Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 2062-2071.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2024.07.007

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Effects of Two Plant Extracts on Biological Activities and Several Enzymes Activities to Tribolium confusum

SHI Dan-ni1, KANG Peng1, CHANG Jing1, MA Chong-yong2, BAI Wen-bao2, HAN Li3, WANG Bu-he3, LI Hai-ping1   

  1. 1. College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010019, China;
    2. Forestry and Grassland Pest Control and Quarantine Station of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010020, China;
    3. Forestry and Grassland Protection Center of Hohhot City, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010030, China
  • Received:2023-11-28 Revised:2024-01-09 Published:2024-08-03


石丹妮1, 康鹏1, 常静1, 马崇勇2, 白文宝2, 韩丽3, 王布赫3, 李海平1   

  1. 1. 内蒙古农业大学园艺与植物保护学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019;
    2. 内蒙古自治区林业和草原有害生物防治检疫总站, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020;
    3. 呼和浩特市林业和草原保护中心, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010030
  • 通讯作者: 李海平,
  • 作者简介:石丹妮(1999-),女,汉族,内蒙古呼和浩特人,硕士研究生,主要从事昆虫毒理学研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Tribolium confusum is an important stored grain pest,and fumigation is currently the main method to control it. In compared with chemical control,botanical insecticides have various actions to insect,and are safe to environment and food. The fumigation,antifeedant and repellent effects of petroleum ether extracts from root of Stellera chamaejasme and methanol extracts from Thymus mongolicus against T. confusum were determined,and the inhibition of two plants extracts to two target enzymes activities and three detoxification enzymes activities were measured in this paper. The results showed that the LC50 of petroleum ether extracts from root of S. chamaejasme and methanol extracts from T. mongolicus to T. confusum were 88.50 and 119.57 mg·L-1 after 24 h of fumigation. AFC50 of antifeedant treatment were 23.00 and 14.78 mg·L-1 after 5 days,and the repellent rates of 4 h were 63.49% and 71.90%,respectively. The activities of AChE and ATPase could be inhibited by two plants extracts. After treatment with two plants extracts to T. confusum,the activities of cytochrome P450 and GSTs were induced to increase,and the activity of CarE was inhibited. The results will supply the theoretical basis for the development and utilization of two plant-derived pesticides in the prevention of stored grain pests in this paper.

Key words: Tribolium confusum, Plant extract, Toxicity, Target enzyme, Detoxification enzyme

摘要: 杂拟谷盗(Tribolium confusum)是一种重要的储粮害虫,熏蒸是目前主要的防治方法。相比化学熏蒸,植物源杀虫剂作用方式多样且对环境和粮食安全。因此本论文研究了 2种植物[瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme L.)根石油醚提取物和百里香(Thymus mongolicus Ronn.)甲醇提取物]对杂拟谷盗的熏蒸、拒食和驱避活性,以及对杂拟谷盗2种靶标酶和3种解毒酶活性的影响。结果表明,瑞香狼毒根石油醚提取物和百里香甲醇提取物熏蒸杂拟谷盗24 h后,致死中浓度(Lethal concentration,LC50)分别为88.50和119.57 mg·L-1;拒食处理杂拟谷盗5 d后的拒食中浓度(Antifeedant concentration,AFC50)分别为23.00和14.78 mg·L-1;4 h的驱避率分别为63.49% 和71.90%。2种植物提取物对杂拟谷盗乙酰胆碱酯酶和三磷酸腺苷酶活性均有抑制作用。2种植物提取物处理杂拟谷盗后,细胞色素P450和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性被诱导升高,而羧酸酯酶活性降低。本试验结果为未来进一步开发利用这2种植物源农药防治储粮害虫提供了一定的理论基础。

关键词: 杂拟谷盗, 植物提取物, 毒力, 靶标酶, 解毒酶

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