›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 793-799.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2012.05.001

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The Vertical Distribution Pattern of Alfalfa’s (Medicago sativa L.) Root Biomass

LI Yang1, SUN Hong-ren2, SHEN Yue2, SHAO Guang-wu2, CAO Ying2, LIU Lin2, WU Ya-na2   

  1. 1. Zhongsheng Environmental Technology Development and Investment Co., Ltd. Yunnan Branch, Kunming, Yunnan Province 650000, China;
    2. Institute of Grassland Science, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100193, China
  • Received:2011-12-09 Revised:2012-07-13 Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-11-01


李扬1, 孙洪仁2, 沈月2, 邵光武2, 曹影2, 刘琳2, 吴雅娜2   

  1. 1. 中晟环保科技开发投资有限公司云南分公司, 云南 昆明 650000;
    2. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100193
  • 通讯作者: 孙洪仁,E-mail:sunhongren@cau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:李扬(1981-),女,内蒙古赤峰人,硕士,E-mail:liyang_ibcas@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to provide the evidences for further research of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), the substantial studies of alfalfa root biomass in China, the United States and Canada were summarized. The vertical distribution pattern of alfalfa root biomass and its dominant factors in different natural regions were discussed. Factors included the depth of soil layer, underground water level, soil properties, fertilization, irrigation, cutting, mixture sowing, cultivar, and growth period. The distribution of alfalfa root biomass in topsoil was increased as the depth of soil layer lessened and the level of underground water increased, or soil conditions became worse. Fertilization, especially phosphate fertilizer increased the distribution in submerged soil. Different irrigation amount, frequency and pattern had the complex effect on vertical distribution of alfalfa root biomass. Less single irrigation amounts and higher irrigation frequency increased the distribution of alfalfa root biomass in topsoil. Higher cutting frequency decreased the distribution in submerged soil. Mixture sowing with graminous plants increased the distribution of alfalfa root biomass in topsoil. Alfalfa cultivars have different vertical distribution patterns of root biomass. The soil layer of vertical distribution became deeper as the plants grew. Alfalfa root biomass decreased exponentially with soil depth increasing. Under normal conditions, the distribution ratios of alfalfa root biomass in the 0~30 cm depth were about 60% to 90%, and in the 0~60 cm depth were about 65% to 95%.

Key words: Medicago sativa L., Root, Root Biomass, Vertical distribution, Vertical distribution pattern

摘要: 本文综述了紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)根系生物量垂直分布的影响因子和若干自然区域内紫花苜蓿根系生物量的垂直分布及其规律。紫花苜蓿根系生物量垂直分布的影响因子包括土层厚度、地下水位、土壤特性、施肥、灌溉、刈割、混播、品种和生长年限。土层越薄、地下水位越高、土壤障碍(酸、碱、盐、粘重和紧实)越重,紫花苜蓿根系生物量在土壤浅层的分布比例越高。施(磷)肥会提高紫花苜蓿根系生物量在土壤深层的分布比例。灌溉对紫花苜蓿根系生物量垂直分布的影响,因灌溉定额、灌水定额和灌水频率的不同而异,降低灌溉定额可提高紫花苜蓿根系生物量在土壤深层的分布比例;降低灌水定额和提高灌水频率则提高其在土壤浅层的分布比例。随着刈割频率的增加,紫花苜蓿根系生物量在土壤浅层的分布比例逐渐提高。与禾本科牧草混播,使紫花苜蓿根系生物量在表土层的分布比例提高。不同品种紫花苜蓿根系生物量的垂直分布比例存在差异。随着生长年限增加,紫花苜蓿根系生物量在土壤深层的分布比例提高。一般而言,由浅至深,紫花苜蓿根系生物量逐层递减,而且,随着土层深度增加呈指数函数规律递减。通常情况下,紫花苜蓿根系生物量在0~30 cm土层的分布比例在60%~90%之间,0~60 cm土层为65%~95%。

关键词: 紫花苜蓿, 根系, 根系生物量, 垂直分布, 垂直分布规律

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