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  • Research papers
    LI Ting, LI Taihui, DENG Wangqiu
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230271.

    Phallus is one of the most important genera of macrofungi, and has important economic values and taxonomic status. China is one of the key regions of Phallus species diversity, where a quarter members of total Phallus species in the world are distributed. Phallus species reported previously in China were 32 among them, some taxa remain controversial at the taxonomic status. Based on previous research and voucher specimens, Phallus species distributed in China were reexamined, and the number of hitherto known species was affirmatively 25, including 17 with available ITS sequence and 15 with available LSU. Seven species were treated as uncertainty or unknown distribution. Our study outlined the species diversity and resources of Phallus in China, providing valuable references for Chinese researchers in taxonomic research, species identification and commercial cultivation.

  • Research papers
    CUI Yangyang, FAN Xueping, GUO Longjie, YANG Zhuliang
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230266.

    In this paper three new species of Tremellodendropsis and one new species of Guepinia from southwestern China, namely T. fusispora, T. oblongispora, T. transseptata and G. montana, are described based on morphological characteristics, molecular phylogenetic evidence and ecological traits. These species are common elements of funga in southwestern China, but were mistakenly treated as species originally described from Europe. Our data indicated that they are different from similar species of Europe or other continents, and should be treated as separate species.

  • Research papers
    ZHANG Peixuan, HAN Yiren, CHANG Xiaoyun, HU Jiangxin, LIU Yujun, CHEN Mingjun
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230358.

    Ten fungal isolates from the healthy rhizomes of Polygonatum cyrtonema naturally distributed in Xianyushan Nature Reserve of Qimen County in Anhui Province were identified based on colony and mycelial characteristics in the absence of conidia and sporogenous structures and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Five species in Neosetophoma, namely new species, N. endophyticum, N. polygonatum and N. qimenensis, and known species, N. poaceicola and N. guiyangensis were identified; besides, Setophoma caverna was also identified. The isolates were deposited in the Research Center for Entomogenous Fungi (RCEF) at Anhui Agricultural University.

  • Research papers
    LIANG Jiaqi, ZHANG Yizhe, ZHANG Hongshun, ZHOU Jing, SI Jing, LANG Nan, ZHONG Jiaju, WU Anzhong, LI Zhongfeng, LI Haijiao, SUN Chengye
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 230331.

    Based on systematic resource investigation, species identification, and literature arrangement, the checklist of poisonous mushrooms in Beijing was complied. The poisonous mushrooms were classified according to the poisoning type. Scientific name, Chinese name, and references of each poisonous mushroom are provided. By 2023, 130 poisonous mushrooms have been found in Beijing, causing five known damage types. However, there are still some poisoning types difficult to confirm. The most toxic mushrooms to be concerned are Amanita subjunquillea and Lepiota brunneoincarnata, which can cause acute liver failure, as well as Amanita oberwinklerana, which can lead to acute renal failure.

  • Reviews
    BAO Dapeng
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230319.

    Typical edible mushrooms of the Basidiomycota, such as Lentinula edodes, Ganoderma lingzhi, Flammulina filiformis, Pleurotus ostreatus, Auricularia heimuer, etc., exhibit a crucial form in their life cycle known as the dikaryon. The dikaryon can generate monokaryon through both sexual and asexual means, and the compatible monokaryons form dikaryon with the clamp connection through plasmogamy. Research on monokaryon of edible mushrooms has enriched the understanding of the biology of the monokaryon and the dikaryon. Existing as a haploid having two nuclei, the dikaryon possesses various biological traits distinct from diploids. Some studies have investigated the biological properties such as hierarchy, fitness, and stability of the dikaryon, offering insights for maintenance of strain characteristics, innovation of hybrid breeding, construction of genetic research paradigm. Analyzing biological characteristics of the dikaryon, such as reproductive ability, fertility, and totipotency, could provide insights into addressing the long-term stability issues in edible mushroom strains. The dominance-recessive relationship and complementary nature between nuclei in the dikaryon cells might hold significant guidance for innovative hybrid breeding. The presence of different expression levels of karyollele pairs in dikaryon cells offers a new perspective to explore scientific problems concerning edible mushroom. Research on the dikaryon could potentially form a more distinctive paradigm in edible mushroom studies.

  • Research papers
    YANG Yu, JAYAWARDENA Ruvishika S, LU Yongzhong, XIE Shuqiong, TIAN Xingguo, WANG Jiaping, ZHOU Sixuan, XIAO Yuanpin
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230256.

    Ophiocordyceps, the most prominent genus in the Ophiocordycipitaceae, is renowned for its numerous entomopathogenic species with significant medicinal value. Despite the existing descriptions of numerous species, the complete diversity of this genus remains enigmatic. In this study, four Ophiocordyceps species previously unknown in China were collected, and a comprehensive approach, including multigene phylogenetic analyses (ITS, SSU, LSU, RPB1, RPB2, and TEF1α) along with morphological assessments was employed to determine their taxonomic status. Illustrated descriptions and taxonomic discussions for these newly discovered species are provided, contributing to our understanding of the diversity within the Ophiocordyceps genus.

  • Research papers
    WANG Ting, CHANG Xiaoyun, HUANG Bo, LI Zengzhi, CHEN Mingjun
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230243.

    Spider is a general term for all species of the order Arachnoidea in the phylum Arthropoda, and the fungi parasitized spider is called araneopathogenic fungi. Spider pathogenic fungi play an irreplaceable role in continuously controlling spider populations and maintaining ecological balance, and some species are rich in various biological activities and have important economic value. In this study, classical morphological and molecular systematics classification methods were combined to identify specimens and isolated strains from various forest ecosystems based on the latest entomopathogenic fungal classification system for revealing species diversity of spider pathogenic fungi in China. More than 80 specimens of spider pathogenic fungi from all over the country are available, and 2 families, 8 genera, and 21 species are identified, including 3 new species (published elsewhere), 7 unknown species and 1 new Chinese recorded species. Among them, Purpureocillium is dominant genus, with relative abundance of 26.25%; Secondly Gibellula, with relative abundance of 20.00%. Only one species (one specimen) is found for Akanthomyces. Some Isaria-like strains were referred to Akanthomyces sp. and Samsoniella spp. Chlorocillium griseum was reported for the first time in China. According to relevant literature on spider pathogenic fungi that has been published worldwide, a total of 18 genera and 119 species has been published, and all distributed in the Hypocreales of Ascomycota. Most species belong to Cordycipitaceae, with approximately 12 genera and 106 species. A few are distributed in the family Ophiocordycipitaceae, with 4 genera and 11 species; there is only one species in Bionectiaceae, and one species in Chlorocillium that classification status is situated between Ophiocordycipitaceae and the Clavicipitaceae. No species has been discovered in Clavicipitaceae yet.

  • Research papers
    ZHANG Jingyi, LUO Kaiyue, YUAN Yuan, BIAN Lusen
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230365.

    A new species, Coltricia wuyiensis, is described from eastern China on the basis of morphological examination and molecular phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and nuclear large subunit (nLSU) ribosomal RNA gene regions indicates that the new species is nested within the genus Coltricia in the order Hymenochaetales. Coltricia wuyiensis is characterized by the centrally stipitate basidiomata with even margin, orange brown to reddish brown pileal surface with concentric zones and clay-buff to fawn pore surface when fresh, loosely interwoven to subparallel tramal hyphae, sometimes septate basidioles, and broadly ellipsoid basidiospores measuring 4.3-5.5×3.7-4.4 µm. Phylogenetically it is closely related to C. minima, but the latter species has aseptate basidioles and bigger basidiospores (6-7×4-5 µm vs. 4.3-5.5×3.7-4.4 µm). An identification key to accepted species of Coltricia in China is given.

  • Research papers
    HU Yujuan, HU Jiangxin, ZHANG Chunguang, CHANG Xiaoyun, CHEN Mingjun
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 240037.

    Seventy isolates of Diporthe fungi from healthy Camellia oleifera leaves were obtained by using tissue isolation method. Based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of five fragment sequences (ITS, TEF, TUB, CAL, HIS), eight representative isolates were identified as six species, D. biguttulata, D. eres, D. hongkongensis, D. fusicola, D. qimenensis sp. nov. and D. reniformis sp. nov. β-Type conidia were not observed in the two new species. D. reniformis produces distinct reniform conidia.

  • Research papers
    ZHU Anhong, ZHANG Qiuyue, LUO Kaiyue, HE Shuanghui, MA Haixia
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230265.

    Yunnan tropical areas of southwesten China with complex topography and diverse vegetations are endowed with abundant macrofungal resources. In this study, more than 2 100 specimens of wood-inhabiting macrofungi were collected. A total of 668 species, belonging to 245 genera, 67 families, 17 orders and 2 phyla, was identified based on morphological and molecular evidence, including 1 new family, 4 new genera and 64 new species previously published by the authors. Fourteen dominant families with more than 10 species for each family are Polyporaceae, Hymenochaetaceae, Xylariaceae, Steccherinaceae, Auriculariaceae, Hypoxylaceae, Incrustoporiaceae, Phanerochaetaceae, Meruliaceae, Mycenaceae, Fomitopsidaceae, Schizoporaceae, Stereaceae, and Dacrymycetaceae; they include 500 species, accounting for about 74.85% of the total species. There are 34 dominant genera with more that 5 species for each genus, including Hymenochaete, Xylaria, Trametes, Ganoderma, Fuscoporia, Skeletocutis and so on. They include 336 species, accounting for about 50.30% of the total species. Wood-inhabiting macrofungi of the studied areas are of typically tropical properties. There are 27 edible species, 75 medicinal species and 6 poisonous species.

  • Research papers
    ZHU Liyang, BAU Tolgor
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230300.

    Tulosesus is the second largest genus next to Coprinopsis in the number of known species of coprinoid fungi. Its main characteritics are that both the cap and the stipe present cystidiate. It is treated as an independent genus separating from Coprinellus recently, while its phylogenetic position and framework are still controversial. From 2021 to 2023, we have carried out a nationwide field research, and found more than 20 species of Tulosesus in China. In this paper, 10 species new to China are reported and illustrated with line drawings, viz. Tulosesus brevisetulosus, T. canistri, T. cinereopadillus, T. fuscocystidiatus, T. marculentus, T. pellucidus, T. plagioporus, T. sabulicola, T. sassii and T. velatopruinatus. Using ITS and LSU sequence datasets, the phylogenetic framework of this genus was inferred. The results show that Tulosesus is a monophyletic genus composed of three independent subgenus lineages. Combined with morphological characteristics, the characteristics of each lineage of this genus were preliminarily clarified.

  • Research papers
    XIE Xuejiao, WU Fang, LI Shoumian, VLASÁK Josef, ZHANG Xu, TIAN Jinghua, LI Ming, LI Guojie
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230303.

    Huishuhua (maitake) is a macrofungus with high edible and medicinal values in China. It was commonly recognized as Grifola frondosa. A total of 45 huishuhua samples from East Asia, Europe and North America was analyzed on the basis of morphological and multi-gene phylogenetic methods. The results showed that highly supported clades of huishuhua samples were corresponding to each continent, indicating that genetic differences existed to a certain extent among strains from different regions. All huishuhua strains isolated from China nested in the East Asian clade. The European and North American clade members are not yet found in China. The East Asian huishuhua was described in Japan as G. albicans, and this has been once regarded as a synonym of G. frondosa. Because most wild and cultivated huishuhua in China has dark-colored pileus, a new form G. albicans f. huishuhua is thereby proposed. Holotype specimen and extype strain of this form are designated (voucher specimen HBAU15778, voucher strain HBAU LM502).

  • Research papers
    TUO Yonglan, HU Jiajun, LI Yu, ZHANG Bo
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230330.

    Macrofungi play essential roles in ecosystems, but the seasonal dynamics of macrofunal communities in forests remain unclear. Macrofungal community componets of five forest types in different seasons in Ji’an National Nature Reserve (Jilin, China) were analyzed on the basis of collections made from 2019 to 2021. Environmental variables of selected plots in the five typical vegetation types were evaluated. In total, 1 325 specimens were identifed by using morphological and molecular biology methods, and 293 species belonging to 125 genera, 68 families, 18 orders, 6 classes, and 2 phyla were obtained. Russulaceae (37 species, 12.63% of the total), Amanitaceae (26 species, 8.87%), Tricholomataceae (20 species, 6.83%), and Boletaceae (19 species, 6.48%) were the most diverse family. Lactarius (19 species, 6.48% of the total), Amanita (16 species, 5.46%), Russula (16 species, 5.46%), and Cortinarius (14 species, 4.78%) were dominant. Diversity indices of macrofungi showed increasing trends from Pinus koraiensis forests to Quercus mongolica forests. The cumulative species richness was ranked as: Q. mongolica forest>broadleaf mixed forest>Q. mongolica and P. koraiensis mix forest (Q. mongolica as the dominant species) >P. koraiensis and Q. mongolica mix forest (P. koraiensis as the dominant species)>P. koraiensis forest. Agarics (204 species, 69.62% of the total) were the dominant group of macrofungi, and they were mainly found in Q. mongolica forest in August and influenced by soil temperature, air temperature, soil moisture, and the cover degree of Q. mongolica, especially significantly influenced by soil temperature (P<0.05). It is found that most macrofungi have a preference for forest types with a relatively high cover degree of Q. mongolica. Therefore, the deliberate protection of Q. mongolica forests is beneficial to maintaining macrofungal diversity.

  • Review
    SHEN Ruoming, LU Junyou, ZHANG Yu, WEI Hua, LU Ling
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(8): 240050.

    Natural edible and medicinal mushrooms are rich in nutrients and bioactive substances, some of which have been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, significantly affect related metabolic indicators, and have good lipid-lowering effects. As hyperlipidemia is a common modern affluenza, research in the field of lipid reduction has attracted much attention. In recent years, certain progress has been made in the studies of the lipid-lowering function of edible and medicinal mushrooms, but no relevant review and summarization have been reported before. This review summarizes the research progress on the lipid-lowering effects of edible and medicinal mushrooms in recent years, lists their types, outlines the sources of lipid-lowering active substances, explains their lipid-lowering active components, and discusses their possible mechanisms of the lipid-lowering function.

  • Research papers
    ZHANG Yinglu, XIA Boyang, CHEN Tianjiao, CHEN Jingjing, YANG Jinling, GONG Ting, ZHU Ping
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230310.

    Content of total polyphenols, triterpenoids and ergosterol of ethanol extracts from basidiomata of different sanghuang species, Sanghuangporus baumii, S. vaninii, S. sanghuang (wild) and Inonotus hispidus from Anhui, Zhejiang, Jilin, Shanxi and Shandong provinces, were compared. The results showed that there were apparent differences in the content of total polyphenols, triterpenoids and ergosterol in basidiomata from different sources. The highest content of total polyphenols was tested in S. vaninii from Zhejiang (1.99%), the highest content of triterpenoids was tested in I. hispidus from Shandong (1.32%), and the highest content of ergosterol was tested in S. vaninii from Jilin (0.19%). Malondialdehyde (MDA) was used as an index to compare the antioxidant activities of different species of sanghuang. The extracts of all tested species showed good inhibitory effects on the production of MDA in rat liver microsomal lipid peroxidase, of which the extract of S. vaninii from Zhejiang had the highest antioxidant activity (96.53%). Nineteen compounds from the aforementioned samples were identified by liquid chromatography-ion trap-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-IT-TOF-MS). Among them, the metabolites of basidiomata of S. vaninii from Zhejiang, S. vaninii from Jilin and S. baumii from Anhui were similar, which were mainly composed of the hispidin derivatives. Sanghuangporus sanghuang (wild) basidiomata mainly contained hispidin derivatives, but the structure types of the derivatives were different from those of aforementioned samples. There was a large quantity of hispidin in basidiomata of I. hispidus from Shandong, and the content of hispidin derivatives was low. In conclusion, the apparent differences in structure types and content of active metabolites as well as their antioxidant activities were observed from different species or localities of sanghuang. This study provides scientific references for the development of antioxidant products of sanghuang species.

  • Research papers
    LIANG Lingyu, WANG Huimin, LIU Fu, LÜ Quan
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 240040.

    Species of Geosmithia (Ascomycota, Hypocreales) are commonly associated with bark beetles, and several species can infect tree hosts and cause serious diseases. In this study, a culture-dependent and pathogenic trial was conducted to classify a species of Geosmithia associated with Tomicus armandii infesting Pinus armandii in southwest China. In total, 387 Geosmithia isolates were obtained from 45 adults and 64 galleries of T. armandii in Yuxi and Fuyuan Cities, Yunnan Province, China. Ten representative isolates were further identified on the basis of morphological and physiological characteristics and the phylogenetic analyses were conducted based on ITS, TUB2, and TEF1-α sequences. Among these, 90 isolates were used for the establishment of the ITS tree, 66 of the TUB tree, and 77 of the TEF tree. As a result, a novel species, G. armandii was identified. This is the first species of Geosmithia reported to be associated with T. armandii. In vivo pathogenicity analysis of the two isolates selected indicated that in one month after inoculation, there was no significant difference between average lesion length caused by the inoculated isolates and the experimental control, showing that G. armandii is a weak pathogen of Pinus armandii.

  • Research papers
    WANG Ke, DU Zhuo, GUO Yaobin, LIU Tiezhi, XIE Mengle, ZHAO Mingjun, LIU Dongmei, LI Guojie, WEI Tiezheng
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230311.

    The Taihang Mountains in Beijing and Hebei are one of the regions rich in biodiversity in North China, but previously only a few studies on fungal diversity were carried out in the area. A two-year survey of macrofungi was conducted, and over 1 200 specimens were collected on 40 sampling sites of 12 districts and counties in this region. A total of 345 species belonging to 2 phyla, 5 classes, 20 orders, 64 families, and 138 genera was identified on the basis of morphological observation and phylogenetic studies, of which 37 species and one variety were new records to China. Eleven families including Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae were dominant. In terms of resource value, 43 species are edible, 56 medicinal and 27 poisonous. This study provides detailed data valuable for the protection and utilization of macrofungi in this area.

  • Reviews
    NIE Yong, ZHAO Heng, LIU Xiaoyong, HUANG Bo
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230301.

    The entomophthoroid fungi are important members in lower fungi, including more than 280 species, and mostly obligate arthropod parasites with the exception of few members occurring saprotrophically in soil and plant debris. Based on the taxonomic framework of entomophthoroid fungi by Humber, a taxonomic outline of entomophthoroid fungi was updated in combination with recently published taxonomic taxa. The taxonomic characteristics of one phylum, three classes, three orders, ten families and twenty-five genera were presented. The problems and prospects in the taxonomic study of entomophthoroid fungi were put forward.

  • Research papers
    HAN Xixi, CAO Bin, HE Maoqiang, ZHU Xinyu, LI Jiaxin, WANG Shihui, YANG Wenqiang, LIU Dongmei, ZHAO Ruilin
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230304.

    The Shaluli Mountains are located in the central part of the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. This is an area with wide ranges of altitudes and vertical distributions of vegetations. Macrofungal resources in this area are rich due to its diverse climate, varied topography, and diverse vegetation types. A three-year survey of macrofungal species diversity in the Shaluli Mountains was conducted to explore fundamental data on macrofungal resources in the region. The survey area includes eight nature reserves, and eight counties. In total, 3 633 specimens were collected. The specimens were identified by DNA barcode sequencing combined with morphological examination and phylogenesis of some taxa was analysed. In the study, 503 species were identified, and they belong to 19 orders, 73 families and 162 genera. Among them, 395 species were newly recorded in the Shaluli Mountains and 18 species were newly recorded in China. There were 14 families containing more than 10 species, including Russulaceae, Cortinariaceae, Amanitaceae, Pluteaceae, Tricholomataceae, Inocybaceae, Agaricaceae, etc. There were 18 genera containing more than 5 species, including Cortinarius, Russula, Lactarius, Amanita, Tricholoma, etc. Cosmopolitan, north temperate, and pan-tropical genera account for 56.7%, 37.6%, and 4.9% of the total number of known genera, respectively. The resource evaluation showed that 60 species were edible, 54 simultaneously edible and medicinal, 20 medicinal, and 79 poisonous, showing increase of 50, 38, 9 and 62 species, respectively as compared with the previous record. Our study provides reference material for the conservation, utilization and management of macrofungal resources in the region.

  • Research papers
    CAO Wang, ZHAO Yan, YANG Shuangshuang, LIN Qunying, DENG Chunying, LI Chuanhua
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230254.

    Polycephalomyces ramosus is a rare species of Cordyceps-like fungi. Many species in Polycephalomyces have medicinal or health protection values. The synnemata of P. ramosus are domestically cultivated for the first time and the biological characteristics and active components of the fungus are studied. The mycelia have been identified by ITS sequence. The carbon source, nitrogen source, cultivating temperature and pH for mycelial growth were optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment. Rice, wheat, millet and coix seed were used as cultivated media. The content of polysaccharide was detected by phenol-sulfuric acid method and the content of adenosine and cordycepin was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The optimum medium for solid culture was sucrose 20 g/L, peptone 15 g/L, agar 20 g/L, KH2PO4 1g/L, MgSO4·7H2O 1 g/L, and Vitamin B1 10 mg/L; the optimum pH was 6.5 and growth temperature 23 ℃. The optimal liquid culture medium was sucrose 30 g/L, peptone 15 g/L, KH2PO4 1 g/L, MgSO4·7H2O 1 g/L, and Vitamin B1 10 mg/L; the mycelia grew well under pH 6.5 and temperature 25 ℃. The yield of synnemata on wheat as culture medium was the highest, with average biological efficiency of 9.824%. The polysaccharide content of synnemata on rice media was the highest (4.693%). The content of adenosine in the synnemata produced on millet media was the highest (0.130%), while the content of cordycepin was the lowest (0.018%). The study provides a reference for utilization and artificial cultivation of P. ramosus.

  • Research papers
    FU Yang, SONG Chunyan, DONG Jingjing, LIU Jianyu, JIANG Ning, ZHANG Lujun, YU Hailong, SHANG Xiaodong, TAN Qi
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(8): 230356.

    Lentinula edodes is edible and medicinal mushroom with the second largest yield and output value in the world. It is necessary to explore the regulatory mechanism of qualified characteristics and the important functional genes related to characteristics in L. edodes. In this study, a known functional gene is edited by using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, and CRISPR/Cas9 is confirmed to work in L. edodes. By predicting and screening a U6 snRNA promoter in L. edodes, sgRNA was designed using a pyrG encoding gene of orotidine-5ʹ-monophosphate decarboxylase as the target gene for CRISPR/Cas9. According to the codon preference of L. edodes genome, the cas9 gene that is the core component of CRISPR/Cas9 system is optimized. A binary expression vector with both sgRNA and cas9 gene was constructed. The vector was transformed into the monokaryon by Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of L. edodes mycelium to make the mutation of pyrG gene. The L. edodes monokaryon mutant with base deletion in pyrG gene was obtained successfully and the mutant was determined by functional screening as an uracil trophic deficiency strain. In this study, a binary expression vector was successfully constructed, which could simultaneously express the two important components of CRISPR/Cas9, and the purpose of using CRISPR/Cas9 to edit functional genes was realized.

  • Research papers
    LIU Xiaojing, ZHAO Jiamin, YAN Luwen, CUI Ming, XIAO Huiwen, LIU Xingzhong
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(7): 230355.

    Fungi, integral components of the gut microbiota, exert direct or indirect influence on host health. Extensive research has focused on the anti-aging effects of gut bacteria, however, investigations into the impact of intestinal fungi on anti-aging are limited. In this study, a combination of broad-spectrum antibiotics was employed to deplete bacteria from the feces of young mice, which were subsequently transplanted into the intestines of naturally aged mice. Physiological parameters, including learning and memory abilities, body weight, organ indices, and histopathological changes were assessed. Real-time quantitative PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were utilized to evaluate the expression levels of aging-related genes, proteins, and inflammatory factors in various tissues of aged mice. Results demonstrated that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) following bacterial depletion significantly improved spatial learning and memory abilities in aged mice without adversely affecting body weight and other organ indices. Further analysis revealed that FMT ameliorated tissue conditions in the brain, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and small intestine in aged mice. FMT upregulated genes associated with intestinal barrier integrity while downregulated the expression of aging-related genes p53 and p21 in the brain, liver, and kidney of aged mice, with no significant impact observed on the lung, spleen, and small intestine in aged mice. Additionally, FMT significantly increased antioxidant enzyme levels in the serum and multiple tissues of aged mice and reduced the expression of aging biomarkers and pro-inflammatory factors. In conclusion, the gut fungal microbiota from young donor can effectively delay the aging process in serum, brain, liver, and kidney. This study provides a scientific foundation for further exploration of the potential mechanisms underlying the anti-aging effects of gut fungi.

  • Research papers
    LI Guoqing, LIANG Yuhua, LU Linqin, LIU Feifei
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 240033.

    The genus Diplodia (Botryosphaeriales, Botryosphaeriaceae) comprises many important pathogens or latent pathogens associated with stem canker, shoot blights and die-back of plants across a wide geographic distribution. In this study, a total of 13 Diplodia isolates was obtained from diseased branches of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) trees in Yunnan Province. Based on phylogenetic analyses of ITS, tef1 and tub2 loci, combined with morphological characteristics, two species were identified, D. mutila new to China and D. pipa sp. nov. The pathogenicity tests conducted on potted loquat trees demonstrated that both species can infect loquat trees, with D. mutila exhibiting a higher level of virulence as compared with D. pipa. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Diplodia from loquat trees in China.

  • Research papers
    LIU Yan, HUANG Chuanshu, YANG Biwen, XIANG Shuxiang, TANG Lu, HUANG Yue, WU Jun, SONG Zhiguang, XING Kangkang
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230290.

    Coumestrol and psoralen as important derivatives of coumarins were mainly found in plants and play important roles in anticancer and anti-inflammation but were less reported in fungi. Our study successfully isolated and characterized Inonotus hispidus L-1, a strain with high polysaccharides and flavonoids. Metabolomic analysis indicated that the content of coumestrol and psoralen in basidiomata of I. hispidus L-1 was significantly higher than that in mycelia and primordia. Combining transcriptomics and metabolomics approaches, the synthetic pathways and regulatory genes involved in the production of coumestrol and psoralen were elucidated. The synthesis of coumarin and psoralen in I. hispidus L-1 has a common precursor, L-phenylalanine. L-phenylalanine synthesis was co-regulated by the glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathway and the phenylalanine pathway, and its levels were significantly elevated in the primordium and basidioma stages. More interestingly, the downstream metabolites in the P-coumarate acid synthesis pathway, by using L-phenylalanine as a precursor, were significantly increased. These downstream metabolites include 2,7,4ʹ-trihydroxyisoflavanone and coumestrol in the isoflavonoid biosynthesis pathway, as well as 7-hydroxycoumarine and psoralen in the coumarin biosynthesis pathway. The synthesis of coumestrol and psoralen was mainly regulated by the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (APL), APL1, and glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 (ECM4) genes. The results highlight the potential of I. hispidus L-1 as a valuable source of coumarins and psoralens for the development and application of nutraceuticals.

  • Research papers
    YUAN Rong, PENG Cheng, LI Shuji, TIAN Chengming
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230306.

    Schisandra phenanthera is an important medicinal plant. Numerous species of Pestalotiopsis having wide-ranging distribution are associated with plant hosts as pathogens, endophytes, or saprobes. Ten isolates of Pestalotiopsis were obtained from samples of S. phenanthera collected from Ningshan County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province through tissue separation method. Taxonomic identification were conducted based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of multi-gene sequence data from three loci (ITS, tef1, and tub2). These isolates were identified as P. abietis, P. jiangxiensis, P. lushanensis, P. orzae and P. schisandrae sp. nov. The species of Pestalotiopsis are first reported in Schisandra phenanthera.

  • Reviews
    QIN Yufan, ZHAO Peng, HAN Shiling, LIU Fang, WANG Ke, DUAN Weijun, GONG Wenfeng, WANG Haixiang, CAI Lei
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(9): 240024.

    Fusarium circinatum, F. tucumaniae, F. virguliforme and five formae speciales of F. oxysporum have been included in the “List of Quarantine Pests of Import Plants in the People’s Republic of China” in 2007. This article aims at revising the scientific names of these species and formae speciales in accordance with the current taxonomic system of the genus Fusarium and related genera in Nectriaceae. It is suggested that the Chinese name for the causal agent of pine pitch canker is revised as huan zhuang lian bao (环状镰孢). The Chinese and scientific names of the oil palm wilt pathogen are revised as you zong lian bao (油棕镰孢) and F. elaeidis. It has been clarified that the pathogens responsible for South American soybean sudden death syndrome, F. tucumaniae, and North American soybean sudden death syndrome, F. virguliforme, are the same species in the genus Neocosmospora, and the Chinese name and scientific name are now revised as cai dou xin chi qiao (菜豆新赤壳) and N. phaseoli, respectively. Additionally, this study indicates that the pathogens responsible for the banana wilt (race 4 and non-Chinese race), celery wilt, asparagus wilt, and strawberry wilt are not monophyletic, suggesting the necessity for taxonomic revisions of these formae speciales of F. oxysporum. These updates are references for future revisions and renewal of the quarantine pest lists.

  • Research papers
    XIAO Zitian, HE Huanqing, PENG Yangyang, LIU Ming, XU Jiang, QIU Yuanhui, SUN Yifei, CUI Baokai
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 230253.

    Sanguinoderma is an important group of Ganodermataceae, many physiological functions have been found in the species of the genus, which are better than those of many well-known edible and medicinal fungi. Domestication of five wild Sanguinoderma species was attempted, and the cultivation characteristics and antioxidant activities of the species were studied, including the optimal temperature of mycelial growth, basidioma development process, polysaccharide and triterpene content and biological efficiency. The results showed that the optimum temperature for mycelium growth of the five species ranged from 25 to 30 ℃, and 25-38 days were needed for the fruiting body growth from primordium formation to harvest of basidiomata. S. rugosum growth is fastest and sporulation is early, while Sanguinoderma sp. growth is slowest and no sporulation was observed during cultivation. The morphological characters of cultivated basidiomata were quite different among different strains. The pilea were fan-shaped, reniform to nearly circular, with surface of greyish brown, ash-black, black and beige red, and length ranged from 4.96 cm to 12.56 cm, while width ranged from 3.84 cm to 10.76 cm, and height ranged from 0 cm to 10.1 cm. The first harvest biological efficiencies were 6.59%-18.34% for different strains, and the crude polysaccharide content and the total triterpene content were 1.89%-2.95% and 0.78%-1.68%, respectively. The antioxidant activities of polysaccharides and total triterpenes were compared with those of six Ganoderma species. It was found that Sanguinoderma spp. have better antioxidant activity. Sanguinoderma sp. and S. microporum have radical scavenging rate of over 80% to DPPH, and of 28% to total oxidant, under concentration of 3 mg/mL crude polysaccharide and 1 mg/mL total triterpene, respectively. In conclusion, Sanguinoderma spp. grow fast, contain rich polysaccharide and triterpene in basidiomata, and have good antioxidant activities for potential utilization.

  • Research papers
    JIANG Yuhan, WANG Ke, HUANG Jiamao, BIAN Lusen, YUAN Yuan
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(3): 230296.

    Macrofungi are elements in forest ecosystem, playing an important role in the biosphere, and some species have important edible and medicinal values. Beijing Xiaolongmen National Forest Park is located in the warm temperate zone, and less studies on the diversity and funga of macrofungi in the area were carried out. The present study provides a basic knowledge on the diversity and funga of macrofungi in the forest park. A total of 208 species belonging to 126 genera, 67 families, and 14 orders was found. Among them, the dominant families are Polyporaceae and Omphalotaceae. The dominant genera are Gymnopus, Crepidotus, Hebeloma and Lactarius.

  • Research papers
    TANG Guanmei, ZHANG Li, WEI Yuan, FU Jiao, CHEN Huiqin, ZHANG Xueqing, MEI Wenli, DAI Haofu, GUO Zhiyong
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230282.

    An endophytic fungus strain GZY-Z-02 was isolated from the leaves of Paraboea sinensis and identified as Purpureocillium lilacinum by molecular biological method. The fungus was fermented on rice medium for 30 days at room temperature, and the crude extracts were obtained by extraction with ester acetate. By means of silica gel column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 and HPLC twelve metabolites were obtained. The twelve metabolites were identified through NMR, MS and CD spectra, which all belong to alkaloids, including a new compound lilacinumopin (1), five diketopiperazines (2-6), two indole analogs (7-8), three nucleoside derivatives (9-11) and Vitamin B2 (12). An antimicrobial activity assay proved that the compounds 1, 7, and 8 displayed selectively moderate antibacterial activity to Staphylococcus aureus.

  • Research papers
    WANG Aiping, CHI Tian, FENG Yue, WEN Qiang, TIAN Haiyan, LIU Xin, DONG Qi
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230175.

    The response to phosphorus fertilizer level and planting pattern of soil fungal community in wheat field was analyzed. Three phosphorus (P) application rations, 90 kg/hm2 (P1), 135 kg/hm2 (P2) and 180 kg/hm2 (P3), and two planting modes mono-cropping (WS) and intercropping (WI), were set. Illumina high-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the effects of different phosphorus fertilization levels and intercropping on soil nitrogen and phosphorus content and fungal community composition and diversity in the field of winter wheat. The results showed that different phosphorus application levels had significant effects on soil phosphorus content in intercropping and mono-cropping wheat fields. Intercropping was beneficial to increase available phosphorus content of the soil with low phosphorus level. In total, 1 157 759 effective tags and 847 OTUs were obtained by high-throughput sequencing. All the treated OTUs were classified into 8 phyla, 26 classes, 54 orders, 82 families and 108 genera. There were 196 OTUs in 6 treatments. There were 147 and 102 unique OTUs in intercropping and monoculture modes, respectively. There were 113, 70 and 66 OTUs unique to P1, P2 and P3 treatments, respectively. Phosphorus application and intercropping had little effect on fungal alpha diversity in wheat rhizosphere soil. The results of PCoA analysis showed that the level of phosphorus application and intercropping and their interaction had certain effects on fungal community structure. The results of redundancy analysis showed that soil available phosphorus had a greater impact on the fungal community structure, and Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota and Glomeromycota were positively correlated with available phosphorus, and Chytridiomycota was negatively correlative.

  • Research papers
    PENG Cheng, TIAN Chengming
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(7): 230344.

    Sporocadaceae is a fungal group that is widely distributed around the world. Most of the members are important plant pathogens seriously affected the growth and development of plants, causing death of plants and resulting in production reduction of many economic crops. Sporocadaceae contains 35 genera. Due to the lack of unified Chinese names for some groups, problems such as irregular and confusional use of the names often occur in various Chinese literatures. Based on the latest taxonomic research progress and nomenclature of fungi, Chinese scientific names of the genera in Sporocadaceae are revised and renewed in accordance with the “A glossary of mycology” and “Nomenclature code of fungal Chinese names”.

  • Short communication
    WANG Jingjing, SONG Fuhang, XU Xiuli, WANG Long
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230169.

    Based on morphological taxonomic examination and molecular phylogenetic analysis of partial calmodulin gene (CaM), DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II second largest subunit gene (Rpb2) and rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) sequences, the moulds isolated from surface of the home-made dry-cured meat in Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and Liupanshui City in Guizhou Province are identified as eight Aspergillus species and one Penicillium species, namely, A. cumulatus, A. flavus, A. glaucus, A. jensenii, A. proliferans, A. pseudoglaucus, A. tennesseensis, A. venenatus and P. aurantioviolaceum; among which, A. cumulatus, A. venenatus and P. aurantioviolaceum are new to China.

  • Research papers
    DAI Dan, WANG Zhen, HU Jia, DAI Jiancheng, PENG Xinhong, SUN Peng, CHEN Xutao, WANG Zhiwei, WEI Yunhui, LI Yu
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(7): 230333.

    A wild polypore strain isolated and purified from a basidioma collected in Wugong Mountain, Jiangxi Province was identified as Piptoporellus soloniensis based on morphological characteristics and molecular evidence. Biological characteristics and domestication of P. soloniensis were studied. Four single-factor tests indicated that the optimal carbon and nitrogen sources for mycelial growth were glucose and yeast extract powder repectively under the optimal pH of 4.0 and the optimal culture temperature of 30 ℃. The orthogonal test further verified the results of the single factor tests. The influence levels of the four factors on the mycelial growth of P. soloniensis were ranked as temperature>pH>carbon source>nitrogen source. The cultivation spawn formula for P. soloniensis was 35% fine sawdust, 35% lotus seed hulls, 20% wheat bran, 7% corn flour, 1.5% gypsum and 1.5% quicklime. Under the optimal conditions, the mycelial growth rate reached 1.85-2.13 mm/d. Mycelia were sackful in 47-54 d at 23-26 ℃ in dark, and the mycelia aggregated to form initial basidiomata (primordia) in 30-35 d under the temperature of 23-26 ℃ and scattered light conditions. Fruiting body ultimately matured after another 20 d under the temperature of 18-20 ℃ and relative air humidity of 80%-90%.

  • Research papers
    ZHANG Baosheng, ZHA Lei, ZHAO Yan, ZHANG Mengke, YU Panling, XU Baoting, CHEN Mingjie
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(6): 230322.

    Edible fungi can provide a variety of nutrients necessary for human bodies, including lots of proteins, polysaccharides and other active substances. Small molecular peptides produced by protease hydrolysis are important forms of protein activity. Protease-hydrolyzed peptides in edible fungi have received extensive attention due to their natural, safe, and good hypoglycemic effect. In this study, the proteins of 12 species of common edible fungi were selected as the research objects, and were extracted by ammonium sulfate precipitation method. The obtained proteins were then enzymatically hydrolyzed by alkaline protease. The inhibition rate of α-amylase and α-glucosidase were used as the screening indexes. The results showed that the protease hydrolysates of Hericium erinaceus had the best effect on the inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase. The inhibition rate of α-amylase was (65.70±0.33)%, and that of α-glucosidase was (69.25±0.27)%, suggesting that H. erinaceus may have good hypoglycemic activity. The hydrophobic and alkaline amino acids contained in the enzymatic-hydrolyzed peptides of H. erinaceus may be important factors for the hypoglycemic effect.

  • Research papers
    YANG Yamin, SUN Tingting, ZHANG Qian, ZHANG Chunlei, LI Dongming
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230242.

    Skin diseases caused by Fusarium, also known as cutaneous fusariosis, usually present as nodules and persistent ulcers on the skin; psoriasis-like rashes are uncommon and are frequently misdiagnosed. Due to the frequent occurrence of naturally drug-resistant strains of Fusarium, Fusarium infection is not only challenging to identify but also challenging to cure. In this paper, a case of psoriasis-like fusariosis caused by Fusarium proliferatum is reported. The 59-year-old patient had been suffering from plaques and scaly erythema on her right earlobe and surrounding skin for more than 30 years. The patient had been misdiagnosed as “eczema and psoriasis” and had been treated with various medications, but without any efficacy. Direct microscopic examination of the fungus, tissue fungal culture and pathology confirmed the diagnosis of Fusarium infection, and DNA identification as Fusarium proliferatum led to the diagnosis of cutaneous fusariosis. Skin damage improved significantly and almost subsided after intravenous injection of liposomal amphotericin B. Cutaneous fusariosis can mimic psoriasis and amphotericin B treatment is effective.

  • Research papers
    XIE Jiangtao, QIN Zaili, LIU Xue, LIU Jiang, TIAN Fenghua
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(8): 240002.

    In June 2022, cobweb disease of Auricularia cornea occurred in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, with an incidence of up to 30%. The pathogen was identified as Hypomyces mycophilus. The biological characteristics and sensitivities to four biological pesticides and three chemical pesticides of the pathogen were studied. The results showed that the temperature of 25 ℃ and pH 6 were optimum for the growth of the pathogen. Soluble starch, yeast extract and rose bengal agar medium were beneficial to mycelial growth, and light conditions had no significant effect. The sensitivities of four biogenic fungicides and three chemical fungicides to the pathogen were determined by mycelial growth inhibition method. The results showed that both Bacillus subtilis WP and propiconazole EC had strong inhibitory effects on the pathogen, with EC50 values of 0.018 and 0.022 mg/L, respectively. The inhibition rates of 0.100 mg/L of B. subtilis WP on the mycelial growth of A. cornea were 12.63%, indicating that B. subtilis WP had good selective toxicity for H. mycophilus and was avirulent to A. cornea. The results of this study proved that B. subtilis WP was suitable for the prevention and control of cob-web disease of A. cornea.

  • Research papers
    ZHANG Ming, HUANG Kailan, LU Juan, GUI Mingying, SHENG Jun, MA Xiao
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(4): 230217.

    The mechanism of apoptosis and migration of renal cancer cell lines after stimulation by cordycepin administration was explored. Kidney cancer 786-O cell line and kidney cancer ACHN cell line were cultured in vitro, and MTT method, cell migration experiment, HE staining, immunofluorescence staining, and protein immunoimprinting were used to examine the inhibition rate of proliferation, cell migration, cell morphology and nuclear morphology of renal cancer cell lines under different concentration of cordycepin administration. The expression of apoptosis-related gene proteins was investigated, and the mechanism of apoptosis induced by cordycepin in renal cancer cells was explored. With the increase of concentration and dose, cordycepin can significantly promote apoptosis and inhibit migration of renal cancer cell lines. Morphological and HE staining observation showed that the number of cancer cells was significantly reduced, and the nucleus was significantly enlarged. Immunofluorescence staining showed that the expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and BCL-2 proteins decreased significantly, the expression of Bax, Casepase-3 and Casepase-7 proteins increased significantly, and the apoptosis renal cancer cells could be induced through the AKT/mTOR signaling pathway.

  • Review
    HE Haiyang, XUE Xiaochun, PAN Weihua, LIAO Wanqing
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(10): 240094.

    Talaromyces marneffei stands out as the sole thermobiphasic fungus pathogenic to mammals, including humans, belonging to Ascomycota, Eurotiomycetes, Eurotiales, Trichocomaceae, and Talaromyces. Thriving as a saprophytic fungus in its natural habitat, it transitions into a pathogenic yeast phase at the mammalian physiological temperature of 37 ℃. Historically, talaromycosis has been predominantly associated with HIV/AIDS, classified among the three primary opportunistic infections linked with AIDS, alongside tuberculosis and cryptococcosis. As advancements are made in HIV/AIDS treatment and control measures, the incidence of talaromycosis co-infection with HIV is declining annually, whereas the population of non-HIV-infected talaromycosis patients is steadily increasing. These patients exhibit diverse risk factors such as various types of immunodeficiency, malignant tumors, autoimmune diseases, and organ transplantation, among others. Yet, a limited number of retrospective studies have centered on the clinical characteristics and risk factors of HIV-negative talaromycosis patients, resulting in an inadequate understanding of this patient cohort. A comprehensive review is conducted encompassing the epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of HIV-negative talaromycosis patients, together with a prospect of the disease’s frontier research direction to enhance comprehension and advancements in the diagnosis and treatment rates for these patients, ultimately improving their prognosis.

  • New cultivars
    LU Huan, LIU Jianyu, ZHANG Dan, SONG Chunyan, TAN Qi, SHANG Xiaodong, WANG Ruijuan
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230226.

    The new cultivar ‘Jinyu 1’ of Pleurotus citrinopileatus was bred by systematic breeding using commercial cultivar ‘Yuhuang 2’ as its parent. The pileus of the new cultivar is golden yellow or bright yellow, fan-shaped or fan hemispherical; the stipe is thick, and basidiomata are neat. The cultivar has excellent characters with stable yield, short growth period and strong stress resistance. The new cultivar ‘Shangyan A130’ of Flammulina filiformis was based on ‘Shangyan 1’ as parent. The spores of ‘Shangyan 1’ were mutated by atmospheric and room temperature plasma mutagenesis. This cultivar is white, with cap spherical and buckled and long stipe with less villi at the base. It is characterized by neat fruiting and high yield, and suitability for industrial annual cultivation. The new cultivar ‘Shangyan 1820’ of F. filiformis was bred by single spore crossbreeding. This cultivar is light yellow, with spherical cap, insignificant color deepening at the base of stipe, long stipe and neat fruiting. This cultivar has excellent commercial characters.

  • Research papers
    LUO Yanglan, CHEN Lixin, WANG Canqin, WEI Jiaojun, LAN Taojü, WU Shengjin, WEI Shiyan
    Mycosystema. 2024, 43(5): 230222.

    Auricularia cornea cultivated with mixed tree sawdust or miscellaneous sawdust (treatment A, control), eucalyptus sawdust (treatment B) and eucalyptus bark (treatment C) was used as the test material, and moisture content, crude protein, crude fat, soluble sugar, crude fibre and coarse ash in basidiomata on the three different substrates were measured respectively. Based on the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) technique, the differences of metabolites and their pathways in A. cornea were analyzed. The results show that compared with that in A. cornea cultivated with miscellaneous sawdust, the content of crude protein, soluble sugar, and crude ash in A. cornea cultivated with by-products of eucalyptus (eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark) is higher, while the content of crude fat and crude fiber is lower. There were 41 differential metabolites and 5 differential metabolite pathways between treatment B (using eucalyptus sawdust as cultivating substrate) and treatment A (using miscellaneous sawdust as cultivating substrate), 49 differential metabolites and 15 differential metabolite pathways between treatment C (using eucalyptus bark as cultivating substrate) and treatment A, and 44 differential metabolites and 21 differential metabolite pathways between treatment B and treatment C. Enrichment metabolic pathway analysis based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), demonstrated that treatment B and treatment A had two significant metabolic pathways (P<0.05) (amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism and starch and sucrose metabolism), while treatment C and treatment A had five significant metabolic pathways (alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, purine metabolism, C5-branched dibasic acid metabolism and starch and sucrose metabolism), and treatment B and treatment C had four significant metabolic pathways (alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism, purine metabolism, and amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism). Using eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark as cultivation substrates can increase the nutritional content of A. cornea, improve product quality, and reduce production costs. This study provides reference for the application of eucalyptus sawdust and eucalyptus bark in the cultivation of A. cornea.