›› 2004, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 98-102.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2004.02.005

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Isozyme Analysis of Chromosome-Doubling Plant of Triploid Hybrid of Elymus Canadensis and Hordeum Brevisubulatum

MA Yan-hong, YU Zhuo, ZHAO Xiao-jie, LIU Jie   

  1. Agronomy college, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 010019, China
  • Received:2003-10-30 Revised:2004-03-03 Online:2004-05-15 Published:2004-05-15


马艳红, 于卓, 赵晓杰, 刘杰   

  1. 内蒙古农业大学农学院, 呼和浩特, 010019
  • 通讯作者: 于卓,E-mail:yz-yz5810@sina.com
  • 作者简介:马艳红(1980- ),女,内蒙古赤峰市宁城县人,硕士研究生,从事饲用作物遗传育种研究,已发表学术论文3篇;
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The isozyme zymograms of chromosome-doubling plant of intergenus triploid hybrid F1 of Elymus canadensis and Hordeum brevisubulatum were analyzed with discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method. The results show that the natural chromosome doubling-plant of triploid hybrid F1 and the chromosome-doubling F1 exhibited uniformity and genetic stability in number, locus and intensity of esterase (EST), proxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) isozyme bands at the same growth-development stage, but they were significantly different from the hybrid F1 and their parents in isozyme band characters, which proved that the chromosome doubling plant of triploid hybrid F1 was genuine in protein level. The Chromosome-doubling plant had 9 and 4 bands in isozyme zymograms of EST and POD respectively at earing stage, and had 8, 4 and 4 bands in isozyme zymograms of EST, POD and SOD respectively at tillering stage, the polymorphic isozyme bands can be used as genetic markers to identify the fertility recovering of chromosome doubling plant of hybrid. To analyze and compare isozyme zymograms of tested plant at different developing stages can also reflect the genetic differences more correctly to enhance the accuracy of identified result by isozyme electrophoresis than at only one growth stage.

Key words: Grassland science, Perennial grasses, Intergenus hybrid F1, Chromosome doubling plant, Isozyme, Isozyme band phenotype

摘要: 分析了加拿大披碱草-野大麦三倍体属间杂种F1加倍植株的同工酶酶谱特征。结果显示:同一生育阶段杂种自然加倍植株与加倍F1代植株在EST、POD和SOD酶带的数目、位点及强弱方面具有一致性和遗传稳定性,而与杂种F1代及亲本的酶带表型差异显著,从酶蛋白分子水平证明该杂种F1染色体加倍是真实的;加倍植株抽穗期旗叶的EST、POD酶谱中分别呈现9和4条酶带,分蘖期幼叶的EST、POD、SOD酶谱内分别呈现8、4和4条酶带,有多态性位点的特征酶带可作为杂种加倍后代育性恢复鉴定的遗传标记的候选位点;对供试材料不同生育阶段做同工酶酶谱对比分析,比单一生育阶段更能反映其酶带表型的遗传差异性,提高同工酶电泳技术鉴定结果的准确性。

关键词: 草原学, 多年生禾草, 属间杂种F1, 加倍植株, 同工酶, 酶带表型

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