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菌物学报, 2022, 41(6): 1008-1017 doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.210378



曾昭清,,*, 庄文颖,

中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室,北京 100101

Five species of Nectriaceae new to China

ZENG Zhaoqing,,*, ZHUANG Wenying,

State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

收稿日期: 2021-09-18   接受日期: 2021-09-30  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31750001)

Corresponding authors: * zengzq@im.ac.cn

Received: 2021-09-18   Accepted: 2021-09-30  

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(31750001)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(31870012)
Frontier Key Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(QYZDY-SSW-SMC029)
National Project on Scientific Groundwork, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China(2019FY100700)

作者简介 About authors

ORCID:ZENGZhaoqing(0000-0002-8460-7824) , E-mail:zengzq@im.ac.cn

ZHUANGWenying(0000-0002-1162-9678) 。


对采自安徽、河南、湖北、云南和西藏等地的丛赤壳科标本进行系统分类研究,综合形态解剖、培养性状、DNA序列和无性阶段特征,报道5个中国新记录种:肯达拉赤壳Cosmospora khandalensis,翠绿赤壳C. viridescens,剑孢新赤壳Neocosmospora protoensiformis,罗杰森假赤壳Pseudocosmospora rogersonii和瘤顶赤壳Tumenectria laetidisca,对它们的宏微观特征和菌落形态进行了描述及图示。

关键词: 赤壳属; 形态学; 新赤壳属; 假赤壳属; 分类; 瘤顶赤壳属


Five new Chinese records, Cosmospora khandalensis, C. viridescens, Neocosmospora protoensiformis, Pseudocosmospora rogersonii and Tumenectria laetidisca, are reported based on the specimens collected from Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Yunnan and Tibet. Their descriptions and illustrations are provided based on observations of the Chinese materials.

Keywords: Cosmospora; morphology; Neocosmospora; Pseudocosmospora; taxonomy; Tumenectria

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曾昭清, 庄文颖. 丛赤壳科5个中国新记录种[J]. 菌物学报, 2022, 41(6): 1008-1017 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210378

ZENG Zhaoqing, ZHUANG Wenying. Five species of Nectriaceae new to China[J]. Mycosystema, 2022, 41(6): 1008-1017 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210378

丛赤壳科Nectriaceae成立于1865年,模式属为丛赤壳属Nectria (Fr.) Fr.。Rossman et al. (1999)根据形态学特征,将广义的丛赤壳类真菌划分为丛赤壳科和生赤壳科Bionectriaceae。丛赤壳科的主要特征包括子座发达或具基部子座,子囊壳肉质,具丛赤壳型中心体,单生至聚生,表生,近球形、球形、倒梨形至椭圆球形,子囊壳颜色鲜艳,KOH+,LA+,子囊壳表面光滑、具疣状物或毛状物,壳壁厚度通常大于25 μm, 子囊圆柱形至柱棒状, 子囊孢子椭圆形至拟纺锤形, 无分隔至具多个分隔,表面平滑、具条纹、小刺或疣状突起,无色至淡黄褐色(Rossman et al. 1999;庄文颖 2013;Lombard et al. 2015)。目前丛赤壳科已知约55属900余种(Lombard et al. 2015),我国累计报道16属100余种(庄文颖 2013; Zeng & Zhuang 2014, 2015, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021a, 2021b; Zeng et al. 2018)。 该科真菌主要分布于温带和热带地区,物种多样性丰富,对农林业发展有重要影响,开展资源调查和系统分类研究,将更新对我国种质资源的认识。

1 材料与方法

研究材料主要采自安徽、河南、湖北、云南和西藏等地的自然保护区和森林公园。采用常规研究方法(Rossman et al. 1999),记录子囊壳在3%氢氧化钾(potassium hydroxide,KOH)水溶液和100%乳酸(lactic acid,LA)溶液中的颜色变化。为观察解剖结构特征,将子囊壳置于冷冻切片机YD-1508A(中国金华)上制作厚度约6-8 μm的切片,在解剖镜Olympus SZX7下选取结构完整的切片用乳酚棉兰染色,显微观察其壳壁结构和附属物特征。挑取单个子囊壳制作压片,经乳酚棉兰染色,显微观察子囊和子囊孢子的形状、大小,孢子的颜色、表面纹饰和分隔情况;采用Zeiss Axioskop 2 plus (哥廷根)光学显微镜配备的Canon G5摄像系统拍照。观察菌株在CMD (cornmeal dextrose agar)、PDA (potato dextrose agar)和SNA (synthetic nutrient-poor agar) (Nirenberg 1976)培养基上25 ℃培养7 d的菌落形态,测量菌落直径。

研究标本存放于中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(herbarium mycologicum academiae sinicae,HMAS),菌种保藏于微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室。参照Wang & Zhuang (2004)的方法提取菌丝DNA,使用引物ITS5/ITS4 (White et al. 1990)和LR0R/LR5 (Rehner & Samuels 1994)扩增ITS和LSU序列,获得序列提交至GenBank,使用BioEdit (Hall 1999)进行序列拼接、比对和编辑,运用BLASTN在NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)数据库进行检索。

本研究综合形态解剖、培养性状、DNA序列和无性阶段等特征,对各标本进行系统分类鉴定。采用最大简约(maximum parsimony,MP)和贝叶斯(Bayesian inference,BI)方法明确其系统发育位置,选取ITS和LSU序列构建系统发育树。进化树中,最大简约分析支持率(bootstrap proportion,BP)大于50%和贝叶斯分析后验概率(posterior probability,PP)大于90%分别显示在各分支节点上。

2 分类


Cosmospora khandalensis (Thirum. & Sukapure) Gräfenhan & Seifert [as 'khandalense'], in Gräfenhan, Schroers, Nirenberg & Seifert, Stud. Mycol. 68: 96, 2011. Fig. 1

Cephalosporium khandalense Thirum. & Sukapure, in Sukapure & Thirumalachar, Mycologia 58(3): 359, 1966.


图1   肯达拉赤壳 (HMAS 247850)

A-C:25 ℃培养7 d的菌落形态 (A:PDA;B:CMD;C:SNA);D-L:分生孢子梗和分生孢子. 标尺:D-L=10 μm

Fig. 1   Cosmospora khandalensis (HMAS 247850).

A-C: Colonies after 7 d at 25 °C (A: PDA; B: CMD; C: SNA); D-L: Conidiophores and conidia. Bars: D-L=10 μm.

在PDA培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径22-23 mm,表面絮状,气生菌丝致密,白色,产生黄绿色色素;在CMD培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径23-24 mm,表面绒毛状,气生菌丝稀疏,白色,产生黄绿色色素;在SNA培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径21-23 mm,表面绒毛状,气生菌丝稀疏,白色,产生淡黄绿色色素。无性阶段acremonium型,分生孢子梗无色,不分枝或简单分枝,产孢细胞为单瓶梗,圆柱形,长34-64 μm,基部宽1.5-2.5 μm,顶部宽1.0-1.5 μm;分生孢子卵圆形至椭圆形,末端钝圆,无分隔,无色,表面平滑,2.5-5×1.5-2 μm,末端具黏性,通常聚集成团。

标本:湖北神农架木城哨卡,枯枝上生,2014 Ⅸ 22,郑焕娣、曾昭清、秦文韬、陈凯 10045,HMAS 247850 (ITS、LSU GenBank登录号:OK103798、OK103806)。


讨论:湖北菌株分离自枯枝,其菌落形态、分生孢子等特征与Sukapure & Thirumalachar (1966)和Herrera et al. (2015)的描述一致。序列分析显示中国材料与产于印度的模式菌株(CBS 356.65) ITS序列仅相差1 bp (522/523),LSU完全相同(796/796)。


Cosmospora viridescens (C. Booth) Gräfenhan & Seifert, in Gräfenhan, Schroers, Nirenberg & Seifert, Stud. Mycol. 68: 96, 2011. Fig. 2

Nectria viridescens C. Booth, Mycol. Papers 73: 89, 1959.


图2   翠绿赤壳 (HMAS 247851)

A-C:25 ℃培养7 d的菌落形态 (A:PDA;B:CMD;C:SNA);D-L:分生孢子梗和分生孢子. 标尺:D-L=10 μm

Fig. 2   Cosmospora viridescens (HMAS 247851).

A-C: Colonies after 7 d at 25 °C (A: PDA; B: CMD; C: SNA); D-L: Conidiophores and conidia. Bars: D-L=10 μm.

在PDA培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径23-24 mm,表面絮状,气生菌丝致密,白色,产生黄色至黄绿色色素;在CMD培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径25-26 mm,表面絮状,气生菌丝较稀疏,白色,产生黄绿色色素;在SNA培养基上,25 ℃生长7 d菌落直径25-27 mm,表面绒毛状,气生菌丝稀疏,白色。无性阶段acremonium型,分生孢子梗无色,不分枝或简单分枝,产孢细胞为单瓶梗,圆柱形,长30-68 μm,基部宽1.8-2.5 μm,顶部宽1.0-1.2 μm;分生孢子椭圆形至杆形,末端钝圆,无分隔,无色,表面平滑,3-5×2-3 μm,末端具黏性,少数聚集成团。

标本:西藏米林南伊沟,Ganoderma sp.上生,2016 Ⅸ 13,郑焕娣、曾昭清、王新存、陈凯、张玉博 10806,HMAS 247851 (ITS、LSU GenBank登录号:OK103799、OK103807)。


讨论:西藏菌株的形态特征与Booth (1959)提供的原始描述一致。Gräfenhan et al. (2011)对其形态相近种进行了详细讨论。我国菌株与捷克菌株(CBS 102430)的ITS和LSU序列分别相差2 bp (518/520)和3 bp (785/788),与来自英国的模式菌株(IMI 73377a)相差5 bp (534/539)和6 bp (782/788),将上述差异视为种内变异。这是该种首次在亚洲发现(Herrera et al. 2015)。


Neocosmospora protoensiformis Sand.-Den. & Crous, in Sandoval-Denis, Lombard & Crous, Persoonia 43: 156, 2019. Fig. 3

Fusarium protoensiforme (Sand.-Den. & Crous) O’Donnell, Geiser, Kasson & T. Aoki, in Aoki, Geiser, Kasson & O'Donnell, Index Fungorum 440: 3, 2020.


图3   剑孢新赤壳 (HMAS 290889)

A-C:自然基物上的子囊壳;D,E:25 ℃培养7 d的菌落形态 (D:PDA;E:SNA);F:子囊壳纵切面结构;G-I:子囊及子囊孢子;J-L:子囊孢子;M,N:分生孢子梗和小型分生孢子;O:小型分生孢子;P-S:大型分生孢子. 标尺:A-C=1 mm;F=50 μm;G-S=10 μm

Fig. 3   Neocosmospora protoensiformis (HMAS 290889).

A-C: Ascomata on natural substratum; D, E: Colonies after 7 d at 25 °C (D: PDA; E: SNA); F: Median section of an ascoma; G-I: Asci with ascospores; J-L: Ascospores; M, N: Conidiophores and microconidia; O: Microconidia; P-S: Macroconidia. Bars: A-C=1 mm; F=50 μm; G-S=10 μm.

无子座;子囊壳单生至群生,表生,球形至梨形,表面具疣状物,乳突较小,干后侧面明显凹陷,新鲜时为鲜红色,干后为深红色,在3% KOH水溶液中呈暗红色,100%乳酸溶液中呈黄色,高274-363 μm,直径216-294 μm;疣状物高4-40 μm,细胞球形至近球形,8-22×6-20 μm;壳壁厚20-50 μm,细胞矩胞组织至角胞组织,5.4-15×2.2-8 μm,胞壁厚1.0-1.5 μm;子囊棒状,顶部简单,无顶环,具8个孢子,43-60×5-10 μm;子囊孢子椭圆形,具1个分隔,分隔处稍缢缩,无色,表面平滑,在子囊中斜向单列排列,10-15× 5-8 μm。

在PDA培养基上,25℃培养7 d菌落直径40 mm,气生菌丝致密,白色;在SNA培养基上,25 ℃培养7 d菌落直径45 mm,白色,气生菌丝稀疏;分生孢子梗简单分枝,锥形、近圆柱形至针形,表面光滑,长22-56 μm,基部宽2-3 μm,顶部宽1-1.5 μm;大型分生孢子镰刀形,通常一端带小弯钩,具4-9个分隔,50-85×4-5 μm;小型分生孢子卵圆形、棒状至椭圆形,不弯曲,具0(-1)个分隔,无色,表面平滑,8-17(-20)×3-5 μm,末端具黏性,少数聚集成团。

标本:云南高黎贡山百花岭,枯树皮上生,2017 Ⅸ 15,张意、郑焕娣、王新存、张玉博 11363,HMAS 290889 (ITS、LSU GenBank登录号:OK103800、OK103808)。


讨论:该种可在人工培养基上产生子囊壳,与自然基物上的相比,子囊壳和子囊孢子的大小基本一致,子囊稍大(53-105×8-13.8 μm vs. 43-60× 5-10 μm) (Sandoval-Denis et al. 2019),我国菌株与产自委内瑞拉的模式菌株(NRRL 22178)的ITS序列相差5 bp (518/523),LSU序列完全一致(535/535)。本研究将上述差异处理为种内变异。


Pseudocosmospora rogersonii C.S. Herrera & P. Chaverri, Mycologia 105(5): 1299, 2013. Fig. 4


图4   罗杰森假赤壳 (HMAS 247852)

A,B:25 ℃培养14 d的菌落形态 (A:PDA;B:SNA);C-I:分生孢子梗和分生孢子;J,K:分生孢子. 标尺:C-K=10 μm

Fig. 4   Pseudocosmospora rogersonii (HMAS 247852).

A, B: Colonies after 14 d at 25 °C (A: PDA; B: SNA); C-I: Conidiophores and conidia; J, K: Conidia. Bars: C-K=10 μm.

在PDA培养基上,25 ℃生长14 d菌落直径37 mm,具壳状,粉红至米褐色,背面同色;在SNA培养基上,25 ℃生长14 d菌落直径15 mm,气生菌丝极稀疏,淡粉色。无性阶段acremonium型,分生孢子梗简单,不分枝,圆柱形,朝顶部渐细,无色,长28-95 μm,基部宽1.2-1.5 μm,顶部宽0.8-1 μm。分生孢子矩形、椭圆形至杆状,不分隔,无色,表面平滑,2.5-5×1-1.8 μm。

标本:安徽金寨天堂寨,真菌上生,2011 Ⅷ 24,陈双林、庄文颖、曾昭清、郑焕娣7889,HMAS 247852 (ITS、LSU GenBank登录号:OK103796、OK103804)。


讨论:与Herrera et al. (2013)基于美国材料对该种的描述相比,我国安徽菌株的分生孢子略小(2.5-5×1-1.8 μm vs. 2.9-5.5×1.1-2.6 μm),其他特征相同。菌株7889的ITS (520/520)和LSU (764/764)序列与模式菌株BPI 1107121完全一致。该种在我国发现使其分布范围由北美洲扩展至亚洲。


Tumenectria laetidisca (Rossman) Salgado & Rossman, in Salgado-Salazar, Rossman & Chaverri, Fungal Diversity 80: 451, 2016. Fig. 5

Nectria laetidisca Rossman, Mycol. Pap. 150: 36, 1983.

=Cylindrocarpon bambusicola Matsush., Matsush. Mycol. Mem. 5: 9. 1987.


图5   瘤顶赤壳 (HMAS 290890)

A-C:自然基物上的子囊壳;D,E:25 ℃培养14 d的菌落形态 (D:PDA;E:SNA);F:子囊壳纵切面结构;G-K:分生孢子梗和分生孢子;L:厚垣孢子. 标尺:A-C=1 mm;F=50 μm;G-L=10 μm

Fig. 5   Tumenectria laetidisca (HMAS 290890).

A-C: Ascomata on natural substratum; D, E: Colonies after 14 d at 25 °C (D: PDA; E: SNA); F: Median section of an ascoma; G-K: Conidiophores and conidia; L: Chlamydospores. Bars: A-C=1 mm; F=50 μm; G-L=10 μm.

无子座;子囊壳单生,表生,球形至近球形,顶部具乳突,高38-75 μm,基部宽50-100 μm,顶部宽30-50 μm,干后不凹陷,新鲜时为鲜红色,干后为深红色,在3% KOH水溶液中呈暗红色,100%乳酸溶液中呈黄色,高225-304 μm,直径206-225 μm;壳壁厚28-48 μm,分2层,外层厚23-41 μm,细胞角胞组织至球胞组织,5-13× 3-8 μm,胞壁厚0.8-1.0 μm;内层厚5-7 μm,细胞矩胞组织,8-15×2.5-3.5 μm,胞壁厚0.6-0.8 μm;子囊和子囊孢子未见。

在PDA培养基上,25 ℃生长14 d菌落直径36 mm,表面絮状,气生菌丝致密,白色,背面产生米黄色至淡黄褐色色素;在SNA培养基上,25 ℃生长14 d菌落直径42 mm,表面绒毛状,气生菌丝稀疏,白色。无性阶段cylindrocarpon型,分生孢子梗无色,产孢细胞圆柱形,18-35×3.5- 5 μm;大型分生孢子圆柱形至纺锤形,中间宽,两端略圆,具3-5个分隔,48-77.1×7.4-10.9 μm;偶见厚垣孢子,球形至近球形,直径5-18 μm,间生或串生。

标本:河南洛阳重渡沟,枯枝上生,2013 Ⅸ 20,郑焕娣、曾昭清、朱兆香8813,HMAS 290890 (ITS、LSU GenBank登录号:OK103797、OK103805)。


讨论:该种曾被纳入Nectria,综合形态学特征和分子系统学证据,Salgado-Salazar et al. (2016)以其为模式种建立新属Tumenectria Salgado & Rossman,目前仅包括1个种。河南材料状态不佳,子囊壳数量很少,未观察到子囊和子囊孢子,其无性阶段特征符合Salgado-Salazar et al. (2016)的描述。中国菌株(8813)与日本菌株(CBS 100284)的ITS (478/478)和LSU (797/797)序列完全一致,而与牙买加的模式菌株(CBS 101909)分别相差5 bp (473/478)和0 bp (797/797)。

3 系统发育分析

为了清晰地显示5个中国新记录种的系统发育位置,选择丛赤壳科的7个种14个菌株的ITS和LSU序列,以Stachybotrys chartarum为外群,运用MP和BI方法分别构建系统发育树。结果显示,BI树和MP树的拓扑结构一致,最大简约分析产生的唯一进化树(图6)显示菌株HMAS 247850、247851、290889、247852和290890分别与Cosmospora khandalensisCosmospora viridescensNeocosmospora protoensiformisPseudocosmospora rogersoniiTumenectria laetidisca聚类在一起,从而支持了上述形态学研究的结果。


图6   基于ITS和LSU序列的MP树

粗体显示5个中国新记录种的系统发育位置,MPBP大于50% (左)、BIPP大于90% (右)标注于分支节点上

Fig. 6   Maximum parsimony phylogram reconstructed from the combined sequences of ITS and LSU.

the phylogenetic position of the five Nectriaceae species new to China. MPBP above 50% (left) showing and BIPP above 90% (right) are given respectively.




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Studies in Mycology, 68: 79-113

DOI:10.3114/sim.2011.68.04      PMID:21523190      [本文引用: 1]

A comprehensive phylogenetic reassessment of the ascomycete genus Cosmospora (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) is undertaken using fresh isolates and historical strains, sequences of two protein encoding genes, the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb2), and a new phylogenetic marker, the larger subunit of ATP citrate lyase (acl1). The result is an extensive revision of taxonomic concepts, typification, and nomenclatural details of many anamorph- and teleomorph-typified genera of the Nectriaceae, most notably Cosmospora and Fusarium. The combined phylogenetic analysis shows that the present concept of Fusarium is not monophyletic and that the genus divides into two large groups, one basal in the family, the other terminal, separated by a large group of species classified in genera such as Calonectria, Neonectria, and Volutella. All accepted genera received high statistical support in the phylogenetic analyses. Preliminary polythetic morphological descriptions are presented for each genus, providing details of perithecia, micro- and/or macro-conidial synanamorphs, cultural characters, and ecological traits. Eight species are included in our restricted concept of Cosmospora, two of which have previously documented teleomorphs and all of which have Acremonium-like microconidial anamorphs. A key is provided to the three anamorphic species recognised in Atractium, which is removed from synonymy with Fusarium and epitypified for two macroconidial synnematous species and one sporodochial species associated with waterlogged wood. Dialonectria is recognised as distinct from Cosmospora and two species with teleomorph, macroconidia and microconidia are accepted, including the new species D. ullevolea. Seven species, one with a known teleomorph, are classified in Fusicolla, formerly considered a synonym of Fusarium including members of the F. aquaeductuum and F. merismoides species complex, with several former varieties raised to species rank. Originally a section of Nectria, Macroconia is raised to generic rank for five species, all producing a teleomorph and macroconidial anamorph. A new species of the Verticillium-like anamorphic genus Mariannaea is described as M. samuelsii. Microcera is recognised as distinct from Fusarium and a key is included for four macroconidial species, that are usually parasites of scale insects, two of them with teleomorphs. The four accepted species of Stylonectria each produce a teleomorph and micro- and macroconidial synanamorphs. The Volutella species sampled fall into three clades. Pseudonectria is accepted for a perithecial and sporodochial species that occurs on Buxus. Volutella s. str. also includes perithecial and/or sporodochial species and is revised to include a synnematous species formerly included in Stilbella. The third Volutella-like clade remains unnamed. All fungi in this paper are named using a single name system that gives priority to the oldest generic names and species epithets, irrespective of whether they are originally based on anamorph or teleomorph structures. The rationale behind this is discussed.

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Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, 41: 95-98

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Herrera CS, Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, Chaverri P, 2013.

Pseudocosmospora, a new genus to accommodate Cosmospora vilior and related species

Mycologia, 105: 1287-1305

DOI:10.3852/12-395      PMID:23921243      [本文引用: 1]

Cosmospora sensu Rossman accommodated nectroid fungi with small, reddish, smooth, thin-walled perithecia but recently was found to be polyphyletic and has been segregated into multiple genera. Not all cosmospora-like fungi have been treated systematically. Some of these species include C. vilior and many specimens often labeled "Cosmospora sp." The objectives of this research were to establish the identity of C. vilior through epitypication using a recent collection that agrees with the type specimen in morphology, host and geography and to determine its phylogenetic position within Cosmospora sensu lato and the Nectriaceae. A multilocus phylogeny was constructed based on six loci (ITS, LSU, MCM7, rpb1, tef1, tub) to estimate a phylogeny. Results from the phylogenetic analyses indicated that C. vilior forms a monophyletic group with other cosmospora-like fungi that have an acremonium-like anamorph and that parasitize Eutypa and Eutypella (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Xylariales, Diatrypaceae). The group is phylogenetically distinct from other previously segregated genera. A new genus, Pseudocosmospora, is described to accommodate the type species, P. eutypellae, and nine additional species in this clade.

Herrera CS, Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, Pereira OL, Chaverri P, 2015.

Systematics of the Cosmospora viliuscula species complex

Mycologia, 107: 532-557

DOI:10.3852/14-122      PMID:25800252      [本文引用: 2]

The genus Cosmospora includes nectrioid fungi that grow on polypores and xylariaceous fungi. The collections growing on xylariaceous fungi have been identified recently as Cosmospora viliuscula. In this paper the phylogeny and taxonomy of C. viliuscula are investigated. A phylogeny was generated with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods applied to a three-partition dataset (ITS, 28S, MCM7-RPB1-TUB2). Based on these results, we demonstrate that Cosmospora viliuscula represents a diverse species complex comprising more than 10 species. Seven new species are described, including three single-strain lineages, and the sexual states of C. arxii and C. khandalensis are described for the first time. The sexual states of these fungi tend to have a high degree of morphological homoplasy, making it difficult to differentiate among them based on morphological characters alone. However, the apparent host specificity of species in this complex aide in the diagnosis of these fungi. In addition, the RPB1 marker provides sufficient resolution to distinguish these fungi. © 2015 by The Mycological Society of America.

Lombard L, van der Merwe NA, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW, 2015.

Generic concepts in Nectriaceae

Studies in Mycology, 80: 189-245

DOI:10.1016/j.simyco.2014.12.002      PMID:26955195      [本文引用: 2]

Lombard, L.; Groenewald, J. Z.; Crous, P. W. CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Ctr, NL-3584 CT Utrecht, Netherlands. van der Merwe, N. A. Univ Pretoria, Forestry & Agr Biotechnol Ctr FABI, Dept Genet, ZA-0002 Pretoria, South Africa. Crous, P. W. Univ Pretoria, Forestry & Agr Biotechnol Ctr FABI, ZA-0002 Pretoria, South Africa. Crous, P. W. Univ Utrecht, Dept Biol, Microbiol, NL-3584 CH Utrecht, Netherlands.

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Studies on the morphologic and biologic differentiation in Fusarium section Liseola

Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 169: 1-117

[本文引用: 1]

Rehner SA, Samuels GJ, 1994.

Taxonomy and phylogeny of Gliocladium analyzed from nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences

Mycological Research, 98: 625-634

DOI:10.1016/S0953-7562(09)80409-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, Rogerson CT, Lowen R, 1999.

Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes)

Studies in Mycology, 42: 1-248

[本文引用: 3]

Salgado-Salazar C, Rossman AY, Chaverri P, 2016.

The genus Thelonectria (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) and closely related species with cylindrocarpon-like asexual states

Fungal Diversity, 80: 411-455

DOI:10.1007/s13225-016-0365-x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Sandoval-Denis M, Lombard L, Crous PW, 2019.

Back to the roots: a reappraisal of Neocosmospora

Persoonia, 43: 90-185

DOI:10.3767/persoonia.2019.43.04      PMID:32214499      [本文引用: 1]

The genus ( species complex) contains saprobes, plant endophytes and pathogens of major economic significance as well as opportunistic animal pathogens. Advances in biological and phylogenetic species recognition revealed a rich species diversity which has largely remained understudied. Most of the currently recognised species lack formal descriptions and Latin names, while the taxonomic utility of old names is hampered by the lack of nomenclatural type specimens. Therefore, to stabilise the taxonomy and nomenclature of these important taxa, we examined type specimens and representative cultures of several old names by means of morphology and phylogenetic analyses based on rDNA (ITS and LSU), and sequences. Sixty-eight species are accepted in, 29 of them described herein as new; while 13 new combinations are made. Eleven additional phylogenetic species are recognized, but remain as yet undescribed. Lectotypes are proposed for eight species, seven species are epitypified and two species are neotypified. Notes on an additional 17 doubtful or excluded taxa are provided.© 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute.

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Conspectus of species of Cephalosporium with particular reference to Indian species

Mycologia, 58(3): 351-361

PMID:5949581      [本文引用: 1]

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Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2014.

A new holomorphic species of Mariannaea and epitypification of M. samuelsii

Mycological Progress, 13: 967-973

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Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2015.

A new species of Nectria (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales) with multiseptate ascospores

Nova Hedwigia, 101(3-4): 327-334

DOI:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0273      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2016a.

Three new Chinese records of Nectriaceae

Mycosystema, 35: 1399-1405

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Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2016b.

Revision of the genus Thyronectria (Hypocreales) from China

Mycologia, 108: 1130-1140

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Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2016c.

A new species of Cosmospora and the first record of sexual state of C. lavitskiae

Mycological Progress, 15: 59

DOI:10.1007/s11557-016-1201-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2017.

Two new species of Neocosmospora from China

Phytotaxa, 319: 175-183

DOI:10.11646/phytotaxa.319.2.6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2018.

Two new species of Geejayessia (Hypocreales) from Asia as evidenced by morphology and multi-gene analyses

MycoKeys, 42: 7-19

DOI:10.3897/mycokeys.42.27664      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2019.

The genera Rugonectria and Thelonectria in China

MycoKeys, 55: 101-120

DOI:10.3897/mycokeys.55.34527      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2020.

Four new Chinese records of Nectriaceae

Mycosystema, 39(10): 1981-1988

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Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2021a.

A new species of Sarcopodium (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) from China

Phytotaxa, 491(1): 65-71

DOI:10.11646/phytotaxa.491.1.7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2021b.

Our current understanding of the genus Pseudocosmospora (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) in China

Mycological Progress, 20: 419-429

DOI:10.1007/s11557-021-01672-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, Yu ZH, 2018.

New species and new Chinese records of Nectriaceae from Tibet, China

Nova Hedwigia, 106: 283-294

DOI:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0435      URL     [本文引用: 1]

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Flora fungorum sinicorum. Vol. 47. Nectriaceae et Bionectriaceae

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