›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 39-48.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.01.007

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Research on forage loss caused by the Gomphocerus sibiricus(L) and Determination of Control Criterion

Qiao Zhang1, Wumarbieke1, Xiong Lin1, Bahatiyar1, Muheyati1, Zhao Yong2, Zhang Shengxiang2, Dang Huicai2   

  1. 1. Xinjiang Centre Station of Forecast and Control on Locust and Rodent, Urumuqi 830001;
    2. Chanji Prefecture Mulei Station of Forecast and Control on Locust and Rodent, Mulei 831900
  • Online:1996-02-15 Published:2012-07-11


乔璋1, 乌麻尔别克1, 熊玲1, 巴哈提亚尔1, 木合亚提1, 赵勇2, 张生祥2, 觉惠才2   

  1. 1. 新疆蝗虫鼠害测报防治中心站, 乌鲁木齐830001;
    2. 昌吉州木垒蝗虫鼠害测报防治站, 木垒831900

Abstract: The Gomphocerus sibiricus(L) is the most harmful pest found in the mountain grassland of Xinjiang.It is important to research forage loss caused by the Gomphocerus sibiricus(L) and determined control criterion.1.The Gomphocerus sibiricus(L) body weigh, food amount and cut off are positively correlated.2.Lifetime forage loss caused by the Gomphocerus sibiricus (L) is 5.0672 g/head in the laboratory and 3.0626 g/head in the field.3.Control criterion of the Gomphocerus sibiricus (L) in Xinjiang mountain grassland is 17.5 head/m2.

Key words: Gomphocrus sibilicus(L), Intake, Cut off, Control criterion

摘要: 西伯利亚蝗是新疆山地草原的主要害虫。研究其对牧草的危害程度,确定防治指标对防治工作具有重要意义。作者于1992年5~8月进行本项研究,结果如下:1.西伯利亚蝗的体重、食量和掉落毁损量三者间呈正相关。2.该蝗在野外和室内测定个体一生所造成的牧草损失量分别为3.0626和5.0672克/头.3.该蝗在山地草原的防治指标为26.8头/m2

关键词: 西伯利亚蝗, 食量, 掉落毁损量, 防治指标