›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 123-127.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.02.009

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Study on Using Additives Silage and Wilted Silage and Mixed Silage of Alfafa

Cai Dunjiang, Zhou Xingmin, Zhu LianFeng, Yuan lin, Yang Danxia, Wang Jihong   

  1. Acaemy of Agriculture Reclamation Sciences Heilongjing Province, Jiamsi 154007
  • Online:1997-05-15 Published:1997-05-15


蔡敦江, 周兴民, 朱廉, 冯元琳, 杨丹霞, 王继红   

  1. 黑龙江省农垦科学院, 佳木斯 154007
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Results shdw that:(1) Application rates of black-waste liquld of manufacturing paper through using sulphite of ammonia method are 6kg/ton of fresh alfalfa for good silage.The cost of the preservative reduces by 87 percent as compared with fromic acid trestment.(2) The highest moisture levels for good wilted silage are 55 percent at budding stage and 60 percent at early blooming stage and 65 percent at full blooming stage and 70 percent at podding stage, which reduces much time of drying in field as compared with the traditional moisture levels (45~55 percent).(3) The mixed rates of-dried wheat straw are 20 percent of fresh alfalfa for good mixed silage.

Key words: Alfalfa, Silage additives, Wilted silage, Mixed silage

摘要: 试验结果:(1)苜蓿添加亚氨法造纸黑液6kg可获得优质青贮,成本较添加甲酸可降低87%。(2)苜蓿优质半干青贮水分高限为:现蕾期55%,初花期60%,盛花期65%,结荚期70%。较传统含水45~55%可缩短晾晒时间。(3)苜蓿加20%干麦秸混贮效果良好。

关键词: 苜蓿, 青贮添加剂, 半干青贮, 混贮