›› 2000, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2): 120-125.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2000.02.007

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Research on Forage Loss Cansed by the Dociostaurus(S.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen) and Determination of Economic Threshold

Wu maerbieke1, Zhang Quan Qiao Zhang1, Mukeyati1, Bahatiyaer1, Wang Jiyun1, Wu Xinzhong 2   

  1. 1. Xinjiang Centre Station of forecast and Control on Locust and Mouse, Urumq 83001;
    2. The Grassland Station of Changji City, Changji 831100
  • Received:1999-02-01 Revised:2000-02-17 Online:2000-05-15 Published:2000-05-15


乌麻尔别克1, 张泉1, 乔璋1, 木克亚提1, 巴哈提亚尔1, 王吉云2, 吴新忠2   

  1. 1. 新疆蝗虫鼠害测报防治中心站, 乌鲁木齐, 830001;
    2. 新疆昌吉市草原站, 昌吉, 831100

Abstract: The Dociostaurus(S.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen)is the most destructive insect found in the desert and semi desert grassland of Xinjiang Autonomous Region of northwest China. 1 The Dociostaurus(S.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen) body weight,intake and forage loss are positively correlated. 2 Life time forage intake by dociostaurus(s.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen) is L=1.4039g/head. 3 Economic threshold of Dociostaurus(S.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen) in Xinjiang semi desert grassland is ×8 head/m2

Key words: Dociostaurus(S.) Kraussi kraussi (Ingen), Intake, Forage loss, Economic threshold

摘要: 1994年4~8月进行红胫戟纹蝗虫损害牧草及防治指标的评定。结果表明,红胫戟纹蝗的体重、食量和牧草掉落毁损量三者之间呈正相关。红胫戟纹蝗个体一生的牧草损失量为:L=1.4039g/头。红胫戟纹蝗在荒漠、半荒漠草原的防治指标为:×8头/m2

关键词: 红胫戟纹蝗, 食量, 牧草掉落毁损量, 防治指标

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