Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 3447-3454.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2022.12.032

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Effects of Rice Straw,Wheat Bran and Glucose Addition on the Silage Quality of Myriophyllum elatinoides

CAO Xin1, WU Kang-le1, WEN Le-yuan2, HUANG Li-juan1, XIAO Run-lin3, ZHANG Zhi-fei1   

  1. 1. College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan Province 410128, China;
    2. Hunan animal husbandry and fishery affairs center, Changsha, Hunan Province 410006, China;
    3. Institute of Subtropical Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha, Hunan Province 410125, China
  • Received:2022-06-14 Revised:2022-08-16 Published:2023-01-04


曹欣1, 吴康乐1, 文乐元2, 黄丽娟1, 肖润林3, 张志飞1   

  1. 1. 湖南农业大学农学院, 湖南 长沙 410128;
    2. 湖南省畜牧水产事务中心, 湖南 长沙 410006;
    3. 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所, 湖南 长沙 410125
  • 通讯作者: 张志飞,
  • 作者简介:曹欣(1998-),男,湖南衡山人,硕士研究生,主要从事饲草学研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Our study investigated the effect of adding different proportions of rice straw,wheat bran,and glucose on the silage quality of Myriophyllum elatinoides. Treatments were arranged in the two factors completely random design. A factor is the addition proportion of rice straw:0%,5%,10%,15% (calculate the addition ratio of wheat bran and M. elatinoides;B factor is the addition ratio of glucose:0,2%,4%,6%. Addition of rice straw or glucose affect the fermentation characteristics and nutrition composition and there was an interaction between the addition of different proportions of rice straw and glucose (P<0.05 or P<0.01). With the increase in the proportion of rice straw,the concentrations of butyric acid and fiber increased significantly in mixed silage(P<0.05 or P<0.01),and the content of crude protein decreased very significantly (P<0.01). With the increase of glucose, pH decreased significantly (P<0.05) in mixed silage, water-soluble carbohydrates content increased very significantly (P<0.01), while crude protein content, fiber content and aerobic stability decreased very significantly (P<0.01) in mixed silage. In conclusion,the mixed silage with 70% M. elatinoides,30% wheat bran,and 2%~6% glucose can be used to prepare high-quality silage. Addition of 5% or 10% rice straw and 4% glucose can produce silage with lower raw material cost.

Key words: Myriophyllum elatinoides, Mixed silage, Rice straw, Glucose, Fermentation characteristics, Nutrition composition, Aerobic stability

摘要: 为探究添加不同比例的水稻秸秆、麦麸与葡萄糖对新鲜绿狐尾藻青贮品质的影响规律,采用双因素完全随机设计,A因素为稻秸添加比例:0%,5%,10%,15%(相应计算麦麸和绿狐尾藻添加比例);B因素为葡萄糖添加比例:0%,2%,4%,6%,青贮原料充分混合后青贮。结果表明:稻秸与葡萄糖添加比例及二者互作对青贮效果有显著或极显著影响(P<0.05或P<0.01)。随稻秸添加比例增加,丁酸含量显著增加(P<0.05),纤维含量极显著增加,粗蛋白含量极显著降低(P<0.01);随葡萄糖添加比例增加,pH值显著下降(P<0.05),可溶性糖含量极显著升高(P<0.01),粗蛋白、纤维含量及有氧稳定性极显著降低(P<0.01)。综合来看,70%绿狐尾藻与30%麦麸混合青贮添加2%~6%葡萄糖可制备饲用品质和有氧稳定性均优的青贮饲料;添加5%或10%水稻秸秆并添加4%葡萄糖可制备原料成本更低的青贮饲料。

关键词: 绿狐尾藻, 混合青贮, 水稻秸秆, 葡萄糖, 发酵特性, 营养成分, 有氧稳定性

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