›› 2006, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 43-47.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2006.01.010

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Effects of Stay-Green Regulator and Traffic on the Winter Dormancy of Zoysia Matella

LU Zhao-jun1,3, XU Hong1, YUAN Jian-kang2, YANG Xiao-guang2, LIU Yi-ming1, JIANG Hong-yan1, DONG Li-jue1, HU Xue-hua1, WANG Zhao-long1   

  1. 1. Center for Turfgrass Science, School of Agriculture & Biology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 201101, China;
    2. Shanghai Blueturf Company, Shanghai 20142, China;
    3. Shanghai Vocational Technical College of Agriculture & Forestay, Shanghai 201600, China
  • Received:2004-12-01 Revised:2005-10-15 Online:2006-02-15 Published:2006-02-15


陆昭君1,3, 徐虹1, 袁建康2, 杨晓光2, 刘一明1, 姜红艳1, 董莉珏1, 胡雪华1, 王兆龙1   

  1. 1. 上海交通大学农业与生物学院草业研究中心, 上海, 201101;
    2. 上海博露草坪有限公司, 上海, 201422;
    3. 上海农林职业技术学院, 上海, 201600
  • 作者简介:陆昭君(1982- ),女,上海人,学士,助教;
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The study is focused on the effects of stay-green regulator(SGR) on Zoysia Matella during its winter dormancy under traffic and non-traffic conditions.The results show that SGR treatments significantly delayed zoysia’s winter yellowing process,and the effect was positively related to the dosage of application.Compared to the control,zoysia treated with SGR increased in its shoot density,green leaves per stem,biomass per stem,and chlorophyll content,while decreased in the yellow leaf ratio,and electrolyte leakage.Traffic stress reduced the zoysia turf that had not been treated with SGR in its turf height,shoot density,and green leaves per stem,thus,accelerating its process of winter dormancy.Moreover,SGR treatments at a rate of 1000 g/hm2 or 200 g/hm2 offset the adverse effects of traffic stress,more significantly increasing the turf shoot density,green leaves per stem,and chlorophyll content,while decreasing the yellow leaf ratio,and electrolyte leakage more obviously than the control that subjected to no traffic stress.These results indicate that large or medium dosage of SGR treatment enhances the traffic tolerance of zoysiagrass.

Key words: Stay-green regulator, Traffic stress, Zoysia Matella, Winter dormancy, Chlorophyll

摘要: 在践踏和非践踏条件下,研究了滞绿剂对马尼拉结缕草秋冬枯黄的调控效应。结果显示:滞绿剂处理能显著延缓马尼拉结缕草的枯黄进程,保绿效果随着滞绿剂剂量的增加而增大;与对照相比,滞绿剂处理显著增加了草坪密度、单茎绿叶数、单茎鲜重和叶绿素含量,降低了枯叶率和叶片电导率;对照区践踏显著降低了草坪高度、密度和单茎绿叶数,加速了草坪的枯黄进程;1000和200 g/hm2滞绿剂处理可以逆转践踏的负面作用,草坪密度、单茎绿叶数和叶绿素含量显著高于非践踏处理,而枯叶率和叶片电导率则显著低于非践踏处理,表明高、中剂量的滞绿剂处理增加了结缕草的耐践踏能力。

关键词: 滞绿剂, 践踏, 马尼拉结缕草, 枯黄, 叶绿素

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