›› 2005, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 304-307.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2005.04.010

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The Application of Plant Growth Regulator,Trinexapac-ethyland Prohexadione-Ca,to Turfgrass

YANG Dai-bin1, YUAN Hui-zhu1, QIN Zhao-hai2, HE Yuan3, WANG Shu-zhi4   

  1. 1. Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS, Beijing, 100094, China;
    2. Department of Applied Chemistry, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100094, China;
    3. Beijing SinoSeed Turf Forage Co.Ltd, Beijing 100029, China;
    4.Xibeiwang Agriculture Service Center, Beijing, 100094, China
  • Received:2004-12-07 Revised:2005-06-25 Online:2005-11-15 Published:2005-11-15

Trinexapac-ethyl、Prohexad ione-Ca在草坪化学控制中的应用研究

杨代斌1, 袁会珠1, 覃兆海2, 何源3, 王淑芝4   

  1. 1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京, 100094;
    2. 中国农业大学理学院, 北京, 100094;
    3. 北京中种草业有限公司, 北京, 100029;
    4. 北京市海淀区西北旺农业综合服务中心, 北京, 100094
  • 作者简介:杨代斌(1972- ),湖北松滋人,在职博士研究生,主要从事农药化学研究
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: A two-year study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of growth control of Trinexapac-ethyl and Prohexadione-Ca to turfgrass,more particularly,to the growth control of Festuca arundinacea Schreb.The result shows that Trinexapac-ethyl reduced the shoot height of Festuca arundinacea Schreb distinctly when the applying rate was above 0.095 kg/hm2;while Prohexadione-Ca suppressed the shoot height by 95.2% at a 0.36 kg/hm2.rate.At the same time,both Trinexapac-ethyl and Prohexadione-Ca reduced the clipping fresh weight of grasses,but did not affect the clipping dry weight.When Trinexapac-ethyl was applied to clipped turf,the taller the stubble was left, the lower the re-growing plant would be.The equitable stubble height is(4-6cm).Trinexapac-ethyl and Prohexadione-Ca could improve turf quality and reduce the shoot height and subsequently the frequency of clipping.

Key words: Trinexapac-ethyl, Prohexadione-Ca, Chemical control, Turfgrass, Festuca arundinacea

摘要: 为探明Trinexapac-ethyl和Prohexadione-Ca用于草坪化学控制的可行性,研究了其对高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)生长发育的影响。结果显示:使用剂量高于0.095 kg/hm2时,Trinexapac-ethyl对高羊茅具有明显的矮化作用,在0.36kg/hm2剂量下Prohexadione-Ca的抑制率可达95.2%;Trinexapac-ethyl和Prohexadione-Ca都能使植株新增鲜重显著降低,但对新增干重影响很小,Trinexapac-ethyl对植株新增干重无影响;在施用Trinexapac-ethyl的情况下,随着留茬高度的增加新增株高减少,合理留茬高度为4-6cm;Trinexapac-ethyl和Prohexadione-Ca可以有效降低株高,从而减少草坪修剪次数。

关键词: Trinexapac-ethyl, Prohexadione-Ca, 化学控制, 生长抑制剂, 草坪草, 高羊茅

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