›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 297-304.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.04.012

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A study on Selection and Culture of High-quality Breeds of Geshu

Zhou Zemin   

  1. Institute of JiangXi forage Research, Nanchang 330045
  • Online:1997-11-15 Published:1997-11-15



  1. 江西省饲料科学研究所, 南昌, 330045

Abstract: The concept of Geshu and the standard for its determination are put forward for the first time.The tuber radicale of the wild kudzu vines have three kinds, The yam kind.the root kind and the middle-of-the-kind.The Wild quality vine which has tuber radicale of the yam kind is the bestmetarials which the high-quality breeds of Geshu can be cultured from.The Gansi NO.5 is a new high-quality brecd which were systematically cultured from the wild kudzu vines.It has so many merits, suchsa high productionm, high quality, strong resistance, no down on leaf and so on.Their outputs of tuber rad-icale green grass and hay are 26166.75 kg/hm2, 54664 kg/hm2 per year which axe 145.87%.17.35%higher than that of wild kudzu vine respevtively.The dry rate, flour rate and dreg rate of its tuber radi-caleare 32.5~37.2%,20~24.4% and 8.16%.The erude protein, nitrogen free extract and crude fibreof it tuber are 5.37%, 90.04% and 2.64% in the for matter.Thereforre populization of geshu has great practical value and academic significance in exploiting and utilizing red soil hills, making up the defi-cieney of raw materials for energy feed, protein feed adn starch.

Key words: Pueraria sp, Variety, Breeding

摘要: 赣饲5号葛薯是从野葛藤中通过系统选育而成的新品种,具有高产优质,抗逆性强,叶片无毛等优点。块根、青草的产量分别为26176和54664千克/公顷·年,比野葛藤(对照)增产145.9%和17.4%。块根的晒干率,出粉率和出渣率分别为32.5-37.2%、20—24.4%和8.2%。块根的粗蛋白、无氮浸出物和粗纤维含量分别占干物质的5.37、90.04和2.64%。推广葛薯,对于开发利用红壤丘陵荒山,解决我国红壤地区能量饲料之不足,发展持续农业具有一定的实用价值和学术意义。

关键词: 葛薯, 品种, 选育