›› 2002, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 157-163.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2002.03.001

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The Selection of Panicum maximum cv.Reyan No.9

WEI Jia-shao, LIU Guo-dao, CAI Bi-yun   

  1. Tropical Pasture Research Center CATAS, Danzhou Hainan 571737 China
  • Received:2001-12-06 Revised:2002-04-25 Online:2002-08-15 Published:2002-08-15


韦家少, 刘国道, 蔡碧云   

  1. 中国热带农业科学院农牧研究所, 海南, 儋州, 571737
  • 作者简介:韦家少(1966- ),女,硕士,副研究员,自1987在中国热带农业科学院农牧所从事热带牧草的选育及栽培研究工作,现在该院图书与科技信息研究中心工作

Abstract: Panicum maximum cv.Reyan No.9 is selected from a group of tropical forage varieties introduced from CIAT in 1988 and began to trial in 1990. The preliminary results showed that P.maximum cv.Reyan No.9 maintained its genus characteristics of high dry matter yield and quality. Its dry forage yield was 18000kg/hm2 and seed production was 495.8kg/hm2,improved 40% and 93.9% than P.maximum cv.Trichoglume respectively,crude protein (CP) contents was 7.90% (DM); acid-infertile tolerance、shade tolerance、low temperature、dry tolerance improved significantly and adapted to plant in tropical and sub-tropical regions especially release in South-China.

Key words: Panicum maximum cv.Reyan No.9, Selecting and breeding, Utilization

摘要: 热研9号坚尼草是1988年从哥伦比亚国际热带农业中心引进的新品系,经鉴定后于1990年开始进行系列研究。结果表明,热研9号坚尼草不但保持了该属牧草高产优质的特点,干草产量18000kg/hm2·a,比对照增产40%,干物质含粗蛋白质7.90%,种子产量495.8kg/hm2,增产93.9%,而且具有耐酸瘦土壤、耐低温干旱、较耐荫蔽等特点,适宜在我国热带及亚热带地区种植。

关键词: 热研9号坚尼草, 选育, 利用

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