Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (6): 1347-1350.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2015.06.032

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Effects of Foliar Selenium on the Forage Yield of Alfalfa and Selenium Absorption Characteristics

HU Hua-feng1, WANG Yan-hua2, LI Ming1, JIE Xiao-lei3, GUO Xiao1, LIU Shi-liang4, LI Jian-ping1   

  1. 1. Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy, Zhengzhou, Henan Province 450011, China;
    2. The Forage and Feed Station of Henan Province, Zhengzhou, Henan Province 450008, China;
    3. Huanghuai University, Zhumadian, Henan Province 463000, China;
    4. College of Resources and Environment, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan Province 450002, China
  • Received:2014-06-13 Revised:2014-08-27 Online:2015-12-15 Published:2016-02-01


胡华锋1, 王彦华2, 李明1, 介晓磊3, 郭孝1, 刘世亮4, 李建平1   

  1. 1. 河南牧业经济学院, 河南 郑州 450011;
    2. 河南省饲草饲料站, 河南 郑州 450008;
    3. 黄淮学院, 河南 驻马店 463000;
    4. 河南农业大学资源与环境学院, 河南 郑州 450002
  • 通讯作者: 介晓磊
  • 作者简介:胡华锋(1977-),男,河南汝南人,博士,副教授,主要从事牧草生产与畜禽废物利用研究,
  • 基金资助:



To increase the selenium fertilizer utilization rate of alfalfa(Medicago saliva)and explore the selenium absorption characteristics of alfalfa, the influences of foliar selenium on the forage yield and selenium absorption, conversion as well as use efficiency of alfalfa were studied by spraying selenium to alfalfa. The results showed that spraying Se fertilizer on alfalfa leaves could improve the yield of alfalfa. The yield of alfalfa increased first and then decreased with the increase of Se fertilizer, and the best amount of Se was 100 mg·kg-1. The forage yield of alfalfa after applying 100 mg·kg-1 Se fertilizer was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that without spraying Se fertilizer, but there was no significant difference among treatments of spraying 50, 70 and 200 mg·kg-1 Se fertilizers. The Se absorption rate of alfalfa increased with the increase of spraying Se fertilize, and the conversion rate of organic Se and the utilization ratio of Se fertilizer increased first and then decreased with the addition of Se fertilizer. The conversion rates of organic Se after spraying Se fertilizers were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that without spraying Se fertilizer, and there was no significant difference among treatments of spraying Se fertilizers. The utilization ratio of Se fertilizer of alfalfa was the highest by spraying 50 mg·kg-1 Se fertilizer.

Key words: Foliar selenium, Alfalfa, Absorption, Organic selenium transformation rate, Selenium fertilizer utilization rate


为提高硒肥利用率,探索紫花苜蓿(Medicago saliva)吸硒特性,采用叶面施硒方法,研究硒肥对苜蓿产草量及吸收、转化、利用硒的影响。结果显示:叶面施硒能提高苜蓿产草量,并随施硒量增加呈先升后降,以施硒100 mg·kg-1增产最好,显著高于未施硒苜蓿(P<0.05),但与施硒50,70和200 mg·kg-1苜蓿差异不显著;苜蓿吸收外源硒能力随施硒量增加而提升,而有机硒转化率及硒肥利用率随施硒量提高呈先升后降趋势;施硒苜蓿有机硒转化率均显著高于未施硒苜蓿(P<0.05),但施硒苜蓿间差异不显著,而硒肥利用率以施硒50 mg·kg-1最高。

关键词: 叶面施硒, 紫花苜蓿, 吸收, 有机硒转化率, 硒肥利用率

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