined with morphological examination and phylogenesis of some taxa was analysed. In the study, 503 species were identified, and they belong to 19 orders, 73 families and 162 genera. Among them, 395 species were newly recorded in the Shaluli Mountains and 18 species were newly recorded in China. There were 14 families containing more than 10 species, including Russulaceae, Cortinariaceae, Amanitaceae, Pluteaceae, Tricholomataceae, Inocybaceae, Agaricaceae, etc. There were 18 genera containing more than 5 species, including Cortinarius, Russula, Lactarius, Amanita, Tricholoma, etc. Cosmopolitan, north temperate, and pan-tropical genera account for 56.7%, 37.6%, and 4.9% of the total number of known genera, respectively. The resource evaluation showed that 60 species were edible, 54 simultaneously edible and medicinal, 20 medicinal, and 79 poisonous, showing increase of 50, 38, 9 and 62 species, respectively as compared with the previous record. Our study provides reference material for the conservation, utilization and management of macrofungal resources in the region.

  • Research papers
    SONG Hanbing, LIU Jing, BAU Tolgor
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(9): 1848-1875.

    The delimitation between Conocybe and Pholiotina was ambiguous and controversial. Based on examination of specimens and literature, the taxonomic characteristics of these two genera were illustrated and explor their subgeneric classification was defined. At present, there are 37 species of Conocybe and 18 species of Pholiotina in China. In the Conocybe, there are 3 species of sect. Candidae, 1 of sect. Ochromarasmius, 10 of sect. Pilosellae, 17 of sect. Conocybe and 6 of sect. Mixtae. Among them, sect. Pilosellae harbors 3 new Chinese records, namely Conocybe velutipes, C. moseri and C. bisporigera; sect. Conocybe contains 2 new Chinese records, namely C. echinata and C. brachypodii. In the Pholiotina, there are 2 species of sect. Verrucisporae, 2 of sect. Intermediae, 6 of sect. Pholiotina, 3 of sect. Vestitae, 2 of sect. Cyanopodae and 3 of sect. Piliferae. Among them, Pholiotina dasypus was a new Chinese record in sect. Verrucisporae. Ph. serrata was proposed as a new combination in sect. Vestitae. Ph. cyanopus is a new Chinese record in sect. Cyanopodae, and Ph. coprophila was a new Chinese record in sect. Piliferae. Keys to the sections and species of Conocybe and Pholiotina from China are compiled, and the morphological descriptions and line drawings of newly recorded species are provided. Phylogenetic trees based on ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 sequences are used to show the possible evolutionary relationships among the fungal taxa.

  • Review
    ZHANG Gongjie, Jos Houbraken, LI Dongming
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(7): 1441-1460.

    Penicillium species are ubiquitous in nature and mainly saprophytic or parasitic on plants causing penicilliosis. Few of them can infect healthy humans with normal immunity. With the increase of patients with immune deficiency in recent years, more and more cases of mankind penicilliosis with a variety of clinical types have been reported. It is not easy for clinicians to make an accurate diagnosis of penicilliosis if they are unfamiliar with these fungi. This retrospective paper are based on related literature in Medline and Chinese Literature Database, concerning pathogenic species, regional distribution, risk factors, clinical manifestations, drug sensitivity, diagnosis and treatment of penicilliosis. In total, 20 species of pathogenetic Penicillium were reported currently, including Penicillium bicolor, P. bertai, P. brevicompactum, P. casei, P. citrinum, P. chrysogenum, P. commune, P. crustaceum, P. cyclopium, P. citreonigrum, P. capsulatum, P. decumbens, P. digitatum, P. emersonii, P. glaucum, P. janthinellum, P. lilanicum, P. purpurogenum, P. roqueforti and P. spinulosum. The clinical manifestation includes pulmonary infection, peritonium infection, endophthalmitis, endocarditis, central nervous system infection, keratitis, fungemia, urinary tract infection, otitis, esophagitis, paravertebral infection, periprosthetic joint infection, nasosinusitis, disseminated infection, skin infection, onychomycosis and so on. They can also cause a variety of allergic diseases as allergens. Clinical isolates of Penicillium spp. are generally sensitive to echinocandins, moderately resistant to amphotericin B, and posaconazole is the most sensitive azoles. This article aims at providing reference for a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of penicilliosis and clinical diagnosis concerned.

  • Review
    YANG Yan, CHEN Xiaohua, DAI Yucheng, ZHOU Liwei, CAI Weiming, GUO Liangdong, CUI Baokai, LI Ning, LEI Ping, LI Changtian, LI Zhengpeng, SHI Wei, LU Benkun, QIN Shaoxin, WANG Rongxiang, LI Xifan, SONG Jindi, YAO Shengliang, ZHANG Anqiang, JIANG Ning, WAN Heyan, DING Faliang, ZHANG Henan, ZHENG Zhonggui, ZHANG Shengming, ZHOU Hongying, FAN Yuguang, CHEN Wanchao, YU Xinhui, TANG Shichao, ZHANG Yanfei, ZHANG Qinxue, WANG Kun, YAN Jingkun, LIU Di, WANG Chenguang, YANG Baoyu, CHEN Weichun, LI Tingting, MO Yan, FU Junsheng, WU Deping, SONG Bin, LIU Jie, WANG Jun, ZHOU Wei, GENG Junju, ZHAO Jing, LI Qing’en
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(4): 855-873.
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    Sanghuang, as a group of medicinal macrofungi recorded in ancient Chinese traditional medicine books, has many functions such as anti-tumor, reduction of blood suger, reduction of blood fat, anti-oxidation, and reduction of uric acid. Modern taxonomic studies have shown that sanghuang has high species diversity and widely distributed in different areas of China and other areas of north Hemisphere, growing in mulberry, poplar, clove, honeysuckle, northeast China ash, jujube, walnut and other broad-leaved trees. Sanghuang have been artificially cultivated in China since 1990s, and the species used for cultivation are mainly Sanghuangporus sanghuang, S. vaninii, S. baumii, and Inonotus hispidus. The scale of the sanghuang industry is progressively expanding, forming a health industry with high economic value and social benefits. In this paper, we summarized the current status of sanghuang industry in China, relating to the historical record, the change of classification status, the functional researches, production development, bottleneck problems and countermeasures. The problems existing in sanghuang industry development, and some recommendations for its future development in China are proposed.

  • Reviews
    ZHUANG Wenying, ZHENG Huandi
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(1): 1-12.
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    In the past 50 years, consistent efforts towards publication of Flora Fungorum Sinicorum have been made by generations of fungal taxonomists in China. Among the 65 published volumes of the Flora, 35 volumes are on different groups of Ascomycota, 26 ones on Basidiomycota, one on Zygomycota, one on Oomycota and two on slime molds. Fungal resources recorded in these volumes are saprophytes, edible and medicinal fungi, mycorrhizae, phytopathogens, predatory, entomogenous and fungicolous fungi, as well as poisonous mushrooms. In future researches, attentions should be paid to the following groups: saprolegnialean species and related oomycetes, chytrids, some families in Dothidiomycetes, Pezizomycetes and Leotiomycetes, taxa possessing small fruitbodies in Agariomycetes, and so forth. Due to the changes of fungal taxonomy, phylogeny and nomenclature in recent years, names and taxonomic positions of some taxa appeared in the early volumes of the Flora may need to be revised timely.

  • Reviews
    SUN Guangyu, XU Chao, LIANG Xiaofei, ZHANG Rong
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(1): 76-85.

    Apple ring rot is a devastating disease on apple tree, which severely damages fruits and trunks, and even leads to young tree death. Apple ring spot causes various symptoms such as fruit rot, canker, and warts. Various disease names in Chinese including apple ring rot, apple Botryosphaeria canker, apple fruit ring rot, and apple trunk ring rot have been used; moreover, various Latin scientific names of the pathogen such as Botryosphaeria dothidea, B. berengeriana, B. berengeriana f. sp. pyricola, Fusicoccum aesculi, Macrophoma kuwatsukai, Physalospora pyricola and Guignardia pyricola have been used in literatures. The various disease names in Chinese and pathogen Latin scientific names have generated significant confusions in China. The current review summarizes domestic and international research progresses on the etiology of apple ring rot. We propose that apple ring rot is a complex disease equivalent to white rot reported in Europe and US, with the causing pathogen including B. dothidea and B. kuwatsukai. Thus, it was suggested that “pingguo lunwenbing” should be used as the Chinese disease name, corresponding to “apple ring rot” as the English name. Both B. dothidea and B. kuwatsukai occur commonly in orchards in main apple production regions in China, and great importance should be attached to disease epidemic study and disease resistance breeding.

  • Research papers
    CUI Baokai, PAN Xinhua, PAN Feng, SUN Yifei, XING Jiahui, DAI Yucheng
    Mycosystema. 2023, 42(1): 170-178.

    Ganoderma is one of the most important fungal genera of macrofungi with important economic, ecological and cultural values. Although many studies focused on the taxonomy of Ganoderma in China, the species diversity is still largely unclear. Taxa of Ganoderma previously recorded in China totalled 114, but the taxonomic status of many taxa are controversial. Based on study of voucher specimens, this paper summarized the species diversity and resources of Chinese Ganoderma. In total, 40 species are confirmed in China, including 39 species with available ITS sequence. The other 74 taxa of Ganoderma are treated as either synonyms or uncertainty. The selected ITS sequences of 39 Ganoderma species provide a basis for identification of Chinese Ganoderma species.

  • Research papers
    LI Haijiao, ZHANG Yizhe, LIU Zhitao, ZHENG Fenshuang, ZHAO Bing, WU Gang
    Mycosystema. 2022, 41(9): 1416-1429.
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    In recent years, over 500 mushroom poisoning incidents involving more than 2 000 patients and ca. 30 deaths yearly have raised Yunnan as the most severe province of mushroom poisoning in China. Comprehensive investigation on species diversity of poisonous mushrooms causing poisoning incidents is urgently needed for precise prevention and control of mushroom poisoning. Based on species identification of 223 poisoning incidents in Yunnan since 2013, we found that mushroom poisoning occurred throughout the year, especially from June to September, and poisoning incidents and patients peaked in July while deaths peaked in June. Geographically, poisoning occurred in 14 prefectures and Dehong, Yuxi, Baoshan, Chuxiong and Pu’er ranked the top five, which were located in central to southern Yunnan. Forty-seven poisonous mushrooms were identified, causing six different clinical syndromes (acute liver failure, acute renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, gastroenteritis, psycho-neurological disorder and photosensitive dermatitis). Of which, 16 species originally described from China and three Chinese new records were published since 2019. Amanita exitialis and Russula subnigricans were most poisonous and dangerous in Yunnan, resulting in 19 deaths and 9 deaths, respectively. Chlorophyllum molybdites, R. japonica, Scleroderma cepa, Entoloma omiense and Omphalotus olearius were the top five species causing gastroenteritis. Gymnopilus dilepis, Inosperma cf. virosum and Lanmaoa asiatica monopolized the top positions resulting in psycho-neurological disorder and Cordierites frondosus was the only one species so far causing photosensitive dermatitis in Yunnan Province.

  • Review
    DONG Cai-Hong, LI Wen-Jia, LI Zeng-Zhi, YAN Wen-Juan, LI Tai-Hui, LIU Xing-Zhong, et al.
    Mycosystema. 2016, 35(1): 1-15.
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    Cordyceps, in general terms, comprises a group of ascomycetous fungi parasitizing insects, some fungi and plants. The practice of using cordyceps as traditional medicine has a long history and can be traced to several centuries ago, and production of cordyceps products has currently become a big industry in China. Medicament, health foods and food additives have been developed from natural and cultivated fruit bodes of Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps militaris, Isaria cicadae and some other cordyceps and their fermented mycelia. In this paper, we summarize the current status of cordyceps industry in China relating to history, production development, function and market. The major challenges existing in the current industry are discussed and some recommendations for the future development of cordyceps industry in China are proposed.
  • BAU Tolgor, BAO Hai-Ying, LI Yu
    Mycosystema. 2014, 33(3): 517-548.
    435 poisonous mushrooms from China were enumerated in this article by literature survey and specimens inspection. All of Latin names and Chinese names were checked or revised. Latin names were revised. The toxic ingredients and poisoning type were listed for each species, and the original or relevant references were provided.
  • Review
    Mycosystema. 2009, 28(3): 315-327.
    The polypores treated in the present list are in wide sense (sensu lato), including the poroid species in Polyporales, Hymenochaetales, Gloeophyllales, Trechisporales, Corticiales, Thelephorales and Russulales, and a few poroid genera of Agaricales, Atheliales, Cantharellales and Auriculariales (e.g. Dictyopanus, Favolaschia, Elmerina, Fistulina and Protomerulius). Based on more than 10 000 collected specimens and other poroid specimens of aphyllophoraceus fungi in the main mycological herbaria in China, the knowledge of Chinese polypores is summarized, and 604 species are recorded in the country so far. All of the polypore names were checked or revised in accordance with the contemporary taxonomy and the latest version of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code). 121 new Chinese names are proposed.