Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 391-400.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2025.02.007

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Bioinformatics Analysis of GATA Family of Pennisetum glaucum

LUO Li-xuan1, ZHOU Tao1, XU Qian1, LU Rui1, LIU Ning-fang1, HU Long-xing1,2   

  1. 1. Department of Pratacultural Science, College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan Province 410128, China;
    2. Academician Workstation of Agricultural High-tech Industrial Area of the Yellow River Delta, National Center of Technology Innovation for Comprehensive Utilization of Saline-Alkali Land, Dongying, Shandong Province 257300, China
  • Received:2024-05-20 Revised:2024-06-26 Published:2025-03-01


罗李旋1, 周涛1, 徐倩1, 卢蕊1, 刘宁芳1, 胡龙兴1,2   

  1. 1. 湖南农业大学农学院草业科学系, 湖南 长沙 410128;
    2. 黄三角农高区院士工作站, 国家盐碱地综合利用 技术创新中心, 山东 东营 257300
  • 通讯作者: 胡龙兴,
  • 作者简介:罗李旋(2001-),女,广西柳州人,硕士研究生,主要从事狼尾草种质资源与品种选育研究工作
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: GATA transcription factors play an important role in plant growth and development as well as stress resistance.In this study, a total of 29 GATA gene family members were identified from the genomic data of Pennisetum glaucum L.. Chromosomal localization analysis showed that 29 PgGATA genes were unevenly distributed on 7 chromosomes. According to the sequence characteristics and domain characteristics, they were divided into four subfamilies. There were obvious differences among members of different subfamilies, while the differences among members within the family were relatively small. Conserved motif prediction showed that GATA domains were regularly distributed in each subfamily. Prediction of cis-acting elements revealed a large number of elements related to plant growth, development, and stress in the upstream regulatory sequence of the GATA genes in P. glaucum. The expression analysis of PgGATA gene family showed that most PgGATAs were highly expressed in tillering tissues, leaves and stems, and some PgGATA gene family members were significantly expressed in high temperature, drought and salt stress treatments. This study provided a theoretical basis and guidance for further study on the function and regulation mechanism of GATA transcription factors in P. glaucum.

Key words: Pennisetum glaucumL., GATA transcription factor, Bioinformatics Analysis, Abiotic stress

摘要: GATA转录因子在植物生长发育和抗逆等过程中起着重要作用。本研究从美洲狼尾草(Pennisetum glaucum L.)基因组数据中共鉴定出29个GATA基因家族成员,染色体定位分析显示29个PgGATA基因不均匀地分布在7条染色体上。根据序列特征和结构域特点将其分为4个亚族,不同亚族成员之间呈现出明显的差异,而在家族内部成员之间的差异则相对较小。保守基序预测表明GATA结构域在各个亚家族中规律分布。顺式作用元件预测结果显示,美洲狼尾草GATA基因上游调控序列中存在大量与植物生长发育和逆境胁迫相关的顺式元件。PgGATA基因家族的表达分析发现多数PgGATAs成员在分蘖组织、叶片以及茎秆中的表达量较高,部分PgGATAs基因家族成员在高温、干旱以及盐胁迫处理中明显表达。本研究为进一步研究美洲狼尾草GATA转录因子的功能及调控机制提供了理论依据和指导。

关键词: 美洲狼尾草, GATA转录因子, 生物信息学分析, 非生物胁迫

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