›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 252-259.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.04.004

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The Compilation of the Rangeland Resources Map of China on the Scale of 1:4000 000

Su Daxue   

  1. Committee of the Integrated Survey of Natural Resources, CAS, Beijing 100101
  • Online:1996-11-15 Published:2012-07-11



  1. 中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会, 北京, 100101

Abstract: In this paper, the author introduced the details including area of the smallest cartographic spot, mapping unit and grades, method and processes compilation of mapping, and criterion and method for classification of rangeland types for integrated evaluation of rangeland quality and pnductivity.The main POint was emphasized on the processes for compilation of the map on small scale by using the information of the map on medium and latge scales to be diminished step by step through compiled the transitional maps, Based on the principles and methods for combination and omission of plant cornmunities, the author classified the rangeland troe, also,based on quantitative and qualitative index of water and heat, conditions, and vegetation types,there were 17 rangeland types classified

Key words: Rangeland, Resource, Map

摘要: 本文介绍了1:400万中国草地资源图的表现内容,最小图斑面积的确定,制图单位及分级,编制方法和步骤,草地类型分类方法和分类标准,草地品级与生产力综合评价方法与标准。重点阐述了编制小比例尺草地图的过程中,用中、大比例尺编图资料逐级缩小,通过编绘过渡图的方式,进行草地类型综合取舍,合并的原则和方法。阐明了按草地水、热条件和植被类型将全国草地划分为温性草甸草原类等17个草地类的定性、定量指标。

关键词: 草地, 资源, 地图