›› 1991, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 1-9.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1991.01.001

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Wang Suzhen, Xie Fan   

  1. Jiangxi Normal University
  • Online:1991-02-15 Published:2012-07-11


王素珍, 谢帆   

  1. 江西师范大学

Abstract: South China is a vast area of tropical and subtropical zones of the south of the qinling mountain and Huaihe river.According to the appearance,struc-ture,composition and ecological environment of the community,the types of vegetation of the main rangelands in south China can be classified as fourteen formations.They have the following characteristics:The area of rangeland is large,The grass yield of rangeland is high and the animal carrying potentia-lities are great,but the grazing utilization ratio is low for the present,the herbivorous livestock is small in quantity.Generally speaking,the develop-ment of animal husbandry on the rangelands in the south is somewhat slow.However,there are 5.6—8.0 fold potentialities of increase in grass yield,the animal product unit can be raised largely,and the other favourable condi-tions for promoting development of the animal husbandry on the rangelandsin the south are also available,those work in south China must be developed more rapidly in the future.

Key words: south China, types of rangeland vegetation, characteristics, status quo of utilization, animal carrying potentialities

摘要: 我国南方是指秦岭—淮河一线以南的广阔热带、亚热带地区。根据群落的外貌、结构、组成成分及生境等特点,可将南方草地植被类型,归纳为14个群系。它们具有5个特点。它的草场面积大,产草量高,载畜潜力大,但目前放牧利用率低,草食家畜少,南方草地畜牧业总的情况是发展缓慢。可是草地有5.6—8倍的增产潜力,且有推动南方草地牧业发展的其他有利条件,我国南方草地牧业在未来必将获得较大的发展。

关键词: 我国南方, 草场类型, 特征, 利用现状, 载畜潜力