›› 2002, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2): 112-117.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2002.02.007

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The Selection and Utilization of Zoysia matrella cv.Huanan

BAI Chang-jun, LIU Guo-dao, WEI Jia-shao   

  1. Tropical Pasture Research Center CATAS, Danzhou Hainan, 571737, China
  • Received:2001-02-22 Revised:2002-04-04 Online:2002-05-15 Published:2002-05-15


白昌军, 刘国道, 韦家少   

  1. 中国热带农业科学院农牧研究所, 海南儋州, 571737
  • 作者简介:白昌军(1967- ),男,助理研究员,现从事热带牧草、草坪的科研、生产和开发工作,已在发表论文10多篇

Abstract: Zoysia matrella cv.Huanan was introduced in 1990 and began to try.The preliminary results showed that Zoysia matrella cv.Huanan has strong rhizomes and stolons,and has high breeding rates,its leaves are heavy green and good quality,short and conglomerate and also elasticity.Zoysia matrella cv.Huanan has high turf value and horticultural value,it utilized for green and football,suited for planting in south China, middle China and southwest China.

Key words: Zoysia matrella cv.Huanan, Selecting and Breeding, Utilization

摘要: 华南半细叶结缕草是1990年开始引种,并经过一系列试验研究选育而成。该草种具发达的根茎和匍匐茎,生长速度快,扩繁能力强,叶色深绿,质地优良,叶丛低矮密集而富有弹性,具有较高的坪用价值和园林价值,是优良的绿化和运动场草坪草种,适于在我国华南、华中及西南地区推广种植。

关键词: 华南半细叶结缕草, 选育, 利用

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