Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 2814-2825.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2023.09.026

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Characteristics of Water Use Efficiency and its Influencing Factors of Grassland Ecosystem in Qinghai Province

SU Shu-lan1,2, JI Hai-juan1,2, ZHANG Dong1,2, ZHANG Shuai-qi1,2, LI Xiao-dong1,2, SU Wen-jiang1,2   

  1. 1. Qinghai Institute of Meteorological Science, Xining, Qinghai Province 810001, China;
    2. Key Laboratory for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Qinghai Province, Xining, Qinghai Province 810001, China
  • Received:2023-02-23 Revised:2023-04-14 Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-10-07


苏淑兰1,2, 姬海娟1,2, 张东1,2, 张帅旗1,2, 李晓东1,2, 苏文将1,2   

  1. 1. 青海省气象科学研究所, 青海 西宁 810001;
    2. 青海省防灾减灾重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810001
  • 通讯作者: 张帅旗,
  • 作者简介:苏淑兰(1989-),女,回族,宁夏固原人,工程师,主要从事高寒生态气象研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Water use efficiency (WUE) is an important inducator to characterize the coupling process between carbon and water cycle in terrestrial ecosystem. Based on MODIS 8-day composite net primary production data (MOD17A2),evapotranspiration heat flux product data (MOD16A2) and grassland classification data of Qinghai,the WUE changes in different grassland types from 2000-2018 were analyzed. We also stuied the impacts of ET and NPP,climatic factors on the WUE changes at annually and monthly time scales. The results showed that the average annually WUE of grassland ecosystems in the Province was 0.48 g·kg-1. The spatial variation trend significance test on the WUE in Qinghai Province showed that there was 62.0% grassland ecosystems had significantly reduced their WUE (P<0.05). At the annual time scale,there was a quite significant negative correlation (P<0.1,R2=0.45) between WUE and Evapotranspation(ET) in the grassland ecosystem,affected mainly by ET,precipitation,wind speed and surface temperature. At the monthly time scale,WUE was affected by meteorological conditions such as ET,NPP and hydrothermal conditions,and WUE significantly positive correlated with ET and NPP (P<0.01),with the coefficients R2 of 0.90 and 0.49. The monthly WUE was significantly positively correlated with hydrothermal conditions,including air temperature,precipitation,surface temperature,vapor pressure,and relative humidity (P<0.01),the correlation coefficients Rsup>2 are all greater than 0.55. This research would provide a certain data support for the study of the coupling process between carbon and water cycle and its response to climate changes of grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai Province.

Key words: Water use efficiency, Grassland ecosystem, Evapotranspiration, Net primary productivity

摘要: 水分利用效率(Water use efficiency,WUE)是深入理解生态系统碳水耦合的重要指标。本研究基于卫星遥感数据及青海草地系统分类数据,分析2000-2018年青海草地生态系统WUE变化特征,探讨净初级生产力(Net primary production,NPP)、蒸散(Evapotranspiration,ET)和气候因子对WUE年际和年内的变化影响。结果显示:2000-2018年,青海草地WUE均值为0.48 g·kg-1,其中,62.0%的区域WUE显著减小(P<0.05)。年际尺度上,WUE受ET、降水量、风速和地表温度的影响,其中与ET呈显著负相关关系(P<0.1,R2=0.45)。月尺度上,WUE受ET,NPP、水热等气象条件影响,其中WUE与ET和NPP呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),其相关系数R2分别为0.90和0.49;月WUE与气温、降水量、地表温度、水汽压、空气相对湿度极显著正相关(P<0.01),其相关系数R2均大于0.55。本研究将为青海草地生态系统碳水耦合过程及其对气候变化的响应研究提供一定的数据支撑。

关键词: 水分利用效率, 草地生态系统, 蒸散, 净初级生产力

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