›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 819-824.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2012.05.005

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Dynamic of Community Structure and Quantitative Characteristics of Festuca Ovin Grassland in the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains

ZHANG Xian-hua, ZHU Jin-zhong, WU Yong-mei   

  1. College of Grassland and Environmental Science, Xinjiang Agricultural University; Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Xinjiang, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China
  • Received:2012-04-10 Revised:2012-05-30 Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-11-01


张鲜花, 朱进忠, 吴咏梅   

  1. 新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院 新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 朱进忠,E-mail:xjauzjz@126.com
  • 作者简介:张鲜花(1978-),女,新疆呼图壁人,硕士,讲师,主要从事草地资源与生态的研究与教学工作,E-mail:zlzxh1314@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The community structure and quantitative characteristics of Festuca ovina grassland were investigated using the continuous position determination method to study the changes of Festuca ovina grassland in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains with long period natural grazing condition from 1985 to 2004. Results showed that the compositions and structure of plant community remained unchanged and quantitative characteristics were in a dynamic process in recent 20 years. Precipitation was a main factor which influenced the grassland quantitative characteristics. The dynamic of quantitative characteristics was consistent with natural precipitation fluctuations from 1985 to 1995. However, grazing disturbance became the main reason to influence grassland fluctuation from 1996 to 2004. The aboveground biomass decreased 15.7% in the last 10 years.

Key words: Festuca ovina grassland, Community structure, Quantitative characteristics, Dynamic

摘要: 为了解天山北坡羊茅(Festuca ovina)草原长时期自然放牧条件下草地植物群落特征的变化,采用连续定位测定的方法,对1985-2004年天山北坡羊茅草原群落结构与主要数量特征的测定数据进行了分析。结果表明:在连续测定的20年间,草地植物群落的种类组成与结构没有发生变化,而草地植物群落的数量特征始终处于动态变化过程;1985-1995年时段内与自然降水量的波动规律基本一致,影响草地基本数量特征变化的主因是降水量;在1996-2004年时段内,放牧利用干扰成为影响草地基本数量特征波动的主因;同时在后10年,草地地上平均生物学产量较前10年下降了15.7%。

关键词: 羊茅草原, 群落结构, 数量特征, 动态变化

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