Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 3676-3686.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2023.12.012

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Differences in Sugar Metabolism in Different Development Stages and Sections of the Rhizome of Poa Pratensis

YANG Wei1,2,3, LIU Min-jie1,2,3, LIU Wen-hui3, LI Jun-qiao1,2, WEI Xiao-xing3, MA Hui-ling4   

  1. 1. The College of Ecological Environment and Resources, Xining, Qinghai Province 810007, China;
    2. Qinghai Provincial Key Laboratory of High-Value Utilization of Characteristic Economic Plants, Xining, Qinghai Province 810007, China;
    3. Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences/Key Laboratory of Superior Forage Germplasm in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Xining, Qinghai Province 810016, China;
    4. College of Pratacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730070, China
  • Received:2023-08-09 Revised:2023-09-22 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2024-01-03


杨伟1,2,3, 刘敏洁1,2,3, 刘文辉3, 李军乔1,2, 魏小星3, 马晖玲4   

  1. 1. 青海民族大学生态环境与资源学院, 青海 西宁 810007;
    2. 青海省特色经济植物高值化利用重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810007;
    3. 青海省畜牧兽医科学院/青海省青藏高原优良牧草种质资源利用重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810016;
    4. 甘肃农业大学草业学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070
  • 通讯作者: 刘敏洁,
  • 作者简介:杨伟(1992-),男,汉族,甘肃兰州人,博士研究生,主要从事牧草种质资源与育种研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to explore the differences in sugar metabolism at different stages of rhizome development and different sections of rhizome in its bending stage of Poa pratensis. In the experiment,the strong rhizome type of Poa pratensis L. var. anceps 'Qinghai' (QH) and the weak rhizome type of wild P. pratensis (SN) were selected as the experimental materials;The different developmental stages (T1-T5) of primary rhizome and different internodes (P1-P4) of the primary rhizome in its bending stages were collected,and the carbohydrate content and related enzyme activities were measured. The results showed that as the primary rhizome developed (T1-T5),the content of sucrose and starch gradually increased. The sucrose content of QH and SN rhizomes in the T5 stage increased by 117.78% and 96.55% respectively compared to that in the T1 stage,and the starch content increased by 57.37% and 77.50% respectively. Meanwhile,the contents of sucrose and starch in the P1 internode were the highest among all tested sections. The sucrose content in the P4 internode of QH and SN decreased by 72.64% and 69.06% compared to their corresponding P1 sections,respectively;the starch content decreased by 85.95% and 85.92% respectively. In addition,there is a lack of regularity in the activity changes of sucrose and starch metabolism enzymes during the development of primary rhizomes. However,the distribution of enzyme activities related to sucrose and starch synthesis gradually decreases from the base to the top of the rhizome,while the activity of decomposing enzymes gradually increases. In summary,the process of primary rhizome development of Poa pratensis is also a process of starch and sucrose accumulation,and the closer to the base of the rhizome the section,the higher the content of both in that section.

Key words: Poa pratensis, Rhizome development, Rhizome bending, Sugar metabolism, Sucrose and starch

摘要: 为探究草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)根茎发育不同阶段及根茎弯曲阶段不同部位糖代谢差异,本试验选用青海扁茎早熟禾(QH)和野生草地早熟禾(SN)为试验材料,在拔节期分别采集不同发育阶段(T1-T5)的初级根茎及根茎弯曲阶段时不同的根茎节间(P1-P4),测定碳水化合物含量及相关酶活性。结果表明:随着初级根茎的发育(T1-T5),蔗糖和淀粉的含量逐渐增加,其中T5时期QH和SN根茎蔗糖含量较T1阶段分别增加了117.78%和96.55%,淀粉含量分别较T1增加了57.37%和77.50%。同时,蔗糖和淀粉的含量在P1节间处最高。P4节间处QH和SN较P1处蔗糖含量分别降低了72.64%和69.06%;淀粉含量分别降低了85.95%和85.92%。此外,蔗糖和淀粉合成酶活性在初级根茎基部到顶端的分布呈现逐渐降低的趋势,而分解酶活性则逐渐增加。因此,草地早熟禾初级根茎发育的过程也是淀粉和蔗糖积累的过程,并且在越靠近根茎基部含量越高。

关键词: 草地早熟禾, 根茎发育, 根茎弯曲, 糖代谢, 蔗糖和淀粉

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