›› 2005, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 149-158.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2005.02.014

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Methods of Grazing Grassland Vegatation Survey

SHIYOMI Masse, YASUDA Taisuke, CHEN Jun   

  1. College of Natural Sciences, Japan
  • Received:2004-04-15 Revised:2005-01-21 Online:2005-05-15 Published:2005-05-15


盐见正卫, 安田泰铺, 陈俊   

  1. 日本国茨城大学理学部
  • 作者简介:盐见正卫(1938- ),日本放送大学茨城学习中心所长、茨城大学名誉教授、日本学术会议会员,主要从事生态学、草地学、应用统计学和农业系统学研究,E-mail:shiyomi@mx.ibaraki.ac.jp

Abstract: A study of the grassland population structure, biomass, and quantitative productivity has been conducted. The principle of mathematical deduction and actual measuring consummate the method of grazing grassland vegetation yield and number of species, as well as the mathematical deduction formula, which leads to the attaining of accurate answers, and saves time and effort as well. The present paper consists of three sections, elaborating on beta-binomal, power function, and estimation of biomass.

Key words: β·distribution, Power function, Methods of survey, S-sample square, L-sample square

摘要: 研究草地植被群落结构、生物量及其生产力数量化的分析方法。以数学推导与草地实测数据相结合的原则,修正和完善草地植被测试方法及其数学推导公式。与其他草地测试方法比较,结果更加准确,在实践中则省时省力,简而易行。本文对β·二项分布、幂函数规律和生物量估计3个部分分别加以论述。

关键词: β·二项分布, 调查方法, 幂函数规律, L-样方, S-样方

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