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菌物学报, 2023, 42(10): 2025-2040 doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.230053



黄振帝,1, 苗华彪1, 裴丁玉1, 唐湘华1,2,3, 吴倩1,2,3, 黄遵锡,1,2,3,*

1 云南师范大学生命科学学院,云南 昆明 650500

2 生物能源持续开发利用教育部工程研究中心,云南 昆明 650500

3 云南省生物质能与环境生物技术重点实验室,云南 昆明 650500

Active components and their research progress of Tricholoma matsutake

HUANG Zhendi,1, MIAO Huabiao1, PEI Dingyu1, TANG Xianghua1,2,3, WU Qian1,2,3, HUANG Zunxi,1,2,3,*

1 College of Life Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China

2 Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy, Ministry of Education, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China

3 Key Laboratory of Yunnan Province for Biomass Energy and Environmenal Biotechnology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China

收稿日期: 2023-03-5   接受日期: 2023-04-23  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31960131)

Corresponding authors: *E-mail: huangzunxi@ynun.edu.cn

Received: 2023-03-5   Accepted: 2023-04-23  

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(31960131)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(32260015)

作者简介 About authors

ORCID:HUANGZhendi(0000-0001-8149-3094) 。



关键词: 松口蘑; 生物活性; 活性成分; 松茸多糖; 食用菌


Tricholoma matsutake is a rare edible and medicinal fungus in the world. Its active components (such as Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide, polypeptide, Tricholoma matsutake alcohol, terpenes, and steroids) have been confirmed to have good effects on antioxidation, antitumor, immune regulation, antibacterial activity, skin care, and have great potential in the development of dietary nutritional supplements, cosmetics, and drugs. However, the current consumption pattern of T. matsutake in China is still mainly fresh food and primarily processed products, being at a standstill of low degree of finishing. In this paper, the active components of T. matsutake and their research progress were reviewed, and the suggestions for their commercial application were put forward, aiming at providing a theoretical reference for the deep processing and utilization of T. matsutake in China and a scientific basis for promoting the development of rural economy.

Keywords: Tricholoma matsutake; biological activity; active ingredient; Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide; edible mushroom

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黄振帝, 苗华彪, 裴丁玉, 唐湘华, 吴倩, 黄遵锡. 松口蘑的活性成分及其研究进展[J]. 菌物学报, 2023, 42(10): 2025-2040 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.230053

HUANG Zhendi, MIAO Huabiao, PEI Dingyu, TANG Xianghua, WU Qian, HUANG Zunxi. Active components and their research progress of Tricholoma matsutake[J]. Mycosystema, 2023, 42(10): 2025-2040 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.230053

松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake俗名松口蘑或松菌,因长于松林下,菌蕾似鹿口蘑而得名,是世界上著名的野生食用菌和药用菌,我国二级濒危保护物种(张旭起 2021),2018年被列为《中国生物多样性红色名录——大型真菌卷》易危物种,是我国珍贵的菌物资源,在真菌分类学上隶属担子菌门Basidiomycota、蘑菇纲Agaricomycetes、蘑菇目Agaricales、口蘑科Tricholomataceae (戴玉成和图力古尔 2007)。松口蘑通常生长在海拔3 500 m以上的温带和寒温带松树和栎树林根部,是与松树根等共生共长的外生菌根(ectomycorrhiza, EM)真菌(贺元川等 2019),主要分布于东北亚和北欧,在美国和欧洲也有松口蘑的变种,亚洲是最重要的松口蘑发源地,集中分布在日本、朝鲜以及中国,在我国主要分布于东北长白山及西南横断山脉地区,主要细分为吉林、四川、云南和西藏4个生态区,李强等(2016)、林英等(2018)和王永辉等(2019)对4个生态区进行了适宜性分析,表明海拔和沙粒含量是对松口蘑生长影响最大的生态因子(图1)。此外,图力古尔(2016)在呼伦贝尔市首次发现了松口蘑分布,该地区位于大兴安岭,是目前我国松口蘑野外分布的北限,比已知中心分布区域的纬度提高了10° (北纬42°41′至52°30′)。中国西南部(西藏、四川和云南)的松口蘑产量超过全球的25% (Zeng et al. 2013),其中四川省和云南省作为世界上最大的松口蘑适宜栖息地,面积约为9.4×104 km2,占中国高度适宜栖息地的87% (Guo et al. 2017),2020年云南省的松口蘑产量最高,达到10 019.8 t,其次是四川省(2 314.0 t) (数据均来源于中国食用菌协会的公开数据)。


图1   中国松口蘑四大生态区的气候特征、主要植被类型及其生物活性


Fig. 1   The climatic characteristics, main vegetation types, and biological activities of the four ecological regions of Tricholoma matsutake in China.

The species image in the picture comes from iplant.cn.

作为最著名的高等真菌之一,松口蘑活性营养物质多达49种,具有丰富的蛋白质和碳水化合物资源,其子实体和菌丝体提取物的活性成分主要为多糖、多肽、甾类、酚类、萜类、香豆素类化合物和生物酶等,其次级代谢产物被认为是食品和药品同源物,受到越来越多的关注,具有代表性的包括松茸多糖、松茸多肽和松茸醇等,是松口蘑具备药理作用和保健功能的基础。现代药理学研究表明,松口蘑及其菌丝提取物具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗炎、增强免疫和改善心血管疾病,以及抗衰美白等多种功效(贺元川等 2019;Wu et al. 2019),但是由于松口蘑的生长条件苛刻、保质期短(由于高水分含量、薄表皮结构和高呼吸率),生长周期长达5-6年,我国一般在每年6-11月出菇(Li et al. 2019;Tang et al. 2020;Castellanos-Reyes et al. 2021),目前未实现人工栽培等问题限制了松口蘑的商业开发。虽然我国对松口蘑的记载年代久远,但是由于其独特浓郁香味和口感,松口蘑大多被当成一种高端食材用于料理行业,尤其受日本等国家的推崇(林英等 2018),早在20世纪初日本已有松口蘑料理的报道。关于松口蘑的系统生物学研究起始于21世纪初期,主要集中在松口蘑的营养价值和食用价值、生理栽培及其活性成分的研究,对其在膳食补充剂、新兴药物和化妆品等健康领域的应用进行了初步探索。在我国,目前主要产品仍以鲜菇和初加工产品为主,后者以冻干、盐渍、干松茸和松茸片为主,深加工产品少,且主要集中在欧洲等发达国家。本文综述了松口蘑已知的活性成分及其生物活性(表1),旨在为松口蘑菌物资源的深度开发和深加工利用提供理论参考,为带动其商业应用和乡村振兴发展提供科学依据。

表1   松口蘑活性成分及其生物活性

Table 1  Active ingredient and biological activities of Tricholoma matsutake

Biological activities
Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide
Promoting neurite growth, inhibiting tumor necrosis factor and interleukin level and NF-κB signal transduction, and treating spinal cord injury
Liu et al. 2020
Having the inhibitory activity on alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase
Yang et al. 2021
Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide-A
Regulating the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of immune T cells
朱淼等 2020
Zhu et al. 2020
Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide-B
Promoting macrophage proliferation, cytokine release, and gene expression
Antitumor, inhibiting tumor growth and promoting apoptosis
Hou et al. 2017
Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide-5Ⅱ
Inhibiting gene expression levels of essential genes and main influencing factors for generating tyrosinase, and reducing tyrosinase content
王琪等 2015
Wang et al. 2015
Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide-6Ⅱ
抑制酪氨酸酶活性,减少黑色素生成,IC50值136.4 mg/L
Inhibiting tyrosinase activity, reducing melanin production, IC50 value of 136.4 mg/L
程华等 2013 Cheng et al. 2013
Reducing elastase activity and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-1 and MMP-3) levels and preventing degradation of the extracellular matrix of dermal skin
Kim et al. 2014
Having inhibitory activity on human cancer cell lines Tca8113, HepG-2, HS766T, HeLa and MCF-7 in vitro
刘刚 2010
Liu 2010
Activating a variety of NF-κB-related signaling pathways to exert their immunostimulatory activities
Kim et al. 2008
Stimulating the intestinal immune system (oral)
Hoshi et al. 2008
Alpha-glucan-protein complex
Promoting mouse natural killer cell activity and serum IL-12 level
Hoshi et al. 2005
Regulating the expression of intestinal tight junction proteins and pro-inflammatory cytokine, improving barrier function, and improving macrophage inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction
Li et al. 2021a, 2021b, 2021c
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity
Geng et al. 2016
Antibacterial activity of gram-positive bacteria, change of cell membrane permeability, fungal inhibitory activity
Xiong et al. 2017
Mosquito induction
Cilek et al. 2011
Having a toxic effect on Tribolium castaneum
Cui et al. 2021
Induction of apoptosis by target binding to tumor cell
廖丽娟 2010
Liao et al. 2010
Tricholoma matsutake polyphenol
Inhibiting UVB-induced skin aging
Deng et al. 2022
Trameteric acid
Cytotoxic effect of breast cancer
Lee et al. 2021
Trameteric acid
AChE and BuChE inhibitory activity
Wei et al. 2022
DNA polymerase inhibitory activity
Yasunori et al. 2014
Enhancing the activity of aminoglycoside antibiotics
Andrade et al. 2018
Ergosterol peroxide
Inhibiting apoptosis, enhancing expression of small intestinal tight junction protein, and preventing and treating PDCoV infection
Duan et al. 2021
Having a toxic effect on Trypanosoma cochinchinensis; using for preventing and treating Chagas disease
et al. 2019
Enhancing ROS production and inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress, activating apoptosis pathways, and inhibiting proliferation of gastrointestinal tumor cells
Yang et al. 2020
Reducing expression of pro-inflammatory mediators and interferon (IFN-β and IFN-λ1) and inhibiting IAV-induced inflammatory response and apoptosis
Zhou et al. 2019
Matsutoic acid
Ace inhibitory activity
Zhao et al. 2017

Having wide substrate specificity and good hydrolytic activity on oligosaccharides of the raffinose family
Geng et al. 2015
Decolorizing activity of azo dyes
Xu et al. 2015

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1 松口蘑的活性成分

1.1 多糖

松口蘑多糖(Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide, TMP)类化合物为被报道最多的活性成分(图2),目前已被证实具有抗感染、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、免疫活性和美白活性等功能,在子实体中的提取率可达到18.43%-21.63%,幼菇的多糖含量高于老菇(Zeng et al. 2013)。真菌多糖是由10个或更多单糖通过糖苷键连接而成的高分子聚合物,TMP的单糖组成主要有阿拉伯糖(Ara)、甘露糖(Man)、岩藻糖(Fuc)、葡萄糖(Glc)和半乳糖(Gal),由葡萄糖单分子聚合而成的葡聚糖为松口蘑同多糖,而杂多糖大多由葡萄糖和半乳糖组成主要骨架结构(Yang et al. 2021),其他单糖作为支链组成双链结构。目前最常用的提取方法为水提醇沉法,也可配合微波、超声或水解酶等进行辅助提高提取率,组成单糖的数量和结构多样性使它表现出不同的理化性质和功能特性,如Chen et al. (2017)通过分级醇沉发现松口蘑多糖的醇沉浓度越大,分离出的多糖组分(TMP80)抗氧化能力越强,这可能跟其分子量有关。


图2   松口蘑多糖的化学结构

Fig. 2   Chemical structure of Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharides.

迄今为止,国内外已有许多文献报道过松口蘑杂多糖的结构特征和生物活性,松口蘑杂多糖TMP-A具有1,4-β-d-吡喃葡萄糖残基的骨架,在O-6处分支,主要由(1,3)-α-d-吡喃半乳糖残基组成,并以α-d-吡喃木糖残基终止(Ding et al. 2010)。TMP-B是由Glc和Gla按7:2的比例通过1,4-α葡萄糖苷键链接组成主链,支链与Man相连(Hou et al. 2017)。Yang et al. (2021)采用水提醇沉法分离了一种具有降血糖活性的TMP,由Ara、Man、Glc和Gal组成,摩尔比分别为1.9:13.6:42.7:28.3,分子量为72.14 kDa。采用琼脂糖柱层析得到3个多糖组分(TM-P1、TM-P2和TM-P3),其中TM-P2由葡萄糖、半乳糖和甘露糖组成,摩尔比为5.9:1.1:1.0,糖苷键主要由1,6-和1-连接的葡萄糖组成,具有抗氧化和抗肿瘤双重活性(You et al. 2013)。采用柱色谱纯化得到分子量为15.76 kDa的均相多糖TMP-5Ⅱ,主要由Glc、Gla、Man和Fuc组成,Glc作为主链,支链与Fuc、Man和Gla相连,具有抗肿瘤、抗辐射和抗衰老特性(Cheng et al. 2016)。从松口蘑粗多糖中经分级醇沉得到9种多糖组分,高醇沉浓度分离得到小分子量的TMSP-6Ⅱ (7.25 kDa),在体外表现出良好的酪氨酸酶抑制活性(程华等 2013)。TMSP-5Ⅱ以剂量依赖方式抑制黑色素生成,并抑制生成酪氨酸酶的重要基因和主要影响因子的基因表达水平,从而减少酪氨酸酶表达水平(王琪等 2015)。

相比于杂多糖,由数个葡萄糖分子聚合而成的均一性多糖为葡聚糖,存在于某些微生物在生长过程中分泌的黏液中,分为α-葡聚糖和β-葡聚糖,以β-葡聚糖最具生理活性,β-葡聚糖广泛存在于酵母、燕麦、大麦、蘑菇和藻类等食物里,大多数通过β-1,3糖苷键结合,其中β-1,3/1,6存在于酵母和蘑菇葡聚糖,而β-1,3/1,4存在于燕麦和大麦葡聚糖,前者的免疫活性更强,后者显示出膳食纤维和降低胆固醇的生理活性,在20世纪40年代,Pillemer和Ecker首次发现并报道酿酒酵母细胞壁中有一种物质具有提高免疫力的作用(de Marco Castro et al. 2021)。Ikekawa et al. (1969)在云芝、松杉灵芝、金针菇和松口蘑子实体提取物中发现了蘑菇α-葡聚糖的免疫调节和抗肿瘤作用,对肉瘤的移植肿瘤细胞表现出显著的抗肿瘤活性。到目前为止,β-葡聚糖已被证实具免疫调节、抗胆固醇、抗糖尿病、抗氧化、神经保护活性以及改善脂质平衡等生理活性。松口蘑富含β-葡聚糖(Kim et al. 2008)和α-葡聚糖(Hoshi et al. 2008),尤其是菌丝体阶段,还存在α-葡聚糖蛋白复合物,同时具有免疫活性和良好的稳定性(Hoshi et al. 2005)。

1.2 多肽

肽类化合物是涉及人体内多种细胞功能的重要物质,包括人体激素、神经、细胞生长和生殖等多个领域,其主要功能在于调节体内各个系统和细胞机能,激活体内有关酶系,促进膜的通透性,甚至通过调控DNA转录或影响特异的蛋白合成来发挥生理效应。生物活性肽通常由2-50个氨基酸组成,其分子量(MW)通常介于传统的小分子(MW < 500 Da)和大分子蛋白(MW > 5 000 Da)之间,从1923年以胰岛素作为第一个通过注射给药的批准肽起,肽被认为是具有挑战性靶向结合位点有希望的候选者(Erckes & Steuer 2022)。松口蘑子实体的粗蛋白含量在16.5%-26.2% (李强等 2016),具有丰富的蛋白质资源,而肽在蘑菇母体中几乎不起作用,但它们可以通过酶水解、发酵或食品加工等方式被释放和激活,同时具有良好的细胞溶解性、渗透性和低毒性(Jakubczyk et al. 2020),可有效克服肽类化合物在药代动力学(PK)方面的问题,在深化松口蘑蛋白质资源利用的同时也表明其在医药、化妆品及膳食营养等方面具有良好的应用潜力。目前被报道的松口蘑活性肽主要集中在抗炎(Li et al. 2021a, 2021c, 2021e)、免疫调节(Li et al. 2021b)、抗感染(Li et al. 2021d)和抗高血压(Geng et al. 2016)等。

1.3 甾类

甾类化合物存在广泛,在许多生命过程中扮演着重要的角色,不同的真核生物中都有其特异的甾醇组分,如植物中的豆甾醇和谷甾醇、动物中的胆固醇,而真菌中主要的甾醇类物质为麦角甾醇(Aigner et al. 2022)。从松口蘑中分出5种甾醇及其衍生物,即麦角甾醇、麦角甾醇过氧化物、麦角甾-7,22-二烯-5,6-环氧-3β-醇、麦角甾-7,22-二烯-3β-醇和麦角甾-7,22-二烯-3β,5α,6β-三醇(刘刚等 2014)。麦角甾醇(ergosterol, ES)是维持真菌细胞膜结构和功能所必需的天然生物合成化合物,在保持膜的渗透性和流动性等方面起着重要的作用(Lü et al. 2018),在松口蘑菌丝最活跃的菌落前缘,麦角甾醇含量非常高,因此认为ES与真菌表面积和菌丝长度相关,在无菌和营养丰富的土壤中生长时,松口蘑菌丝的麦角甾醇含量约为50 μg/g (dried soil),液体培养纯松口蘑菌丝中麦角甾醇含量约为0.85% (Koo et al. 2009)。ES在真菌中主要有2种存在形式,即储存在真菌细胞膜中的麦角甾醇和储存在细胞液脂粒中的麦角甾醇酯,后者为主要储存形式,在紫外线照射下可转化为维生素D (Nowak et al. 2022),转化产物麦角钙化醇(维生素D2)是激素前体物,在调节钙和磷酸盐的代谢中起重要作用(Kulda 2012),维生素D2为《2018版中国国家基本药物目录》在列药物,是哺乳动物生长发育所必需的维生素,是预防和治疗佝偻病、软骨病、龋齿、手足抽搐症、甲状旁腺功能衰退及老年骨质疏松症的重要药品,而且在预防心脏病、高血压、精神分裂症及多种癌症等方面具有重要作用(Grant et al. 2003),此外,麦角甾醇还是生产氢化可的松、黄体酮及芸苔素内酯等甾醇类药物的重要原料。麦角甾醇过氧化物(ergosterol peroxide, EP)是ES衍生物,目前已从多种真菌、酵母、地衣或海绵中分离得到(Haubrich 2018),采用有机溶剂萃取将EP从松口蘑子实体中首次被分离出来(刘刚等 2014),近年来发现具有多种生物活性,尤其在抗肿瘤方面。此外,还从松口蘑中分离出一种具有多环系统的新型甾醇matsutakone和matsutoic acid,具有良好抗乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性(Zhao et al. 2017),上述研究表明松口蘑来源的甾醇及其衍生物不仅是非常重要的传统医药中间体,而且是开发新型抗癌药物的重要原料,表明松口蘑具有在药物开发方面的巨大潜力(图3)。


图3   松口蘑活性成分的化学结构

Fig. 3   Chemical structure of the active ingredients of Tricholoma matsutake.

1.4 挥发性成分

松口蘑的风味来源可分为非挥发性呈味物质和挥发性成分2大类,组成情况复杂,挥发性成分占据主要地位。非挥发性风味物质主要包括了可溶性糖、氨基酸、呈味核苷酸和有机酸等(张沙沙等 2019),挥发性成分主要包括醇、醛、酸、酯、酮以及硫化合物、烯烃和C8脂肪族化合物(如1-辛烯-3-醇、3-辛酮、3-辛醇、1-辛烯-3-酮和1-辛醇等),C8化合物含量高达70%-97%,作为主要挥发性成分(Guo et al. 2018),其中又以1-辛烯-3-醇(1-octen-3-ol)、肉桂酸甲酯、3-辛酮和苯甲醛的含量最高(Li et al. 2016a),目前认为1-辛烯-3-醇是松口蘑风味的最大来源。松口蘑中的挥发性成分除了常用于生产食品和日化用品的香精香料外,一些挥发性成分还具有特殊的生理功能,如1-辛烯-3-醇,也被称为松口蘑醇,已在体外证实具有广谱抗菌活性和强大的抗肿瘤活性等,这可能是基于它特有的双键碳骨架烯醇结构和碳链上的羟基来发挥作用的。

干燥通常是松口蘑控制水分和延长货架期最常用的保藏手段,干燥脱水过程由于发生美拉德反应或组织细胞被破坏等,显著降低了C8化合物浓度,并形成一些挥发性化合物,如己醛、庚醛、2(5H)-呋喃酮、苯乙酮、壬醛和苯乙醛等(Guo et al. 2018;Li et al. 2019),导致松口蘑的风味部分丧失和品质降低,因此控制干燥温度和干燥时间对松口蘑的风味保存具有重要意义。而随着子实体的衰老,肉桂酸甲酯和1-辛烯-3-醇的水平也逐渐下降(Li et al. 2016a),风味开始丧失,活性下降。

1.5 其他成分

除上述的主要活性成分,目前还从松口蘑中分离出了具有延缓衰老的多酚类化合物,可以改善由UVB引起的皮肤红斑、增厚、粗皱、胶原蛋白丢失和过度活跃的角质化炎症(Deng et al. 2022)。此外,在松口蘑中还分离出一些重要的三萜类化合物,如栓菌酸(trametenolic acid)和齿孔酸(ebricoic acid)等,前者也在白桦口蘑Inonotus obliquus中被发现,并被证明对DNA聚合酶(Yasunori et al. 2014)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)和丁酰胆碱酯酶(BuChE)均具有抑制活性(Wei et al. 2022),并对乳腺癌细胞具有细胞毒性(Lee et al. 2021),可作抗肿瘤药物开发的关键先导化合物。从松口蘑中还分离出漆酶(Xu et al. 2015)、核酸酶(Hatakeyama et al. 2010)和半乳糖苷酶(Geng et al. 2015),这些酶可用于保护环境和人类健康。

2 松口蘑的生物活性

2.1 抗氧化

在真菌及其提取物的生物活性研究当中,抗氧化活性是一个重要方面。松口蘑及其菌丝提取物具有良好的抗氧化活性,尤其是松口蘑多糖,能增强机体的抗氧化水平,清除体内产生的过量的自由基,降低组织细胞的过氧化程度,并以此提高人体的免疫功能和抗衰老作用等,并可能与其自身强大的抗辐射能力有关。TMP-A具有较强的抗氧化作用,在体外抗氧化试验中可显著减轻过氧化氢引起的PC12细胞损伤(Ding et al. 2010)。当TMP含量为0.4 mg/mL时,氮自由基清除率高达94.82%,0.8 mg/mL的TMP可达到68.74%的羟基去除效率,表明TMP具有较好的抗氧化活性,具有较强的电子或氢供体能力(Yang et al. 2021)。TM-P2显示出最强的体外抗氧化和抗肿瘤活性,氧自由基吸收能力(ORAC)为2 100.44 μmol trolox/g (You et al. 2013)。

2.2 抗肿瘤

松口蘑是少数几种被证明具有良好抗肿瘤活性的食用菌之一,松口蘑及其提取物的抗肿瘤作用表现为2个方面:一方面是直接杀死肿瘤细胞,另一方面是诱导肿瘤细胞的凋亡。松口蘑杂多糖TMP-B通过与蛋白结合形成一个特定的立体结构来抑制细胞增殖和诱导细胞凋亡,从而在体外可抑制S180肿瘤的生长,促进L929细胞的凋亡(Hou et al. 2017)。TMP-A在体外以50-200 μg/mL和100-400 μg/mL剂量范围分别刺激巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞的增殖,并对小鼠体内的S180肿瘤细胞发挥抑制活性,因此认为刺激细胞介导的免疫反应是松口蘑多糖发挥抗肿瘤活性的机制之一(Ding et al. 2013)。TM-P2 (4.0 mg/mL)对癌细胞系HepG2和A549细胞生长的抑制活性分别为67.98%和59.04%。(You et al. 2013)。从子实体中分离的葡聚糖平均分子量232 372,为β-d-葡萄糖通过1,6糖苷键连接聚合而成的纯线性葡聚糖,聚合度约为36−37,在体外对人癌细胞系Tca8113、HepG-2、HS766T、HeLa和MCF-7抑制率分别为67.71%、74.89%、83.83%、75.57%和76.15% (刘刚 2010)。松口蘑来源的过氧化麦角甾醇通过抑制pAKT和原癌基因c-Myc的表达以及激活促凋亡蛋白Puma和Bax来诱导癌细胞死亡(Li et al. 2016b)。在乳腺癌细胞中产生ROS并诱导凋亡细胞死亡,在50 μg/mL浓度下抑制了50%的细胞生长,在90 μg/mL浓度下诱导90%的细胞死亡(Govindharaj et al. 2019)。1-辛烯-3-醇还被报道具有超强抗基因突变能力和强抗癌作用,能自动识别肿瘤细胞所分泌的毒素,靶向性地靠近、结合肿瘤细胞,通过溶解肿瘤细胞膜和破坏脂质双分子层进入细胞内,封闭肿瘤细胞的转体蛋白受体,阻断肿瘤细胞的蛋白质合成,使肿瘤细胞不能分裂繁殖以致死亡和破坏肿瘤细胞遗传复制的DNA基因,从而达到抗基因突变和抑制复发、转移(贺元川等 2019),但目前关于1-辛烯-3-醇在抗肿瘤干预和对人体安全性方面的研究资料较少,有待进一步验证。

2.3 抗炎

松口蘑的抗炎活性主要来自松口蘑多肽,并可能通过其抗氧化特性和免疫调节活性来实现。Li et al. (2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d, 2021e)对松口蘑活性肽在胃肠道炎症干预中进行了系统研究,氨基酸序列为SDIKHFPF和SDLKHFPF的多肽可通过调控NF-κB/MLCK/p-MLC信号通路来调节肠道紧密蛋白表达和促炎细胞因子产生,在小鼠炎症模型中证实能够改善巨噬细胞炎症和线粒体功能障碍,具有抗炎和抗感染双重活性,WFNNAG序列肽可以改善DSS诱导的肠道氧化损伤和屏障功能障碍来预防结肠炎,还可通过口服松口蘑衍生肽减弱乙醇诱导的炎症反应和细胞凋亡,增强胃上皮屏障功能,能够通过口服发挥作用,研究表明松口蘑衍生肽具有抵抗胃肠道蛋白酶的活性,在胃肠道炎症干预方面具有应用潜力。

2.4 皮肤护理

松口蘑及其菌丝提取物可以直接或间接地美化人体皮肤,从松口蘑粗多糖中纯化和凝胶层析得到的小分子TMSP-6Ⅱ,具有良好的抑制酪氨酸酶活性,IC50值为136.4 mg/L,在质量浓度>100 mg/L时抑制率高于阳性对照维生素C,表明其抑制酪氨酸酶活性高,具有美白功效(程华等 2013)。TMSP-5Ⅱ通过下调酪氨酸酶生成的重要基因和主要影响因子的表达,呈剂量依赖的方式抑制B16细胞内黑色素水平,当浓度为300 μg/mL时,TMSP-5Ⅱ能够减少黑色素的含量,且优于熊果苷(王琪等 2015)。松口蘑菌丝体提取物能够显著降低弹性蛋白酶活性和基质金属蛋白酶(MMP-1和MMP-3)水平,并使成纤维细胞中基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂(TIMP-1)和原弹性蛋白的表达增加(Kim et al. 2014),从而阻止真皮皮细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)降解,是一种有效的抗皱治疗生物材料。此外,在小鼠背侧皮肤局部外用松口蘑多酚可以有效抑制UVB诱导的皮肤增厚、皱纹和红斑,并增加皮肤胶原蛋白含量,降低ROS水平,上调GSH-Px、SOD、CAT、G6PDH活性和抑制IL-1、IL-6、IL-8和TNF-α表达,并证明这是通过调控MAPK/p38和NF-κB实现的(Deng et al. 2022),表明松口蘑多酚具有抗氧化和抗炎双重活性,对UVB诱导的皮肤光老化具有多种有益作用。

2.5 抗菌

TMP-A在体外表现出广谱的抗菌特性,最易感细菌是溶血微球菌,浓度为20 mg/mL时抑菌圈直径为(24.38±1.19) mm,但TMP-A没有显示出任何抗真菌活性(Ding et al. 2013)。松口蘑中最丰富的挥发性物质1-辛烯-3-醇可以通过改变细胞膜的通透性发挥抗菌活性,对金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、表皮葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、镰刀菌和尖孢镰刀菌等具有较强的抗菌活性(Xiong et al. 2017)。另外,由于它特有的双键碳骨架烯醇结构和碳链上的羟基,松口蘑醇还对蚊子具有特殊的嗅觉刺激(Cilek et al. 2011),并对赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum所有发育阶段都具有很强的杀虫活性和遗传毒性(Cui et al. 2021),可作为天然的粮食熏蒸剂、驱蚊剂和种子保护剂等。

2.6 免疫调节

松口蘑不仅含有人体所需的各种营养,通过直接和间接的方式综合提高人体免疫力,还对非特异性免疫和特异性免疫具有增强作用。在T细胞增殖的分子机制中,TMP-A使T细胞生物代谢发生差异,离子转运、质膜及转运活性相关基因是TMP-A诱导T细胞增殖的关键基因,通过Ras-Raf-Erk-MAPK信号通路诱导T细胞增殖,从而增强其细胞免疫活性(朱淼等 2020)。TMP-B通过影响G0/G1期、S期和G2/M期,促进巨噬细胞增殖,促进细胞因子释放和基因表达,具有抗肿瘤和免疫调节双重活性(Hou et al. 2017)。松口蘑来源的β-葡聚糖能通过激活与NF-κB相关的多种信号通路发挥其免疫刺激活性,效力与LPS相似(Kim et al. 2008)。从松口蘑子实体中分离的α-d-葡聚糖也显示出免疫调节活性,经口服后通过刺激肠道免疫系统,并被吸收到血液中从而刺激全身免疫系统来发挥作用(Hoshi et al. 2008)。其菌丝体中还存在α-葡聚糖蛋白复合物,能通过促进小鼠自然杀伤细胞活性和血清IL-12水平的恢复发挥免疫活性,并对淀粉酶或蛋白酶的降解具有抗性(Hoshi et al. 2005)。

2.7 其他活性

除上述主要活性外,研究表明松口蘑还在降血糖、降血压、降血脂和抗疲劳以及神经调节方面具有积极作用。松口蘑杂多糖TMP以浓度依赖性对α-葡萄糖苷酶和α-淀粉酶活性表现出强抑制作用,IC50值分别为0.10 mg/mL和 3.75 mg/mL,抑制动力学分析表明,TMP是一种α-淀粉酶天然非竞争性抑制剂,且对α-葡萄糖苷酶具有混合抑制作用,具有作为开发降血糖新型药物的巨大潜力(Yang et al. 2021)。松口蘑菌丝体提取物在小鼠模型中通过活化5ʹ-AMP活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)相关的抗氧化途径发挥良好的抗疲劳作用,并将其制成功能性饼干(Li et al. 2015;Ma et al. 2020),实现了松口蘑在烘焙产品和功能食品加工中的联合应用。采用水提法从松口蘑中获得一种具有血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制作用的活性肽,氨基酸序列为WALKGYK,显著降低了高血压大鼠的收缩压(IC50为0.40 μmol/L),并具有良好的自由基清除活性(Geng et al. 2016),在预防和治疗高血压等相关疾病方面具有重要潜力。过氧化麦角甾醇能通过抑制甘油三酯的合成和脂肪细胞的分化从而降低血脂水平(Jeong & Park 2020),可作为肥胖和相关代谢疾病的预防和治疗剂开发。新型甾醇matsutakone和matsutoic acid具有良好的抗乙酰胆碱酯酶活性,前者的IC50为20.9 μmol/L (Zhao et al. 2017),可用于认知、自主神经和神经肌肉功能弱化等神经退行性疾病的预防和临床治疗,如阿尔茨海默病、多系统萎缩等。

此外,从松口蘑的子实体中还纯化到分子量为47 kDa的酸性α-半乳糖苷酶,比活性为909 U/mg,对棉子糖家族低聚糖具有广泛的底物特异性和良好的水解活性(Geng et al. 2015),可降解难消化的低聚糖用于商业开发,如提高豆浆的营养价值和生物利用率。来自松口蘑的漆酶在没有介质的情况下证明了其偶氮染料脱色的活性(Xu et al. 2015),表明了松口蘑在食品和饲料等行业中具有应用潜力。

3 讨论与展望

目前,中国已是全球最大的食用菌生产国、消费国和出口国,松口蘑是全球化的天然滋补类真菌,但其深加工产品主要集中在欧洲和日本,国内尚处于起步阶段,仅有少数的食品、保健品、化妆品和极个别的药品开发,在国内的商业应用有待进一步提高且具有广阔的市场前景。松口蘑菌丝的生长对生态环境的要求苛刻,并与寄主植物和菌塘土壤的微生物群之间存在复杂的相互作用机制。在野外环境中,因为松口蘑可以分泌抗真菌的代谢物来抑制其他真菌生长,如H2O2 (Takakura 2015),通过减少营养和空间竞争来刺激自身的数量和质量,通过这种动态的互作机制,松口蘑成为山林地中的优势真菌,对山地森林的土壤真菌多样性发挥了重要作用(Park et al. 2020;Zhou et al. 2021)。然而在全球变暖的生态背景下,松口蘑的适宜栖息地面积正在逐渐减少,而需求和经济价值在不断扩增,因此,我们可以通过应用真菌学方法制定管理计划来保护松口蘑的适宜栖息环境,提高松口蘑产量,帮助西南部地区农村经济可持续发展,并为维护山林生态环境的稳定发挥积极作用。另一方面,由于各生态区的地形、土壤、水质及其本身的遗传特性等综合因素对松口磨的营养素积累具有重要影响,特别是对矿物元素的积累影响更为明显,许多野生食用菌极易受到重金属或天然放射性化合物的污染,尤其是山林地区,即使是在大气核武器爆炸或重大核事故的发生现场,松口磨仍然可以生存并从土壤和岩石中大量积累金属元素和放射性核素(Vaario et al. 2015;Falandysz et al. 2017)。常规的烹饪方式并不能有效降低有害金属元素的含量,长期食用将会对人体健康产生潜在危害,而通过物理、化学或酶工程等加工方式可以有效减少松口蘑中重金属元素含量、减少毒性和提高加工利用率。

食用菌向来以其预防或治疗各种健康问题的能力而闻名,一直以来被视为是营养食品和药品的重要来源,全球约有14 000种大型真菌,约有350种被食用,食用菌在2018年的全球市场价值为424.2亿美元,2020年为453亿美元,预计2023年将增加至621.9亿美元,到2027年将增加至725亿美元(Niego et al. 2021)。2019年中国食用菌产量接近4 000万t,占世界总产量的75%以上,产值达到3 000多亿元人民币,是我国继粮、油、果、菜后的第五大种植业,对我国的经济建设起到重要作用(袁晓辉等 2021)。

许多食用菌已被证实对人体有益,迄今为止至少有270种大型真菌已被开发为重要次级代谢产物的来源(Niego et al. 2021),并有可能被开发为药用食品添加剂,食用菌中所含的基本营养素及其次级代谢产物对免疫系统的功能表现出各种有利的影响,主要影响因素是其具有的抗氧化活性(Muszyńska et al. 2018),松口蘑作为其中的重要成员,具有非常可观的应用前景。上述结论表明了松口蘑天然产物在抗氧化、抗肿瘤、免疫调节和皮肤护理、抗光老化以及胃肠道炎症的干预和治疗方面具有较好前景。但目前关于松口蘑类产品的活性探究仍停留在试验阶段,仅有少数在日化领域,如化妆品(松口蘑提取物)和日用化学品(香精香料)等方面有应用。关于其主要活性成分的构效关系、合成途径以及关键调控基因等方面的报道较少,后续研究应加大对松口蘑特有活性成分(如松口蘑多糖、多肽和松口蘑醇等)在上述方面的研究,为其进入商业应用提供理论指导。

近几年已有许多大型真菌被开发为重要次级代谢产物的来源,在天然来源的功效性成分市场中占据重要地位,松口蘑作为享誉全球的著名大型真菌之一,具有大部分普通真菌无法比拟的天然优势,可作为药物关键成分或先导化合物的天然来源,膳食补充剂、新型食品和化妆品中的活性成分以及一些特殊化工产品的合成前体,如香精、驱蚊剂、粮食熏蒸剂和种子保护剂。随着生物技术的快速发展,组学技术(基因组、转录组和表型组等)正在得到广泛应用,在目前的研究中,松口蘑正在从其营养价值和食用价值等基础性研究向着生物学的各个方面转变,如(1) 基于遗传背景的生长发育机制研究;(2) 与土壤微生物和寄主植物间的互作网络;(3) 天然活性产物的结构和作用机制;(4) 次级代谢产物合成通路及其关键基因挖掘等。


Aigner S, Arc E, Schletter M, Karsten U, Holzinger A, Kranner I, 2022.

Metabolite profiling in green microalgae with varying degrees of desiccation tolerance

Microorganisms, 10(5): 946

DOI:10.3390/microorganisms10050946      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Trebouxiophyceae are microalgae occupying even extreme environments such as polar regions or deserts, terrestrial or aquatic, and can occur free-living or as lichen photobionts. Yet, it is poorly understood how environmental factors shape their metabolism. Here, we report on responses to light and temperature, and metabolic adjustments to desiccation in Diplosphaera epiphytica, isolated from a lichen, and Edaphochlorella mirabilis, isolated from Tundra soil, assessed via growth and photosynthetic performance parameters. Metabolite profiling was conducted by GC–MS. A meta-analysis together with data from a terrestrial and an aquatic Chlorella vulgaris strain reflected elements of phylogenetic relationship, lifestyle, and relative desiccation tolerance of the four algal strains. For example, compatible solutes associated with desiccation tolerance were up-accumulated in D. epiphytica, but also sugars and sugar alcohols typically produced by lichen photobionts. The aquatic C. vulgaris, the most desiccation-sensitive strain, showed the greatest variation in metabolite accumulation after desiccation and rehydration, whereas the most desiccation-tolerant strain, D. epiphytica, showed the least, suggesting that it has a more efficient constitutive protection from desiccation and/or that desiccation disturbed the metabolic steady-state less than in the other three strains. The authors hope that this study will stimulate more research into desiccation tolerance mechanisms in these under-investigated microorganisms.

Andrade JC, Morais Braga MFB, Guedes GMM, Tintino SR, Freitas MA, Quintans LJ, Jr, Menezes IRA, Coutinho HDM, 2018.

Cholecalciferol, ergosterol, and cholesterol enhance the antibiotic activity of drugs

International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 88(5-6): 244-250

DOI:10.1024/0300-9831/a000268      PMID:31124408      [本文引用: 1]

Background: This is the first report demonstrating the antibiotic-modifying activity of cholecalciferol.In this study, cholecalciferol was evaluated against multiresistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli.The antibacterial and modulatory effects of cholecalciferol, ergosterol, and cholesterol (8-512 μg/mL) were evaluated by microdilution assay against multiresistant bacterial strains.Cholecalciferol, when combined with aminoglycosides, was more effective against P. aeruginosa, reducing the concentration of amikacin and gentamicin necessary to inhibit bacterial growth from 156.25 to 39.06 μg/mL and from 39.06 to 9.76 μg/mL, respectively. It is possible that cholecalciferol, due to its lipid-soluble nature, had a lipophilic interaction with the cell membrane, enhancing antibiotic uptake. Cholesterol and ergosterol were used to see if the mechanism of action of cholecalciferol was similar to that of these lipid compounds. Ergosterol and cholesterol increased aminoglycoside activity, where the effect was greater with higher subinhibitory concentration of sterol.There is no reported study on the use of cholesterol and ergosterol as modulators of antibiotics or any other drug, making this the first study in this area highlighting the interaction between cholesterol, ergosterol, and cholecalciferol with regard to modifying aminoglycoside activity.

Bau T, 2016.

List of agarics and boletoid fungi from eastern Inner Mongolia (Ⅱ)

Journal of Fungal Research, 14(1): 8-21 (in Chinese)

Castellanos-Reyes K, Villalobos-Carvajal R, Beldarrain-Iznaga T, 2021.

Fresh mushroom preservation techniques

Foods, 10(9): 2126

DOI:10.3390/foods10092126      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The production and consumption of fresh mushrooms has experienced a significant increase in recent decades. This trend has been driven mainly by their nutritional value and by the presence of bioactive and nutraceutical components that are associated with health benefits, which has led some to consider them a functional food. Mushrooms represent an attractive food for vegetarian and vegan consumers due to their high contents of high-biological-value proteins and vitamin D. However, due to their high respiratory rate, high water content, and lack of a cuticular structure, mushrooms rapidly lose quality and have a short shelf life after harvest, which limits their commercialization in the fresh state. Several traditional preservation methods are used to maintain their quality and extend their shelf life. This article reviews some preservation methods that are commonly used to preserve fresh mushrooms and promising new preservation techniques, highlighting the use of new packaging systems and regulations aimed at the development of more sustainable packaging.

Chen Y, Du X, Zhang Y, Liu X, Wang X, 2017.

Ultrasound extraction optimization, structural features, and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from Tricholoma matsutake

Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B, 18(8): 674-684

DOI:10.1631/jzus.B1600239      PMID:28786242      [本文引用: 1]

An ultrasonic-assisted technique was employed to extract crude polysaccharide from Tricholoma matsutake fruiting bodies. Single-factor tests and orthogonal experimental design (L(3)) were used to obtain the optimal extraction conditions. Results showed that the optimal parameters were as follows: ultrasonic temperature, 40 °C; ultrasonic time, 50 min; water to raw material ratio, 25 ml/g; ultrasonic frequency, 45 kHz; and ultrasonic power, 100 W. Three novel T. matsutake polysaccharide (TMP) fractions (TMP30, TMP60, and TMP80) were isolated and purified from TMP by stepwise alcohol precipitation. Their preliminary structural features were determined by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed-amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) and Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FT-IR) analyses. Furthermore, their in vitro antioxidant activity was investigated in terms of a reducing power assay and the scavenging rates of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and hydroxyl radicals. The order of the various fractions based on their antioxidant activity was TMP80>TMP>TMP60>TMP30. These findings suggested that novel polysaccharide fractions from T. matsutake, especially TMP80, could be promising active macromolecules for biomedical use.

Cheng H, Jia Y, Wang L, Liu X, Liu G, Li L, He C, 2016.

Isolation and structural elucidation of a novel homogenous polysaccharide from Tricholoma matsutake

Natural Product Research, 30(1): 58-64

DOI:10.1080/14786419.2015.1034711      PMID:26208132      [本文引用: 1]

A crude polysaccharide possessing antitumour, radiation-resistant and anti-ageing attributes was extracted from Tricholoma matsutake by water extraction and alcohol precipitation. From this crude polysaccharide, a homogeneous polysaccharide, TMP-5II, was successfully purified by Sephacryl S-300 column chromatography. The average molecular weight (Mw) of TMP-5II was 15.76 kDa. Monosaccharide analysis indicated that the homogeneous polysaccharide contained four different residues: d-glucose, d-galactose, d-mannose and d-fucose. Attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy revealed characteristics typical of carbohydrate polymers and a peak typical of a β-type glycosidic bond. TMP-5II was selected for structural characterisation by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis. According to (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR and two-dimensional-NMR analysis, TMP-5II contains two kinds of linkages, β and α, at a ratio of 4:1. Preliminary results indicated that the polysaccharide had (1-4)-beta-pyran glucose as the main chain, and a branched chain in the O-6 location with fucose (1-2) mannose (1-3)-alpha-pyran galactose.

Cheng H, Liu YH, Liu XY, Liu GR, He CF, Li L, 2013.

Separation and purification, as well as whitening efficacy of polysaccharide from Tricholoma matsutake, Sing

China Surfactant Detergent and Cosmetics, 43(2): 134-138 (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

Cilek JE, Ikediobi CO, Hallmon CF, Johnson R, Onyeozili EN, Farah SM, Mazu T, Latinwo LM, Ayuk-Takem L, Bernier UR, 2011.

Semi-field evaluation of several novel alkenol analogs of 1-octen-3-ol as attractants to adult Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus

Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 27(3): 256-262

PMID:22017090      [本文引用: 2]

The compound 1-octen-3-ol is a known attractant of some mosquito species, which has led to the hypothesis that olfactory stimulation by this alkenol may be associated with the following structural elements: a terminal site of unsaturation or high electron density; a structural capability for hydrogen bonding, e.g., -OH, -NH2, NHR, NR2, etc.; a saturated hydrocarbon chain of a certain minimum length; and a certain relative distance between the region of high electron density and the alcohol (or other hydrogen-bonding) functional group. Using this logic, we synthesized 20 alkenol analogs based on the octenol double-bonded carbon skeleton. The attraction of female Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus to these analogs was compared with 1-octen-3-ol as a standard in semi-field trials. For both species, collections from Mosquito Magnet-X (MMX) suction traps baited with the alkenol analogs in the absence of carbon dioxide were not significantly different from octenol-only baited traps, with the exception of (Z)-3-hepten-1-ol which collected significantly more Ae. albopictus. In the presence of CO2, most of the collections from traps baited with an alkenol were considerably increased for both species but not different from octenol plus CO2, with the exception of Ae. albopictus where (Z)-3-decen-1-ol, (Z)-4-hexen-1-ol, 7-octen-2-ol, and 8-nonen-3-ol significantly depressed trap catches. Although no clearly identifiable structure-activity relationship could be determined from our collected data, we did find that MMX traps baited with carbon dioxide and 4-penten-2-ol or (E)-2-decen-4-ol significantly enhanced Cx. quinquefasciatus collections up to nearly 3-fold compared with octenol plus carbon dioxide.

Cui K, Zhang L, He L, Zhang Z, Zhang T, Mu W, Lin J, Liu F, 2021.

Toxicological effects of the fungal volatile compound 1-octen-3-ol against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208: 111597

DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.111597      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Dai YC, Bau T, 2007.

Illustrations of edible and medicinal fungi in northeastern China

Science Press, Beijing. 1-231 (in Chinese)

de Marco Castro E, Calder PC, Roche HM, 2021.

β-1,3/1,6-Glucans and immunity: state of the art and future directions

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 65(1): 1901071

[本文引用: 1]

Deng M, Wang J, Li YL, Chen HX, Tai M, Deng L, Che B, Du ZY, Dong CZ, Lin L, 2022.

Impact of polyphenols extracted from Tricholoma matsutake on UVB-induced photoaging in mouse skin

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 21(2): 781-793

DOI:10.1111/jocd.v21.2      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Ding X, Hou W, Zhong J, Zhu H, Ma B, Xu T, Li J, Hou Y, 2013.

Anti-microorganism, anti-tumor, and immune activities of a novel polysaccharide isolated from Tricholoma matsutake

Pharmacognosy Magazine, 9(35): 244

DOI:10.4103/0973-1296.113278      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Ding X, Tang J, Cao M, Guo C, Zhang X, Zhong J, Zhang J, Sun Q, Feng S, Yang Z, Zhao J, 2010.

Structure elucidation and antioxidant activity of a novel polysaccharide isolated from Tricholoma matsutake

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 47(2): 271-275

DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2010.04.010      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Duan C, Wang J, Liu Y, Zhang J, Si J, Hao Z, Wang J, 2021.

Antiviral effects of ergosterol peroxide in a pig model of porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) infection involves modulation of apoptosis and tight junction in the small intestine

Veterinary Research, 52(1): 86

DOI:10.1186/s13567-021-00955-5      PMID:34127062      [本文引用: 1]

Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a newly discovered swine enteropathogenic coronavirus with worldwide distribution. However, efficient strategies to prevent or treat the infection remain elusive. Our in vitro study revealed that ergosterol peroxide (EP) from the mushroom Cryptoporus volvatus has efficient anti-PDCoV properties. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential of EP as a treatment for PDCoV in vivo and elucidate the possible mechanisms. Seven-day-old piglets were infected with PDCoV by oral administration in the presence or absence of EP. Piglets infected with PDCoV were most affected, whereas administration of EP reduced diarrhea incidence, alleviated intestinal lesion, and decreased viral load in feces and tissues. EP reduced PDCoV-induced apoptosis and enhanced tight junction protein expressions in the small intestine, maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier. EP showed immunomodulatory effect by suppressing PDCoV-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines and the activation of IκBα and NF-κB p65, and upregulating IFN-I expression. Knockdown of p38 inhibited PDCoV replication and alleviated PDCoV-induced apoptosis, implying that EP inhibited PDCoV replication and alleviated PDCoV-induced apoptosis via p38/MAPK signaling pathway. Collectively, ergosterol peroxide can protect piglets from PDCoV, revealing the potential of EP for development as a promising strategy for treating and controlling the infection of PDCoV.

Erckes V, Steuer C, 2022.

A story of peptides, lipophilicity and chromatography-back and forth in time

RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 13(6): 676-687

DOI:10.1039/D2MD00027J      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This review provides useful insights into the utility of chromatographic separation techniques for physico-chemical property determination of peptides.

Falandysz J, Saniewski M, Zhang J, Zalewska T, Liu H, Kluza K, 2017.

Artificial 137Cs and natural 40K in mushrooms from the subalpine region of the Minya Konka summit and Yunnan Province in China

Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 25(1): 615-627

DOI:10.1007/s11356-017-0454-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gao H, Chen LB, Zhou K, Shi DF, Guo W, Luo Q, Cheng W, 2017.

Ultrasonic combined with flash extraction of ergosterol from Lentinula edodes stipe and its antitumor activity

Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 17(9): 66-73 (in Chinese)

Geng X, Tian G, Zhang W, Zhao Y, Zhao L, Wang H, Ng TB, 2016.

A Tricholoma matsutake peptide with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory and antioxidative activities and antihypertensive effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats

Scientific Reports, 6(1): 24130

DOI:10.1038/srep24130      [本文引用: 3]

Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A crude water extract of the fruiting bodies of a highly prized mushroom Tricholoma matsutakei exerted an antihypertensive action on spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) at a dosage of 400 mg/kg. An angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide with an IC50 of 0.40 μM was purified from the extract and designated as TMP. Its amino acid sequence was elucidated to be WALKGYK through LC-MS/MS analysis. The Lineweaver-Burk plot suggested that TMP was a non-competitive inhibitor of ACE. A short-term assay of antihypertensive activity demonstrated that TMP at the dosage of 25 mg/kg could significantly lower the systolic blood pressure (SBP) of SHRs. TMP exhibited remarkable stability over a wide range of temperatures and pH values. It also demonstrated 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. The aforementioned activities of TMP were corroborated by utilizing the synthetic peptide. Hence T. matsutake can be used as a functional food to help prevent hypertension- associated diseases.

Geng X, Tian G, Zhao Y, Zhao L, Wang H, Ng TB, 2015.

A fungal alpha-galactosidase from Tricholoma matsutake with broad substrate specificity and good hydrolytic activity on raffinose family oligosaccharides

Molecules, 20(8): 13550-13562

DOI:10.3390/molecules200813550      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Govindharaj M, Arumugam S, Nirmala G, Bharadwaj M, Murugiyan K, 2019.

Effect of marine Basidiomycetes Fulvifomes sp.-derived ergosterol peroxide on cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction in MCF-7 cell line

Journal of Fungi, 5(1): 16

DOI:10.3390/jof5010016      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The aim of the present study is to extract the bioactive compounds which can induce the apoptosis in breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by marine basidiomycetes. Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences based molecular taxonomic study confirmed that collected the marine basidiomycetes belongs to Fulvifomes sp. Further, the isolated compounds from the Fulvifomes sp. confirmed as ergosterol peroxide (EP) by spectroscopic studies. The compound inhibited 50% of the cell growth (IC50) at the concentration of 40 µg/mL and induced 90% cell death (IC 90) at the concentration of 80 µg/mL. The ergosterol peroxide generated Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and induced apoptotic cell death in MCF-7. Ethidium bromide/Acridine Orange (Et/Br) staining showed the increased number of early and late apoptosis in treated MCF-7 cells. The compounds treated cells indicated the significant loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) with p < 0.05. The induction of apoptosis by marine basidiomycetes derived ergosterol peroxide was confirmed by chromatin condensation in MCF7 cells using Hoechst staining 33342.

Grant WB, Strange RC, Garland CF, 2003.

Sunshine is good medicine. The health benefits of ultraviolet-B induced vitamin D production

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2(2): 86-98

DOI:10.1111/j.1473-2130.2004.00041.x      PMID:17156062      [本文引用: 1]

Most public health statements regarding exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) recommend avoiding it, especially at midday, and using sunscreen. Excess UVR is a primary risk factor for skin cancers, premature photoageing and the development of cataracts. In addition, some people are especially sensitive to UVR, sometimes due to concomitant illness or drug therapy. However, if applied uncritically, these guidelines may actually cause more harm than good. Humans derive most of their serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D3) from solar UVB radiation (280-315 nm). Serum 25(OH)D3 metabolite levels are often inadequate for optimal health in many populations, especially those with darker skin pigmentation, those living at high latitudes, those living largely indoors and in urban areas, and during winter in all but the sunniest climates. In the absence of adequate solar UVB exposure or artificial UVB, vitamin D can be obtained from dietary sources or supplements. There is compelling evidence that low vitamin D levels lead to increased risk of developing rickets, osteoporosis and osteomaloma, 16 cancers (including cancers of breast, ovary, prostate and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), and other chronic diseases such as psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, myopathy, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, hyperparathyroidism and susceptibility to tuberculosis. The health benefits of UVB seem to outweigh the adverse effects. The risks can be minimized by avoiding sunburn, excess UVR exposure and by attention to dietary factors, such as antioxidants and limiting energy and fat consumption. It is anticipated that increasing attention will be paid to the benefits of UVB radiation and vitamin D and that health guidelines will be revised in the near future.

Guo Y, Chen D, Dong Y, Ju H, Wu C, Lin S, 2018.

Characteristic volatiles fingerprints and changes of volatile compounds in fresh and dried Tricholoma matsutake Singer by HS-GC-IMS and HS-SPME-GC- MS

Journal of Chromatography B, 1099: 46-55

DOI:S1570-0232(18)30989-9      PMID:30241073      [本文引用: 2]

The present study was to analyze the water dynamics of Tricholoma matsutake Singer during hot air drying by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to investigate the volatile compounds in the pileus, upper stipe and lower stipe of fresh and dried Tricholoma matsutake Singer by headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (HS-GC-IMS) and headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS). Fresh samples were dried at 60 °C for 12 h. With the T relaxation times decreasing, the water migrated from the inner toward the periphery and then expelled during drying. The characteristic volatiles fingerprints of different parts of fresh and dried samples were established by HS-GC-IMS. The significant differences in volatile compounds were observed among different parts of the fresh sample and C compounds (70%-97%) were the principal components. After drying, the concentration of C compounds dramatically decreased and some volatile compounds (hexanal, heptanal, 2(5H)-furanone, acetophenone, nonanal, benzeneacetaldehyde) were formed. Thus, hot air treatment affected the volatile compounds in Tricholoma matsutake Singer.Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Guo Y, Li X, Zhao Z, Wei H, Gao B, Gu W, 2017.

Prediction of the potential geographic distribution of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake under multiple climate change scenarios

Scientific Reports, 7(1): 46221

DOI:10.1038/srep46221      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Effective conservation and utilization strategies for natural biological resources require a clear understanding of the geographic distribution of the target species. Tricholoma matsutake is an ectomycorrhizal (ECM) mushroom with high ecological and economic value. In this study, the potential geographic distribution of T. matsutake under current conditions in China was simulated using MaxEnt software based on species presence data and 24 environmental variables. The future distributions of T. matsutake in the 2050s and 2070s were also projected under the RCP 8.5, RCP 6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6 climate change emission scenarios described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The areas of marginally suitable, suitable and highly suitable habitats for T. matsutake in China were approximately 0.22 × 106 km2, 0.14 × 106 km2, and 0.11 × 106 km2, respectively. The model simulations indicated that the area of marginally suitable habitats would undergo a relatively small change under all four climate change scenarios; however, suitable habitats would significantly decrease, and highly suitable habitat would nearly disappear. Our results will be influential in the future ecological conservation and management of T. matsutake and can be used as a reference for studies on other ectomycorrhizal mushroom species.

Hatakeyama T, Mizuno K, Kurosawa S, 2010.

Purification and properties of a nuclease from the fruit body of Tricholoma matsutake

Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 74(1): 206-208

DOI:10.1271/bbb.90650      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Haubrich B, 2018.

Microbial sterolomics as a chemical biology tool

Molecules, 23(11): 2768

DOI:10.3390/molecules23112768      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Metabolomics has become a powerful tool in chemical biology. Profiling the human sterolome has resulted in the discovery of noncanonical sterols, including oxysterols and meiosis-activating sterols. They are important to immune responses and development, and have been reviewed extensively. The triterpenoid metabolite fusidic acid has developed clinical relevance, and many steroidal metabolites from microbial sources possess varying bioactivities. Beyond the prospect of pharmacognostical agents, the profiling of minor metabolites can provide insight into an organism’s biosynthesis and phylogeny, as well as inform drug discovery about infectious diseases. This review aims to highlight recent discoveries from detailed sterolomic profiling in microorganisms and their phylogenic and pharmacological implications.

He YC, Mao P, Li XM, Chen SJ, 2019.

Tricholoma matsutake bioactive substance and development status quo of their products

Journal of Microbiology, 39(2): 120-125 (in Chinese)

Hoshi H, Iijima H, Ishihara Y, Yasuhara T, Matsunaga K, 2008.

Absorption and tissue distribution of an immunomodulatory α-d-glucan after oral administration of Tricholoma matsutake

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(17): 7715-7720

DOI:10.1021/jf801123k      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Hoshi H, Yagi Y, Iijima H, Matsunaga K, Ishihara Y, Yasuhara T, 2005.

Isolation and characterization of a novel immunomodulatory α-glucan-protein complex from the mycelium of Tricholoma matsutake in basidiomycetes

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(23): 8948-8956

DOI:10.1021/jf0510743      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Hou Y, Ding X, Hou W, Song B, Yan X, 2017.

Structure elucidation and antitumor activity of a new polysaccharide from Maerkang Tricholoma matsutake

International Journal of Biological Sciences, 13(7): 935-948

DOI:10.7150/ijbs.18953      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Ikekawa T, Uehara N, Maeda Y, Nakanishi M, Fukuoka F, 1969.

Antitumor activity of aqueous extracts of edible mushrooms

Cancer Research, 29(3): 734-735

PMID:5813100      [本文引用: 1]

Jakubczyk A, Karas M, Rybczynska-Tkaczyk K, Zielinska E, Zielinski D, 2020.

Current trends of bioactive peptides-new sources and therapeutic effect

Foods, 9(7): 846

DOI:10.3390/foods9070846      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Generally, bioactive peptides are natural compounds of food or part of protein that are inactive in the precursor molecule. However, they may be active after hydrolysis and can be transported to the active site. Biologically active peptides can also be synthesized chemically and characterized. Peptides have many properties, including antihypertensive, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticoagulant, and chelating effects. They are also responsible for the taste of food or for the inhibition of enzymes involved in the development of diseases. The scientific literature has described many peptides with bioactive properties obtained from different sources. Information about the structure, origin, and properties of peptides can also be found in many databases. This review will describe peptides inhibiting the development of current diseases, peptides with antimicrobial properties, and new alternative sources of peptides based on the current knowledge and documentation of their bioactivity. All these issues are part of modern research on peptides and their use in current health or technological problems in food production.

Jeong Y, Park Y, 2020.

Ergosterol peroxide from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum inhibits differentiation and lipid accumulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(2): 460

DOI:10.3390/ijms21020460      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ergosterol peroxide is a natural compound of the steroid family found in many fungi, and it possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antiviral activities. The anti-obesity activity of several edible and medicinal mushrooms has been reported, but the effect of mushroom-derived ergosterol peroxide on obesity has not been studied. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of ergosterol peroxide on the inhibition of triglyceride synthesis at protein and mRNA levels and differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Ergosterol peroxide inhibited lipid droplet synthesis of differentiated 3T3-L1 cells, expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and CCAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBPα), the major transcription factors of differentiation, and also the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c), which promotes the activity of PPARγ, resulting in inhibition of differentiation. It further inhibited the expression of fatty acid synthase (FAS), fatty acid translocase (FAT), and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC), which are lipogenic factors. In addition, it inhibited the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) involved in cell proliferation and activation of early differentiation transcription factors in the mitotic clonal expansion (MCE) stage. As a result, ergosterol peroxide significantly inhibited the synthesis of triglycerides and differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells, and is, therefore, a possibile prophylactic and therapeutic agent for obesity and related metabolic diseases.

Kim JY, Byeon SE, Lee YG, Lee JY, Park J, Hong EK, Cho JY, 2008.

Immunostimulatory activities of polysaccharides from liquid culture of pine-mushroom Tricholoma matsutake

Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 18(1): 95-103

[本文引用: 3]

Kim SY, Go KC, Song YS, Jeong YS, Kim EJ, Kim BJ, 2014.

Extract of the mycelium of T. matsutake inhibits elastase activity and TPA-induced MMP-1 expression in human fibroblasts

International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 34(6): 1613-1621

DOI:10.3892/ijmm.2014.1969      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Koo CD, Lee DH, Park YW, Lee YN, Ka KH, Park H, Bak WC, 2009.

Ergosterol and water changes in Tricholoma matsutake soil colony during the mushroom fruiting season

Mycobiology, 37(1): 10-16

DOI:10.4489/MYCO.2009.37.1.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kulda V, 2012.

Vitamin D metabolism

Vnitřní Lékařství, 58(5): 400-404

[本文引用: 1]

Lee MG, Kwon YS, Nam KS, Kim SY, Hwang IH, Kim S, Jang H, 2021.

Chaga mushroom extract induces autophagy via the AMPK-mTOR signaling pathway in breast cancer cells

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 274: 114081

DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2021.114081      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Li M, Dong L, Du H, Bao Z, Lin S, 2021a.

Potential mechanisms underlying the protective effects of Tricholoma matsutake Singer peptides against LPS-induced inflammation in RAW264.7 macrophages

Food Chemistry, 353: 129452

DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129452      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Li M, Ge Q, Du H, Jiang P, Bao Z, Chen D, Lin S, 2021b.

Potential mechanisms mediating the protective effects of Tricholoma matsutake-derived peptides in mitigating DSS-induced colitis

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(19): 5536-5546

DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.1c01908      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Li M, Ge Q, Du H, Lin S, 2021c.

Tricholoma matsutake- derived peptides ameliorate inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in RAW264.7 macrophages by modulating the NF-κB/COX-2 pathway

Foods, 10(11): 2680

DOI:10.3390/foods10112680      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Tricholoma matsutake is an edible fungus that contains various bioactive substances, some of them with immunostimulatory properties. Presently, there is limited knowledge about the functional components of T. matsutake. Our aim was to evaluate the protective effects and molecular mechanisms of two T. matsutake-derived peptides, SDLKHFPF and SDIKHFPF, on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation in RAW264.7 macrophages. Tricholoma matsutake peptides significantly ameliorated the production of inflammatory cytokines and inhibited the expression of COX-2, iNOS, IKKβ, p-IκB-α, and p-NF-κB. Immunofluorescence assays confirmed the inhibitory effect of T. matsutake peptides on NF-κB/p65 nuclear translocation. Furthermore, the treatment with T. matsutake peptides prevented the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, increased the Bcl-2/Bax ratio, reversed the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and rescued abnormalities in cellular energy metabolism. These findings indicate that T. matsutake peptides can effectively inhibit the activation of NF-κB/COX-2 and may confer an overall protective effect against LPS-induced cell damage.

Li M, R, Wang C, Ge Q, Du H, Lin S, 2021d.

Tricholoma matsutake-derived peptide WFNNAGP protects against DSS-induced colitis by ameliorating oxidative stress and intestinal barrier dysfunction

Food & Function, 12(23): 11883-11897

[本文引用: 2]

Li M, R, Xu X, Ge Q, Lin S, 2021e.

Tricholoma matsutake-derived peptides show gastroprotective effects against ethanol-induced acute gastric injury

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(49): 14985-14994

DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.1c07050      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Li M, Yang R, Zhang H, Wang S, Chen D, Lin S, 2019.

Development of a flavor fingerprint by HS-GC-IMS with PCA for volatile compounds of Tricholoma matsutake Singer

Food Chemistry, 290: 32-39

DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.03.124      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Li Q, Chen C, Li XL, Jin X, Xiong C, Zheng LY, Huang WL, 2016.

The optimal ecological factors for Tricholoma matsutake

Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, 22(6): 1096-1102 (in Chinese)

Li Q, Wang Y, Cai G, Kong F, Wang X, Liu Y, Yang C, Wang D, Teng L, 2015.

Antifatigue activity of liquid cultured Tricholoma matsutake mycelium partially via regulation of antioxidant pathway in mouse

BioMed Research International, 2015: 562345

[本文引用: 1]

Li Q, Zhang L, Li W, Li X, Huang W, Yang H, Zheng L, 2016a.

Chemical compositions and volatile compounds of Tricholoma matsutake from different geographical areas at different stages of maturity

Food Science and Biotechnology, 25(1): 71-77

DOI:10.1007/s10068-016-0010-1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Li X, Wu Q, Bu M, Hu L, Du WW, Jiao C, Pan H, Sdiri M, Wu N, Xie Y, Yang BB, 2016b.

Ergosterol peroxide activates Foxo3-mediated cell death signaling by inhibiting AKT and c-Myc in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells

Oncotarget, 7(23): 33948-33959

DOI:10.18632/oncotarget.v7i23      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Liao LJ, 2010.

Study on constituents and anti-cancer activity of Tricholoma matsutake Sing

Master Thesis, Yanbian University, Yanbian. 1-67 (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

Lin Y, Zhang Q, Ban YJ, 2018.

Advances in studies on constituents and activity of Tricholoma matsutake

Journal of Microbiology, 38(1): 118-122 (in Chinese)

Liu G, 2010.

Investigation of chemical composition, structure characterization and antitumor activities of polysaccharides from Tricholoma matsutake

PhD Dissertation, Wuhan University, Wuhan. 1-119 (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

Liu G, Wang H, Shi C, Wu J, Zhang H, 2014.

Chemical constituents of petroleum ether extract from fruit bodies of Tricholoma matsutake

Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 34(14): 1180-1183 (in Chinese)

Liu J, Yang F, Cheng M, Zhang Y, 2020.

Spinal cord injury can be relieved by the polysaccharides of Tricholoma matsutake by promoting axon regeneration and reducing neuroinflammation

Neuroreport, 31(14): 1024-1029

DOI:10.1097/WNR.0000000000001514      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With an increase in the number of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in China, severe dysfunction of the limb below the injured segment is prominent. Among the studies centered on the factors inducing SCIs, inflammatory response has a dramatic input on the pathogenesis of SCIs.

Q, Qin Y, Yan L, Wang L, Zhang C, Jiang Y, 2018.

NSG 2 (ORF19.273) encoding protein controls sensitivity of Candida albicans to azoles through regulating the synthesis of C14-methylated sterols

Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 218

DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00218      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ma N, Tao H, Du H, Zhao L, Hu Q, Xiao H, 2020.

Antifatigue effect of functional cookies fortified with mushroom powder (Tricholoma matsutake) in mice

Journal of Food Science, 85(12): 4389-4395

DOI:10.1111/1750-3841.15510      PMID:33159467      [本文引用: 1]

Bakery products made by cereal and edible fungi powder have a unique flavor and health benefits, dramatically enhancing the nutritional value of the products. In this study, we investigated the antifatigue effect of a novel Tricholoma matsutake cookie (TMC) by the exhaustive swimming test. Male Kunming ICR mice were randomly divided into seven groups (each group, n = 10), fed with saline, ordinary cookies (4, 8, 16 g/kg B.W./day), and TMC (4, 8, 16 g/kg B.W./day) by gavage. After 30-day administration, the weight-loaded swimming test was carried out on the mice to evaluate the antifatigue effect of TMC. In comparison with the effect of ordinary cookies, the intake of TMC significantly prolonged the exhaustive swimming time of mice and increased the level of muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, accompanied by the reduction of lactic acid and urea nitrogen level in serum. Additionally, TMC dramatically improved the activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in serum and largely decreased the level of malondialdehyde. All in all, TMC could enforce exhaustive swimming tolerance, accelerate the decomposition of sports-related metabolites such as lactic acid and urea nitrogen, and increase the activity of the antioxidant enzyme, thereby improving sports-related energy storage and relieving fatigue. Our findings broadened the application of T. matsutake in the processing of bakery products and provided the theoretical basis and technical support for the development of antifatigue products. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: In this study, we investigated the antifatigue effect of a novel Tricholoma matsutake cookie by the exhaustive swimming test. Collectively, the results of the present study suggested that the cookies fortified with T. matsutake could be considered as an antifatigue bakery product. Furthermore, our findings broadened the application of T. matsutake in the processing of bakery products and provided the theoretical basis and technical support for the development of antifatigue products.© 2020 Institute of Food Technologists®.

Meza-Menchaca T, Ramos-Ligonio A, López-Monteon A, Vidal Limón A, Kaluzhskiy LA, Shkel TV, Strushkevich NV, Jiménez-García LF, Agredano Moreno LT, Gallegos-García V, Suárez-Medellín J, Trigos Á, 2019.

Insights into ergosterol peroxideʹs trypanocidal activity

Biomolecules, 9(9): 484

DOI:10.3390/biom9090484      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease, is a significant health threat in many countries and affects millions of people. Given the magnitude of this disease, a broader understanding of trypanocidal mechanisms is needed to prevent and treat infection. Natural endoperoxides, such as ergosterol peroxide, have been shown to be toxic to parasites without causing harm to human cells or tissues. Although prior studies have demonstrated the trypanocidal activity of ergosterol peroxide, the cellular and molecular mechanisms remain unknown. The results of this study indicate that a free-radical reaction occurs in T. cruzi following ergosterol peroxide exposure, leading to cell death. Using a combination of biochemical, microscopic and in silico experimental approaches, we have identified, for the first time, the cellular and molecular cytotoxic mechanism of an ergosterol peroxide obtained from Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq) P. Kumm. f. sp. Florida.

Muszyńska B, Grzywacz-Kisielewska A, Kała K, Gdula-Argasińska J, 2018.

Anti-inflammatory properties of edible mushrooms: a review

Food Chemistry, 243: 373-381

DOI:S0308-8146(17)31620-5      PMID:29146352      [本文引用: 1]

Mushrooms have been used extensively, owing to their nutritional and medicinal value, for thousands of years. Modern research confirms the therapeutic effect of traditionally used species. Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to damaging factors, e.g. physical, chemical and pathogenic. Deficiencies of antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements, as well as physiological processes, such as aging, can affect the body's ability to resolve inflammation. Mushrooms are rich in anti-inflammatory components, such as polysaccharides, phenolic and indolic compounds, mycosteroids, fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins, and biometals. Metabolites from mushrooms of the Basidiomycota taxon possess antioxidant, anticancer, and most significantly, anti-inflammatory properties. Recent reports indicate that edible mushroom extracts exhibit favourable therapeutic and health-promoting benefits, particularly in relation to diseases associated with inflammation. In all certainty, edible mushrooms can be referred to as a "superfood" and are recommended as a valuable constituent of the daily diet.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Niego AG, Rapior S, Thongklang N, Raspé O, Jaidee W, Lumyong S, Hyde KD, 2021.

Macrofungi as a nutraceutical source: promising bioactive compounds and market value

Journal of Fungi, 7(5): 397

DOI:10.3390/jof7050397      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Macrofungi production and economic value have been increasing globally. The demand for macrofungi has expanded rapidly owing to their popularity among consumers, pleasant taste, and unique flavors. The presence of high quality proteins, polysaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, triterpene sterols, and secondary metabolites makes macrofungi an important commodity. Macrofungi are well known for their ability to protect from or cure various health problems, such as immunodeficiency, cancer, inflammation, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity. Many studies have demonstrated their medicinal properties, supported by both in vivo and in vitro experimental studies, as well as clinical trials. Numerous bioactive compounds isolated from mushrooms, such as polysaccharides, proteins, fats, phenolic compounds, and vitamins, possess strong bioactivities. Consequently, they can be considered as an important source of nutraceuticals. Numerous edible mushrooms have been studied for their bioactivities, but only a few species have made it to the market. Many species remain to be explored. The converging trends and popularity of eastern herbal medicines, natural/organic food product preference, gut-healthy products, and positive outlook towards sports nutrition are supporting the growth in the medicinal mushroom market. The consumption of medicinal mushrooms as functional food or dietary supplement is expected to markedly increase in the future. The global medicinal mushroom market size is projected to increase by USD 13.88 billion from 2018 to 2022. The global market values of promising bioactive compounds, such as lentinan and lovastatin, are also expected to rise. With such a market growth, mushroom nutraceuticals hold to be very promising in the years to come.

Nowak R, Nowacka-Jechalke N, Pietrzak W, Gawlik-Dziki U, 2022.

A new look at edible and medicinal mushrooms as a source of ergosterol and ergosterol peroxide - UHPLC-MS/MS analysis

Food Chemistry, 369: 130927

DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130927      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Park KH, Oh S, Yoo S, Park MS, Fong JJ, Lim YW, 2020.

Successional change of the fungal microbiome pine seedling roots inoculated with Tricholoma matsutake

Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 574146

DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2020.574146      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Takakura Y, 2015.

Tricholoma matsutake fruit bodies secrete hydrogen peroxide as a potent inhibitor of fungal growth

Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 61(6): 447-450

DOI:10.1139/cjm-2014-0843      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Tricholoma matsutake is an ectomycorrhizal fungus that dominates the microbial communities in the soil of pine and spruce forests. The mycorrhizas of this fungus have antimicrobial activity, although factors responsible for the antimicrobial activity have not been fully elucidated. The present study shows that fruit bodies of T. matsutake secreted hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which was produced by pyranose oxidase, and that the H2O2 thus secreted strongly inhibited the growth of mycelia of the phytopathological fungus Rhizoctonia solani. These findings suggest that fruit bodies of T. matsutake have antifungal activity and that the pyranose oxidase plays an important role in the antifungal activity.

Tang X, Ding X, Hou Y, 2020.

Comparative analysis of transcriptomes revealed the molecular mechanism of the development of Tricholoma matsutake at different stages of fruiting bodies

Food Science and Biotechnology, 29(7): 939-951

DOI:10.1007/s10068-020-00732-8      [本文引用: 1]

Vaario L, Pennanen T, Lu J, Palmén J, Stenman J, Leveinen J, Kilpeläinen P, Kitunen V, 2015.

Tricholoma matsutake can absorb and accumulate trace elements directly from rock fragments in the shiro

Mycorrhiza, 25(5): 325-334

DOI:10.1007/s00572-014-0615-2      PMID:25355073      [本文引用: 1]

Tricholoma matsutake, a highly valued delicacy in Japan and East Asia, is an ectomycorrhizal fungus typically found in a complex soil community of mycorrhizae, soil microbes, and host-tree roots referred to as the shiro in Japan. A curious characteristic of the shiro is an assortment of small rock fragments that have been implicated as a direct source of minerals and trace elements for the fungus. In this study, we measured the mineral content of 14 samples of shiro soil containing live matsutake mycelium and the extent to which the fungus can absorb minerals directly from the rock fragments. X-ray powder diffraction identified major phases of quartz, microcline, orthoclase, and albite in all shiro samples. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting and direct sequencing confirmed the presence of T. matsutake on 32 of 33 rock fragments. Piloderma sp. co-occurred on 40% of fragments and was positively correlated with locations known to produce good mushroom crops. The ability of T. matsutake to absorb trace elements directly from rock fragments was examined in vitro on nutrient-agar plates supplemented with rock fragments from the shiro. In comparison to the mineral content of tissues grown on control media, the concentration of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, P, and Zn increased from 1.1 to 106.4 times for both T. matsutake and Piloderma sp. Mineral content of dried sporocarps sampled from the study site partially reflected the results of the in vitro study. We discuss the implications of our results with respect to the natural development and artificial culture of this important fungus.

Wang Q, Wang L, He CF, Liu XY, Liu GR, Li FH, 2015.

Study on the whitening activity and pathway of Tricholoma matsutake TMSP-5Ⅱ

Natural Product Research and Development, 27(1): 134-138 (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

Wang YH, Wu J, Bai JL, Gao ZX, Zhou HY, 2019.

Nutritional analysis in Tricholoma matsutake from different areas

Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 41(6): 623-624 (in Chinese)

Wei YM, Yang L, Wang H, Cai CH, Chen ZB, Chen HQ, Mei WL, Dai HF, 2022.

Triterpenoids as bivalent and dual inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase/butyrylcholinesterase from the fruiting bodies of Inonotus obliquus

Phytochemistry, 200: 113182

DOI:10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113182      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Wu F, Zhou LW, Yang ZL, Bau T, Li TH, Dai YC, 2019.

Resource diversity of Chinese macrofungi: edible, medicinal and poisonous species

Fungal Diversity, 98: 1-76

DOI:10.1007/s13225-019-00432-7      [本文引用: 1]

Xiong C, Li Q, Li S, Chen C, Chen Z, Huang W, 2017.

In vitro antimicrobial activities and mechanism of 1-octen-3-ol against food-related bacteria and pathogenic fungi

Journal of Oleo Science, 66(9): 1041-1049

DOI:10.5650/jos.ess16196      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Xu L, Zhu M, Chen X, Wang H, Zhang G, 2015.

A novel laccase from fresh fruiting bodies of the wild medicinal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake

Acta Biochimica Polonica, 62(1): 35-40

DOI:10.18388/abp.2014_713      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Yang H, Chen L, Zeng Y, 2021.

Structure, antioxidant activity and in vitro hypoglycemic activity of a polysaccharide purified from Tricholoma matsutake

Foods, 10(9): 2184

DOI:10.3390/foods10092184      URL     [本文引用: 5]

The structure, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemic activity in vitro of a novel homogeneous polysaccharide from Tricholoma matsutake (Tmp) were investigated. Structural features suggested that Tmp was consisted of arabinose (Ara), mannose (Man), glucose (Glc) and galactose (Gal) with a molar ratio of 1.9:13.6:42.7:28.3, respectively, with a molecular weight of 72.14 kDa. The structural chain of Tmp was confirmed to contain →2,5)-α-l-Arabinofuranose (Araf)-(1→, →3,5)-α-l-Araf-(1→, β-d-Glucopyranose (Glcp)-(1→, α-d-Mannopyranose (Manp)-(1→, α-d-Galacopyranose (Galp)-(1→, →4)-β-d-Galp-(1→, →3)-β-d-Glcp-(1→, →3)-α-d-Manp-(1→, →6)-3-O-Methyl (Me)-α-d-Manp-(1→, →6)-α-d-Galp-(1→, →3,6)-β-d-Glcp-(1→, →6)-α-d-Manp-(1→ residues. Furthermore, Tmp possessed strong antioxidant activity and showed the strong inhibitory effect on α-glucosidase and α-amylase activities. Then, a further evaluation found that there was a dramatic improvement in the glucose consumption, glycogen synthesis and the activities of pyruvate kinase and hexokinase when the insulin-resistant-human hepatoma cell line (IR-HepG2) was treated with Tmp. The above results indicated that Tmp had good hypoglycemic activity and also exhibited great potentials in in terms of dealing with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Yang Y, Luo X, Yasheng M, Zhao J, Li J, Li J, 2020.

Ergosterol peroxide from Pleurotus ferulae inhibits gastrointestinal tumor cell growth through induction of apoptosis via reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress

Food and Function, 11(5): 4171-4184

DOI:10.1039/C9FO02454A      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Yasunori Y, Masao K, Koichi M, 2014.

Terpenoids and sterols from some Japanese mushrooms

Natural Product Communications, 9(3): 419-426

PMID:24689228      [本文引用: 2]

Over the past twenty years, our research group has been studying the chemical constituents of mushrooms. From nineteen species, namely, Amanita virgineoides Bas (Amanitaceae), Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull.: Fr.) Bond. et Sing. (Polyporaceae), Grifolafrondosa (Fr.) S. F. Gray (Polyporaceae), Hericium erinaceum (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Hericiaceae), Hypsizigus marmoreus (Peck) Bigelow (Tricholomataceae), Lactarius piperatus (Scop.: Fr.) S. F. Gray (Russulaceae), Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Sing. (Pleurotaceae), Lyophyllyum connatum (Schum.: Fr.) Sing. (Tricholomataceae), Naematoloma sublateritium (Fr.) Karst. (Strophariaceae), Ompharia lapidescens Schroeter (Polyporaceae), Panellus serotinus (Pers.: Fr.) Kuhn. (Tricholomataceae), Pholiota nameko (T. Ito) S. Ito et Imai in Imai (Strophariaceae), Pleurotus eringii (DC.: Fr.) Quel. (Pleurotaceae), Polyporus umbellatus Fries (Polyporaceae), Russula delica Fr. (Russulaceae), Russula sanguinea (Bull.) Fr. (Russulaceae), Sarcodon aspratus (Berk.) S. Ito (Thelephoraceae), Tricholoma matsutake (S. Ito et Imai) Sing. (Tricholomataceae), and Tricholomaportentosum (Fr.) Quel. (Tricholomataceae), we isolated eight new sesquiterpenoids, six new meroterpenoids, three new triterpenoids, and twenty eight new sterols. In this review, structural features of these new compounds are discussed.

You L, Gao Q, Feng M, Yang B, Ren J, Gu L, Cui C, Zhao M, 2013.

Structural characterization of polysaccharides from Tricholoma matsutake and their antioxidant and antitumor activities

Food Chemistry, 138(4): 2242-2249

DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.11.140      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Yuan XH, Fu YP, Xiao SJ, Li CT, Wang D, Li Y, 2021.

Research progress on mushroom phenotyping

Mycosystema, 40(4): 721-742 (in Chinese)

Zeng Y, Yang J, Pu X, Du J, Yang T, Yang S, Zhu W, 2013.

Strategies of functional food for cancer prevention in human beings

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14(3): 1585-1592

PMID:23679240      [本文引用: 2]

Functional food for prevention of chronic diseases is one of this century's key global challenges. Cancer is not only the first or second leading cause of death in China and other countries across the world, but also has diet as one of the most important modifiable risk factors. Major dietary factors now known to promote cancer development are polished grain foods and low intake of fresh vegetables, with general importance for an unhealthy lifestyle and obesity. The strategies of cancer prevention in human being are increased consumption of functional foods like whole grains (brown rice, barley, and buckwheat) and by-products, as well some vegetables (bitter melon, garlic, onions, broccoli, and cabbage) and mushrooms (boletes and Tricholoma matsutake). In addition some beverages (green tea and coffee) may be protective. Southwest China (especially Yunnan Province) is a geographical area where functional crop production is closely related to the origins of human evolution with implications for anticancer influence.

Zhang SS, Luo XL, He R, Zhang WS, 2019.

Research progress and application prospect of Tricholoma matsutake flavor

Farm Products Processing, 2019(5): 68-70 (in Chinese)

Zhang XQ, 2021.

Economic benefit analysis of Tricholoma matsutake industry based on the whole industrial chain

Edible Fungi of China, 40(2): 147-150 (in Chinese)

Zhao Z, Chen H, Wu B, Zhang L, Li Z, Feng T, Liu J, 2017.

Matsutakone and matsutoic acid, two (nor) steroids with unusual skeletons from the edible mushroom Tricholoma matsutake

The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 82(15): 7974-7979

DOI:10.1021/acs.joc.7b01230      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Zhou B, Liang X, Feng Q, Li J, Pan X, Xie P, Jiang Z, Yang Z, 2019.

Ergosterol peroxide suppresses influenza a virus-induced pro-inflammatory response and apoptosis by blocking RIG-I signaling

European Journal of Pharmacology, 860: 172543

DOI:10.1016/j.ejphar.2019.172543      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zhou J, Gui H, Yang S, Yang X, Shi L, 2021.

Fungal interactions matter: Tricholoma matsutake domination affect fungal diversity and function in mountain forest soils

Biology, 10(10): 1051

DOI:10.3390/biology10101051      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Tricholoma matsutake forms a symbiotic association with coniferous trees, developing mycelial aggregations, called ‘shiro’, which are characterized by distinct chemical and physical properties from nearby forest bulk soil. The fungal diversity living in shiro soil play key roles in nutrient cycles for this economically important mushroom, but have not been profiled across large spatial and environmental gradients. Samples of shiro and non-shiro (nearby bulk soil) were taken from five field sites where sporocarps naturally formed. Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and Illumina MiSeq sequencing were combined to identify fungal biomass and community structure. Matsutake dominated in the shiro, which had a significantly reduced saprotrophic fungi biomass compared to non-shiro soil. Fungal diversity was negatively correlated with the relative abundance of T. matsutake in the shiro soil. The fungal community in the shiro was characterized by similar fungal species composition in most samples regardless of forest types. Matsutake coexisted with a specific fungal community due to competition or nutrient interactions. Oidiodendron was positively correlated with the abundance of T. matsutake, commonly cohabitant in the shiro. In contrast, Helotiales and Mortierella were negatively correlated with T. matsutake, both of which commonly inhabit the non-shiro soil but do not occur in shiro soils. We conclude that T. matsutake generate a dominance effect to shape the fungal community and diversity in shiro soil across distinctive forest types.

Zhu M, Hou YL, Tang X, Song ZQ, Ding X, 2020.

Transcriptome analysis of molecular mechanism of Tricholoma matsutake polysaccharide-induced T cell proliferation

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine, 42(7): 1738-1747 (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

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