›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 283-288.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2008.03.014

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A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cultivating Forage to Raise Dairy Cattle in Saibei Precinct,Zhangjiakou City

LIU Yu-jie, LI Xiang-lin, HE Feng   

  1. Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2007-06-06 Revised:2007-11-25 Online:2008-06-15 Published:2008-06-15


刘玉杰, 李向林, 何峰   

  1. 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所, 北京, 100094
  • 通讯作者: 李向林
  • 作者简介:刘玉杰(1975- ),男,博士后,从事草地生态、草地资源保护与开发和草地管理等方面研究,E-mail:yiliu@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to provide the basis for the configuration adjustment of agriculture and animal husbandry by local farmer and government,the costs and benefits of cultivating forage to raise livestock were evaluated based on the survey and data collection on the spot in Saibei precinct of Zhangjiakou city,a typical region of the farming-pastoral zone.The results show: 1.Net benefit-cost ratio of the main forage grasses and feed crops varied from 45.2% to 125.1% with the priority of silage corn>highland barley>gramineous grass≥leguminous grass;2.The production costs of silage corn were 44.4% to 59.1% of their purchased price,and those of the perennial forage grass were 48.6% to 68.9%;3.The mostly limiting factor was lack of funds and raw materials for benefit amplification of silage corn production;4.In the mode of ’all-time pen feeding’,the net benefit of dairy cattle raising with annual milk production from 4550 to 6300 kg/cow were-86.5 to 1544.2 RMB/cow,the net benefit-cost ratios were-1.1% to 15.5%,and the profit and loss critical milk production were 4588.1 to 4789.8 kg/cow;5.In the mode of ’pen feeding+warm-season grazing’,the net benefits from cultivating forage to raise dairy cattle with annual milk production of 4550 to 6300 kg/cow were 1453.6 to 3435.2 RMB/cow,above 51.0% of whose net benefits derived from forage cultivation,the net benefit-cost ratios were 22.7 to 42.5%,and the profit and loss critical milk production were 2850.0 to 3182.8 kg/cow.

Key words: Farming-pastoral zone, Livestock raising based on forage cultivation, Dairy cattle, Cost and benefit analysis

摘要: 为给华北农牧交错带典型区域张家口市塞北管理区的农、牧业结构调整提供决策支持,在实地调研基础上,对当地种草养畜进行成本收益分析.结果表明:饲草、饲料作物的成本纯收益率为45.2%~125.1%,依次是青贮玉米>青稞>禾本科牧草≥豆科牧草;青贮玉米和多年生牧草的生产成本分别为其购入价格的44.4%~59.1%和48.6%~68.9%;投入不足是限制青贮玉米生产效益提高的主要因子;"全年舍饲"模式下,产奶量4550~6300 kg/头的中、高产奶牛的养殖纯收益为-86.5~1544.2元/头,成本纯收益率为-1.1%~15.5%,盈亏临界产奶量为4588.1~4789.8 kg/头;"舍饲+暖季放牧"模式下,种草养畜(中、高产奶牛)的纯收益为1453.6~3435.2元/头,51.0%以上的纯收益来源于饲草种植,成本纯收益率为22.7%~42.5%,盈亏临界产奶量为2850.0~3182.8 kg/头.

关键词: 农牧交错带, 种草养畜, 奶牛, 成本收益分析

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